diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 53bec476..f929d4df 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -1,390 +1,390 @@
- 4.0.0
- org.folio
- edge-sip2
- 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- Standard Interchange Protocol v2 (SIP2)
- https://github.com/folio-org/edge-sip2
- Support for SIP2 in FOLIO. This allow self service circulation and patron services stations to perform supported operations in FOLIO.
- 2019
- The Open Library Foundation
- https://dev.folio.org
- Apache License 2.0
- https://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0
- repo
- https://github.com/folio-org/edge-sip2.git
- scm:git:git://github.com/folio-org/edge-sip2.git
- scm:git:git@github.com:folio-org/edge-sip2.git
- https://issues.folio.org/projects/SIP2
- Jenkins
- https://jenkins-aws.indexdata.com/job/folio-org/job/edge-sip2
- UTF-8
- 1.8
- 1.8
- org.folio.edge.sip2.MainVerticle
- io.vertx
- vertx-stack-depchain
- 3.7.0
- pom
- import
- org.junit
- junit-bom
- 5.4.2
- pom
- import
- org.apache.logging.log4j
- log4j-bom
- 2.11.2
- pom
- import
- com.fasterxml.jackson
- jackson-bom
- 2.9.8
- pom
- import
- io.vertx
- vertx-core
- io.vertx
- vertx-web-client
- io.vertx
- vertx-web-common
- io.vertx
- vertx-micrometer-metrics
- org.apache.logging.log4j
- log4j-api
- org.apache.logging.log4j
- log4j-core
- runtime
- org.apache.logging.log4j
- log4j-slf4j-impl
- runtime
- org.freemarker
- freemarker
- 2.3.28
- com.google.inject
- guice
- 4.2.2
- javax.inject
- javax.inject
- 1
- io.micrometer
- micrometer-core
- 1.1.5
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-annotations
- com.fasterxml.jackson.core
- jackson-databind
- io.vertx
- vertx-junit5
- test
- org.junit.jupiter
- junit-jupiter-params
- test
- org.junit.jupiter
- junit-jupiter-api
- test
- org.mockito
- mockito-core
- 2.28.2
- test
- org.mockito
- mockito-junit-jupiter
- 2.28.2
- test
- folio-nexus
- FOLIO Release Repository
- https://repository.folio.org/repository/maven-releases/
- false
- default
- folio-nexus
- FOLIO Snapshot Repository
- true
- https://repository.folio.org/repository/maven-snapshots/
- default
- folio-nexus
- FOLIO Maven repository
- https://repository.folio.org/repository/maven-folio
- metrics-prometheus
- false
- io.micrometer
- micrometer-registry-prometheus
- 1.1.5
- runtime
- metrics-influxdb
- false
- io.micrometer
- micrometer-registry-influx
- 1.1.5
- runtime
- maven-compiler-plugin
- 3.8.1
- ${maven.compiler.target}
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-surefire-plugin
- 3.0.0-M3
- maven-resources-plugin
- 3.1.0
- filter-descriptor-inputs
- generate-resources
- copy-resources
- ${project.build.directory}
- ${basedir}/descriptors
- *Descriptor*-template.json
- true
- com.coderplus.maven.plugins
- copy-rename-maven-plugin
- 1.0
- rename-descriptor-outputs
- generate-resources
- rename
- ${project.build.directory}/ModuleDescriptor-template.json
- ${project.build.directory}/ModuleDescriptor.json
- ${project.build.directory}/DeploymentDescriptor-template.json
- ${project.build.directory}/DeploymentDescriptor.json
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-shade-plugin
- 3.2.1
- package
- shade
- io.vertx.core.Launcher
- ${exec.mainClass}
- true
- log4j2.xml
- ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-fat.jar
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-checkstyle-plugin
- 3.0.0
- checkstyle.xml
- false
- warning
- true
- com.puppycrawl.tools
- checkstyle
- 8.18
- check
- maven-dependency-plugin
- analyze
- analyze-only
- true
- true
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-release-plugin
- clean verify
- v@{project.version}
- false
- true
- maven-dependency-plugin
- 3.1.1
- maven-release-plugin
- 2.5.3
+ 4.0.0
+ org.folio
+ edge-sip2
+ 1.2.0
+ Standard Interchange Protocol v2 (SIP2)
+ https://github.com/folio-org/edge-sip2
+ Support for SIP2 in FOLIO. This allow self service circulation and patron services stations to perform supported operations in FOLIO.
+ 2019
+ The Open Library Foundation
+ https://dev.folio.org
+ Apache License 2.0
+ https://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0
+ repo
+ https://github.com/folio-org/edge-sip2.git
+ scm:git:git://github.com/folio-org/edge-sip2.git
+ scm:git:git@github.com:folio-org/edge-sip2.git
+ v1.2.0
+ https://issues.folio.org/projects/SIP2
+ Jenkins
+ https://jenkins-aws.indexdata.com/job/folio-org/job/edge-sip2
+ UTF-8
+ 1.8
+ 1.8
+ org.folio.edge.sip2.MainVerticle
+ io.vertx
+ vertx-stack-depchain
+ 3.7.0
+ pom
+ import
+ org.junit
+ junit-bom
+ 5.4.2
+ pom
+ import
+ org.apache.logging.log4j
+ log4j-bom
+ 2.11.2
+ pom
+ import
+ com.fasterxml.jackson
+ jackson-bom
+ 2.9.8
+ pom
+ import
+ io.vertx
+ vertx-core
+ io.vertx
+ vertx-web-client
+ io.vertx
+ vertx-web-common
+ io.vertx
+ vertx-micrometer-metrics
+ org.apache.logging.log4j
+ log4j-api
+ org.apache.logging.log4j
+ log4j-core
+ runtime
+ org.apache.logging.log4j
+ log4j-slf4j-impl
+ runtime
+ org.freemarker
+ freemarker
+ 2.3.28
+ com.google.inject
+ guice
+ 4.2.2
+ javax.inject
+ javax.inject
+ 1
+ io.micrometer
+ micrometer-core
+ 1.1.5
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-annotations
+ com.fasterxml.jackson.core
+ jackson-databind
+ io.vertx
+ vertx-junit5
+ test
+ org.junit.jupiter
+ junit-jupiter-params
+ test
+ org.junit.jupiter
+ junit-jupiter-api
+ test
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-core
+ 2.28.2
+ test
+ org.mockito
+ mockito-junit-jupiter
+ 2.28.2
+ test
+ folio-nexus
+ FOLIO Release Repository
+ https://repository.folio.org/repository/maven-releases/
+ false
+ default
+ folio-nexus
+ FOLIO Snapshot Repository
+ true
+ https://repository.folio.org/repository/maven-snapshots/
+ default
+ folio-nexus
+ FOLIO Maven repository
+ https://repository.folio.org/repository/maven-folio
+ metrics-prometheus
+ false
+ io.micrometer
+ micrometer-registry-prometheus
+ 1.1.5
+ runtime
+ metrics-influxdb
+ false
+ io.micrometer
+ micrometer-registry-influx
+ 1.1.5
+ runtime
+ maven-compiler-plugin
+ 3.8.1
+ ${maven.compiler.target}
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-surefire-plugin
+ 3.0.0-M3
+ maven-resources-plugin
+ 3.1.0
+ filter-descriptor-inputs
+ generate-resources
+ copy-resources
+ ${project.build.directory}
+ ${basedir}/descriptors
+ *Descriptor*-template.json
+ true
+ com.coderplus.maven.plugins
+ copy-rename-maven-plugin
+ 1.0
+ rename-descriptor-outputs
+ generate-resources
+ rename
+ ${project.build.directory}/ModuleDescriptor-template.json
+ ${project.build.directory}/ModuleDescriptor.json
+ ${project.build.directory}/DeploymentDescriptor-template.json
+ ${project.build.directory}/DeploymentDescriptor.json
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-shade-plugin
+ 3.2.1
+ package
+ shade
+ io.vertx.core.Launcher
+ ${exec.mainClass}
+ true
+ log4j2.xml
+ ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-fat.jar
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-checkstyle-plugin
+ 3.0.0
+ checkstyle.xml
+ false
+ warning
+ true
+ com.puppycrawl.tools
+ checkstyle
+ 8.18
+ check
+ maven-dependency-plugin
+ analyze
+ analyze-only
+ true
+ true
+ org.apache.maven.plugins
+ maven-release-plugin
+ clean verify
+ v@{project.version}
+ false
+ true
+ maven-dependency-plugin
+ 3.1.1
+ maven-release-plugin
+ 2.5.3