I'm editing my Neovim config and still get "Config Change Detected. Reloading..." despite setting Any ideas? P.S. Not related but:
Much appreciated. |
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Try this: -- Setup lazy.nvim
root = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy", -- dir for installed plugins
defaults = {
-- 'true' to have lazy-load all plugins. Only do this if you know what
-- you are doing, as it can lead to unexpected behavior.
lazy = false,
-- version = nil, -- always use the latest git commit (default)
-- version = "*", -- try installing the latest stable version for plugins
-- that support semver
version = "*",
-- default `cond` you can use to globally disable a lot of plugins
-- when running inside vscode for example
cond = nil, ---@type boolean|fun(self:LazyPlugin):boolean|nil
-- leave nil when passing the spec as the first argument to setup()
spec = "gc.plugins", ---@type LazySpec
local_spec = true, -- load project specific .lazy.lua spec files. They will be added at the end of the spec
lockfile = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lazy-lock.json", -- lockfile generated after running update
---@type number? limit the maximum amount of concurrent tasks
concurrency = nil,
git = {
-- defaults for the `Lazy log` command
log = { "-8" }, -- show the last 8 commits
timeout = 120, -- kill processes that take more than 2 minutes
url_format = "https://github.com/%s.git",
-- lazy.nvim requires git >=2.19.0. For older version, set to false (not
-- recommended)
filter = true,
-- rate of network related git operations (clone, fetch, checkout)
throttle = {
enabled = false,
rate = 2, -- max 2 ops every 5 seconds
duration = 5 * 1000, -- in ms
-- Time in seconds to wait before running fetch again for a plugin.
-- Repeated update/check operations will not run again until this
-- cooldown period has passed.
cooldown = 0,
pkg = {
enabled = true,
cache = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/lazy/pkg-cache.lua",
-- the first package source that is found for a plugin will be used
sources = {
"rockspec", -- will only be used when rocks.enabled is true
rocks = {
enabled = false,
root = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy-rocks",
server = "https://nvim-neorocks.github.io/rocks-binaries/",
-- use hererocks to install luarocks?
-- set to `nil` to use hererocks when luarocks is not found
-- set to `true` to always use hererocks
-- set to `false` to always use luarocks
hererocks = nil,
dev = {
-- Directory where you store your local plugin projects. If a function is used,
-- the plugin directory (e.g. `~/projects/plugin-name`) must be returned.
---@type string | fun(plugin: LazyPlugin): string
path = "~/dev/neovim-projects",
---@type string[] plugins that match these patterns will use your local versions instead of being fetched from GitHub
patterns = {}, -- For example {"folke"}
fallback = false, -- Fallback to git when local plugin doesn't exist
install = {
-- install missing plugins on startup. This doesn't increase startup time.
missing = true,
-- try to load one of these colorschemes when starting an installation during startup
colorscheme = { "habamax" },
ui = {
-- a number <1 is a percentage., >1 is a fixed size
size = { width = 0.8, height = 0.8 },
wrap = true, -- wrap the lines in the ui
-- The border to use for the UI window. Accepts same border values as |nvim_open_win()|.
border = "none",
-- The backdrop opacity. 0 is fully opaque, 100 is fully transparent.
backdrop = 60,
title = nil, ---@type string only works when border is not "none"
title_pos = "center", ---@type "center" | "left" | "right"
-- Show pills on top of the Lazy window
pills = true, ---@type boolean
icons = {
cmd = " ",
config = "",
event = " ",
favorite = " ",
ft = " ",
init = " ",
import = " ",
keys = " ",
lazy = " ",
loaded = "●",
not_loaded = "○",
plugin = " ",
runtime = " ",
require = " ",
source = " ",
start = " ",
task = "✔ ",
list = {
-- leave 'nil' to automatically select a browser depending on your OS.
-- If you want to use a specific browser, you can define it here
browser = nil, ---@type string?
throttle = 1000 / 30, -- how frequently should the ui process render events
custom_keys = {
-- define custom key maps here. If present, the description will be
-- shown in the help menu. To disable one of the defaults, set it to
-- false.
["<localleader>l"] = {
require("lazy.util").float_term({ "lazygit", "log" }, {
cwd = plugin.dir,
desc = "Open lazygit log",
["<localleader>i"] = {
Util.notify(vim.inspect(plugin), {
title = "Inspect " .. plugin.name,
lang = "lua",
desc = "Inspect Plugin",
["<localleader>t"] = {
require("lazy.util").float_term(nil, {
cwd = plugin.dir,
desc = "Open terminal in plugin dir",
-- Output options for headless mode
headless = {
-- show the output from process commands like git
process = true,
-- show log messages
log = true,
-- show task start/end
task = true,
-- use ansi colors
colors = true,
diff = {
-- diff command <d> can be one of:
-- * browser: opens the github compare view. Note that this is always mapped to <K> as well,
-- so you can have a different command for diff <d>
-- * git: will run git diff and open a buffer with filetype git
-- * terminal_git: will open a pseudo terminal with git diff
-- * diffview.nvim: will open Diffview to show the diff
cmd = "git",
checker = {
-- automatically check for plugin updates
enabled = false,
concurrency = nil, ---@type number? set to 1 to check for updates very slowly
notify = true, -- get a notification when new updates are found
frequency = 3600, -- check for updates every hour
check_pinned = false, -- check for pinned packages that can't be updated
change_detection = {
-- automatically check for config file changes and reload the ui
enabled = false, -- default: true
notify = true, -- get a notification when changes are found
performance = {
cache = {
enabled = true,
reset_packpath = true, -- reset the package path to improve startup time
rtp = {
reset = true, -- reset the runtime path to $VIMRUNTIME and your config directory
---@type string[]
paths = {}, -- add any custom paths here that you want to includes in the rtp
---@type string[] list any plugins you want to disable here
disabled_plugins = {
-- "gzip",
-- "matchit",
-- "matchparen",
-- "tarPlugin",
-- "tohtml",
-- "zipPlugin",
-- lazy can generate helptags from the headings in markdown readme files,
-- so :help works even for plugins that don't have vim docs.
-- when the readme opens with :help it will be correctly displayed as markdown
readme = {
enabled = true,
root = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/lazy/readme",
files = { "README.md", "lua/**/README.md" },
-- only generate markdown helptags for plugins that don't have docs
skip_if_doc_exists = true,
state = vim.fn.stdpath("state") .. "/lazy/state.json", -- state info for checker and other things
-- Enable profiling of lazy.nvim. This will add some overhead,
-- so only enable this when you are debugging lazy.nvim
profiling = {
-- Enables extra stats on the debug tab related to the loader cache.
-- Additionally gathers stats about all package.loaders
loader = false,
-- Track each new require in the Lazy profiling tab
require = false,
}) For your questions:
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