- With Google's retirement of Google Analytics in favour of GA4 this package is no longer useful at it built on top of Magento's core Google Analytics implementation
- Support for Php 8.2
- Minimum Magento version is now 2.3.0 - for earlier versions please use previous releases
- Support for Php 8.0/8.1
- Compatibility with Magento 2.4.0
- Support for Php 7.4
- Ability to switch tracked url to be based on requested uri
- Normalised url was not used
- Fixed potential XSS due to wrong escape method used
- Reorganised unit tests
- Package name renamed to fooman/googleanalyticsplus-implementation-m2, installation should be via metapackage fooman/googleanalyticsplus-m2
- Increased version number by 100 to differentiate from metapackage
- Add currency code on order tracking data
- Support for Magento 2.3
- Rewrite to support Magento 2.2.0, most of the added logic is now in src/view/frontend/web/js/google-analytics.js
- Support for PHP 7.1
- Specify compatible php versions
- Update functional tests to work with 2.1.x
- Initial release for Magento 2