Releases: folio-org/mod-invoice-storage
4.1.0 - Released
The primary focus of this release was to migrate to JDK 11 with new RMB, update fund distribution schema
- MODINVOSTO-80 - mod-invoice-storage: Update RMB
- MODINVOSTO-76 - Migrate mod-invoice-storage to JDK 11
- MODINVOSTO-71 - Update fundDistribution schema
This is a bugfix release and contains fixes for full text index creation.
Also module was migrated on RMB 30.1.0
Bug Fixes
- MODINVOSTO-72 - Add invoice_line.description fullTextIndex
- MODINVOSTO-69 - Migration script populate "fundDistribution.code" into old voucher lines
The focus of this release was implementing cascade deletion and create view for search and filtering
- MODINVOSTO-67 - Final verification migration scripts before release Q2 2020
- MODINVOSTO-66 - mod-invoice-storage: Update to RMB v30.0.1
- MODINVOSTO-58 - Invoicing schema changes
- MODINVOSTO-57 - Implementing cascade deletion for batch-voucher and batch-voucher-exports APIs
Fix data migration script for batch groups
MODINVOSTO-61 - Data migration script fails due to FK constraint
The focus of this release was to introduce Batch Voucher Exports CRUD APIs
- MODINVOSTO-54 - Create batch-voucher-exports CRUD API
- MODINVOSTO-53 - Create batch-voucher API
- MODINVOSTO-52 - Create batch-voucher-export configuration credentials API
- MODINVOSTO-51 - Create batch-voucher-configurations CRUD API
- MODINVOSTO-50 - Create batch-group CRUD API
- MODINVOSTO-48 - Batch voucher export schema changes
Bugfix release to fix issues with migration script
- MODINVOSTO-55 - Unique Index not being dropped
The focus of this release was to improve invoices and vouchers processing
- MODINVOSTO-45 - Update RMB to 29.0.1
- MODINVOSTO-44 - Use JVM features to manage container memory
- MODINVOSTO-41 - Allow fund distributions to be specified as amount or percentage (breaking changes)
- MODINVOSTO-40 - Remove unique index on voucherNumber
The primary focus of this release was to allow cross table index queries and provide the APIs for managing invoice attachments.
- MODINVOICE-77 - Invoice and invoiceLine schema updates (breaking changes)
- MODINVOSTO-35 - Cleanup acquisition-units-assignments APIs/views/etc. (breaking changes)
- MODINVOSTO-34 - Implement API for invoice attachments (links/documents)
- MODINVOSTO-31 - Voucher/voucher line cross table index queries
- MODINVOSTO-28 - Invoice/invoice line cross table index queries
Bug Fixes
- MODINVOSTO-38 - MOD-INVOICE-STORAGE fails after several runs of API tests
The primary focus of this release was to provide initial version of the API for managing invoices, invoice lines, voucher, voucher lines and acquisitions unit assignments.
- MODINVOSTO-26 - Implement basic CRUD for /invoice-storage/acquisitions-unit-assignments
- MODINVOSTO-24 - Invoice schema: add billTo and exportToAccounting properties
- MODINVOSTO-22 - Remove invoice.acquisitionsUnit
- MODINVOSTO-19 - Remove associated invoice-lines when removing an invoice
- MODINVOSTO-18 - Add foreign key constraints on voucherLine.voucherId
- MODINVOSTO-16 - Align invoice and order sample data
- MODINVOSTO-14 - Implement GET /voucher-storage/voucher-number/start
- MODINVOSTO-13 - Implement POST /voucher-storage/voucher-number/start/
- MODINVOSTO-12 - Implement GET /voucher-storage/voucher-number
- MODINVOSTO-11 - Implement basic CRUD for voucher-lines
- MODINVOSTO-9 - Voucher/voucherLine schemas and example data
- MODINVOSTO-8 - Implement basic CRUD for vouchers
- MODINVOSTO-7 - Implement the invoice-line-number API
- MODINVOSTO-6 - Implement invoice-number API
- MODINVOSTO-4 - Implement Basic CRUD APIs for invoice-lines
- MODINVOSTO-3 - Implement Basic CRUD APIs for invoices
- MODINVOSTO-2 - Define APIs
- MODINVOSTO-1 - Project Setup
Bug Fixes
- MODINVOSTO-25 - Improve order-invoice sample data