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Conference Work Packages

Simon Worthington edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 6 revisions

Here you will find a list of website reviews for FORCE11 Conference.

  • Work package 1: Conference #wp1 - Dec 21

Website Review 1: Conference #conf-rev1

Public project

Start date: 17 Dec 21

Assigned to: Osman Aldirdiri. AND conference committee members of BoD, plus?

Web committee contact: Simon Worthington [email protected]

Conference: UX Personas TBC

Conference: Web project plan TBC

Contact details:

How the website review works

The reviews are small work packages that are coordinated mainly using GitHub issues and Slack. The coordinator will work with the Web Committee.

  1. Review coordinator appointed
  2. A limited number of goals are set
  3. Deadline date set
  4. Task assigned and resolved


  1. Check site Conference content: About FORCE11 annual conference section; Landing pages for past conferences; point of contact for conference.
  2. Conference hero for: homepage and About FORCE11 annual conference section
  3. This should be an advert for conference videos on YouTube, with a page on the site listing them, before jumping off
  4. Present an end of conference reporting page for FORCE2021
  5. Page with: report link/embed, video links, schedule of talks and speakers made as a table and pasted into site (we can make responsive tables), plus list of links to reviews and reports. This can all be on a long page that can be updated and start with the minimum.

Deadline date


