Some image processing/computer vision theory, basics and tutorials:
- light, color, perception and color space theory
- Visual Perception
- The Influence of Culture on Visual Perception (CHAPTER 14), Segall, Campbell, Herskovit 1966
- Frequently Asked Questions about Color
- Frequently Asked Questions about Gamma
- a beginners guide to bitmaps by Paul Burke
- digital image filtering (with emphasis on
) - image processing basics
- fundamentals of image processing
- fundamentals of image processing
- image filtering basics for machine vision
- image segmentation techniques
- canny edge detection
- Vector Filtering for Color Imaging
- image processing in C (online book)
- Ballard and Brown's Computer Vision (online book)
- Szeliski, computer vision: algorithms and applications (online book draft)
- Procedural Noise, Perlin Noise, Simplex Noise
- simplex noise demystified tutorial
- (Blind) Source Separation, Independent Component Analysis
- General-purpose GPU Scientific Computing
Advanced references:
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, Goldberg 1991
- Sight, Symbol and Society: Toward a History of Visual Perception, Wartofsky 1981
- Cultural Effects on Visual Perception, Masuda 2009
- Culture and Visual Perception: Does Perceptual Inference Depend on Culture?, Ishii, Tsukasaki, Kitayama 2009
- Seeing Black: Race, Crime, and Visual Processing, Eberhardt, Goff, Purdie, Davies 2004
- The effect of culture on perception and cognition: a conceptual framework, Kastanakis, Voyer 2013
- Colour Space Conversions, Ford, Roberts 1998
- New simple and efficient color space transformations for lossless image compression, Starosolski 2014
- A Survey of Gaussian Convolution Algorithms, Pascal Getreuer 2013
- Color Image Segmentation: Advances & Prospects, Chend, Jiang, Sun, Wang 2001
- A Class of Photometric Invariants: Separating Material from Shape and Illumination, Narasimhan, Ramesh, Nayar 2003
- Color Subspaces as Photometric Invariants, Zickler, Mallick, Kriegman, Belhumeu 2006
- A Perception-based Color Space for Illumination-invariant Image Processing, Chong, Gortler, Zickler 2008
- The decolorize algorithm for contrast enhancing, color to grayscale conversion, Grundland, Dodgson 2005
- Color2Gray: Salience-Preserving Color Removal, Gooch, Olsen, Tumblin, Gooch 2005
- Color to Gray and Back: Color Embedding Into Textured Gray Images, de Queiroz, Braun 2006
- Color-to-Grayscale: Does the Method Matter in Image Recognition?, Kanan, Cottrell 2012
- An Image Synthesizer, Perlin 1985
- Improving Noise, Perlin 2001
- Optimizations in perlin noise-generated procedural terrain, Marinescu 2012
- A Computational Approach to Edge Detection, Canny 1986
- Using Canny's Criteria to Derive a Recursively Implemented Optimal Edge Detector, Deriche 1987
- An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision, Bruce Lucas, Takeo Kanade 1981
- Detection and Tracking of Point Features, Carlo Tomasi, Takeo Kanade 1991
- Morphological Filters-Part I: Their Set-Theoretic Analysis and Relations to Linear Shift-Invariant Filters, Maragos, Schafer 1987
- Morphological Filters-Part II: Their Relations to Median, Order-Statistic, and Stack Filters, Maragos, Schafer 1987
- Morphological Grayscale Reconstruction: Definition, Efficient Algorithm and Applications in Image Analysis, Vincent 1992
- Morphological Grayscale Reconstruction in Image Analysis: Applications and Efficient Algorithms, Vincent 1993
- A fast two-dimensional median filtering algorithm, Huang, Yang, Tang 1979
- Fast Algorithms for Running Ordering and Max/Min Calculation, Pitas 1989
- Computing 2-D Min, Median, and Max Filters, Werman 1993
- A very fast algorithm for max/min filtering, Coltuc, Brulea, Buzuloiu 1996
- Fast Computation of a Class of Running Filters, Coltuc, Pitas 1998
- Very efficient implementation of max/min filters, Coltuc, Bolon 1999
- Median Filtering in Constant Time, Perreault, Hebert 2007
- Attribute Openings, Thinnings, and Granulometries, Breen, Jones, 1996
- Morphological Image Processing, Girod 2013 slides
- Fast Morphological Attribute Operations using Tarjan's Union-Find Algorithm, Wilkinson, Roerdink 2000
- An Efficient Algorithm for Attribute Openings and Closings, Darbon, Akgül 2005
- A fast thresholded linear convolution representation of morphological operations, Kisacanin, Schonfeld 1994
- A Fast Algorithm for computing Morphological Image Processing Primitives, Hagyard, Razaz, Atkin 1997
- Efficient convolution based algorithms for erosion and dilation, Razaz, Hagyard 1999
- Fast implementations of morphological operations using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Kosheleva, Cabrera, Gibson, Koshelev 1999
- Filtering by repeated Integration, Heckbert 1986
- Fast Almost-Gaussian Filtering using integral filters, Kovesi 2010
- Gray-level transformations for interactive image enhancement, Gonzales, Fittes 1977
- Adaptive Histogram Equalization and Its Variations, Pizer et al, 1986
- Multiple Histogram Matching, Shapira, Avidan, Hel-Or 2013
- Integral Histogram: A Fast Way to Extract Histograms in Cartesian Spaces, Porikli 2005
- Accelerating Integral Histograms Using an Adaptive Approach, Müller, Lenz, Barner, Knoll 2008
- Line Histogram: A Fast Method for Rotated Rectangular Area Histogramming, Hou, Hannuna, Xie, Mirmehdi 2015
- Bilateral Filtering for Gray and Color Images, Tomasi, Manduchi 1998
- Constant Time O(1) Bilateral Filtering, Porikli 2008
- Real-Time O(1) Bilateral Filtering, Yang, Tan, Ahuja 2009
- Fast Gauss Bilateral Filtering, Yoshizawa, Belyaev, Yokota 2010
- Fast O(1) bilateral filtering using trigonometric range kernels, Chaudhury, Sage, Unser 2011
- Addendum to “Fast O(1) bilateral filtering using trigonometric range kernels”, Chaudhury, Sage, Unser 2011
- Fast and Accurate Bilateral Filtering using Gauss-Polynomial Decomposition, Chaudhury 2015
- Constant-time filtering using shiftable kernels, Chaudhury
- Fast and Provably Accurate Bilateral Filtering, Chaudhury, Dabhade 2016
- Guided Image Filtering, He, Sun, Tang 2010
- Sparse Fast Fourier Transform
- Toonify: Cartoon Photo Effect Application, Dade
- Converting Color Real Image to Cartoon Image Using Non-Parametric Mean-Shift Technique, Abdulmunen 2012
- Comparing images using joint histograms, Pass, Zabih 1999
- Use of the Hough Transformation to Detect Lines and Curves in Pictures, Duda, Hart 1972
- The Adaptive Hough Transform, J. Illingworth, J. Kittler, 1987
- A new efficient ellipse detection method, Y. Xie and Q. Ji, 2002
- Generalizing the Hough Transform to Detect Arbitrary Shapes, Ballard 1981
- Object Recognition with Color Cooccurrence Histograms, Chang, Krumm 1999
- Template matching using fast normalized cross correlation, Briechle, Hanebeck 2001
- Object Detection Using Feature-based Template Matching, Bianco, Buzzelli, Schettini 2013
- Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features, Viola, Jones 2001
- Robust Real-Time Object Detection, Viola, Jones 2001
- An Extended Set of Haar-like Features for Rapid Object Detection, Lienhart, Maydt 2002
- Robust Real-Time Face Detection, Viola, Jones 2004
- A new approach to represent Rotated Haar-like Features for Objects Detection, Mohamed Oualla, Abdelalim Sadiq, Samir Mbarki 2015
- YEF: Real-Time Object Detection, Abramson, Steux, Ghorayeb 2005
- High-Performance Rotation Invariant Multiview Face Detection, Huang, Ai, Li, Lao 2007
- Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients, Jisung Yoo, Sung Soo Hwang, Seong Dae Kim, Myung Seok Ki, Jihun Cha, 2014
- Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions, Matas, Chum, Urban, Pajdla 2002
- Linear Time Maximally Stable Extremal Regions, Nistér, Stewénius 2008
- Automatic and Accurate Lip Tracking, Eveno, Caplier, Coulon 2004
- PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing, Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Adam Finkelstein, Dan B Goldman 2009
- Symmetric Smoothing Filters from Global Consistency Constraints, Mohammadul Haque†, Gautam Pai, Venu Madhav Govindu 2014
- Visual Tracking with Histograms and Articulating Blocks, Nejhum, Ho, Yang 2008
- GPU Computation Strategies & Tricks
- GPU Processing Methods for Machine Vision, Riley
- Dense Matrix Algebra on the GPU, Moravánszky 2003
- Singular Value Decomposition on GPU using CUDA, Lahabar, Narayanan 2009
- Efficient Independent Component Analysis on a GPU, Ramalho, Tomas, Sousa 2010
- A Parallel Implementation of K-Means Clustering on GPUs, Farivar, Rebolledo, Chan, Campbell 2008
- Speeding up K-Means Algorithm by GPUs, Li, Zhao, Chu, Liu 2011
- Efficient computational noise in GLSL, McEwan, Sheets, Gustavson, Richardson 2012
- Fast Summed-Area Table Generation and its Applications, Hensley, Scheuermann, Coombe, Singh, Lastra 2005
- Efficient Integral Image Computation on the GPU, Bilgic, Horn, Masaki 2010
- Efficient GPU Implementation of the Integral Histogram, Poostchi, Palaniappan, Bunyak, Becchi, Seetharaman 2012
- Improved Integral Histogram Algorithm for Big Sized Images in CUDA Environment, Won Lee, Choe 2014
- Fast Filter Spreading and its Applications, Kosloff, Hensley 2009
- Low-Cost, High-Speed Computer Vision Using NVIDIA’s CUDA Architecture, Park, Ponce, Huang, Cao, Que 2008
- Image Processing on the GPU: Implementing the Canny Edge Detection Algorithm, Roodt, Visser, Clarke 2007
- Efficient Canny Edge Detection using a GPU, Ogawa, Ito, Nakano 2010
- A Graphics Hardware Implementation of the Generalized Hough Transform for fast Object Recognition, Scale, and 3D Pose Detection, Robert Strzodka, Ivo Ihrke, Marcus Magnor 2003
- High Performance Median Filtering Algorithm Based on NVIDIA GPU Computing, Battiato 2016
- Fine-tuned high-speed implementation of a GPU-based median filter, Perrot 2013
- Efficient Histogram Generation Using Scattering on GPUs, Scheuermann, Hensley 2007
- Photoshop Healing Brush: a Tool for Seamless Cloning, Georgiev 2004
- Poisson Image Editing, Perez, Gangnet, Blake 2003
- Poisson Image Editing Extended (poster 0216), Leventhal, Gordon, Sibley 2006
- Covariant Derivatives and Vision, Georgiev 2006
- Simultaneous Matting and Compositing, Wang, Cohen 2007
- Blind Signal Separation: Statistical Principles, Cardoso 1998
- Equivariant adaptive source separation, Cardoso, Laheld 1996
- Natural Gradient works efficiently in Learning, Amari 1998
- Adaptive On-Line Learning algorithms for Blind Separation, Yang, Amari 1997
- Method for Image Source Separation by Means of Independent Component Analysis: ICA, Maximum Entory Method: MEM, and Wavelet Based Method: WBM
- K-means Recovers ICA Filters when Independent Components are Sparse, Vinnikov, Shalev-Shwartz 2014
- Blind signal separation and identification of mixtures of images, Carmo, Teixeira de Assis, Estrela, Coelho 2009
- Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression, Classification, Regression and Related Optimization Problems, Rose 1998
- Improved clustering using deterministic annealing with a gradient descent technique, Qiu, Varley, Terrell 1992
- Pairwise Data Clustering by Deterministic Annealing, Hofmann, Buhmann 1996
- Use of watersheds in Contour Detection, Beucher, Lantuejoul 1979
- Generalizing Swendsen-Wang for Image Analysis, Barbu, Zhu 2007
- Some links between min-cuts, optimal spanning forests and watersheds, Allène, Audibert, Couprie, Cousty, Keriven 2007
- The watershed concept and its use in segmentation : a brief history, Meyer 2012
- Power Watershed: A Unifying Graph-Based Optimization Framework, Couprie, Grady, Najman, Talbot 2010
- SLIC Superpixels, Achanta, Shaji, Smith, Lucchi, Fua, Süsstrunk 2010
- SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Methods, Achanta, Shaji, Smith, Lucchi, Fua, Süsstrunk 2012
- SEEDS: Superpixels Extracted via Energy-Driven Sampling, Van den Bergh, Boix, Roig, Van Gool 2013
- Fast Superpixel Segmentation Using Morphological Processing Benesova, Kottman 2014
- Intrinsic Scene Properties from a Single RGB-D Image, Barron, Malik 2013
- Learning Ordinal Relationships for Mid-Level Vision, Zoran, Isola, Krishnan, Freeman 2015
- Geometric Methods in Perceptual Image Processing, Hamilton Yu-Ik Chong PhD Thesis 2008