⚡ Minimalistic CLI to manage your Lambdalabs Cloud instances ⚡
This is a personal project that helped me automate the provisioning and deprovisioning of Lambdalabs Cloud instances while I was playing with Ray on-prem clusters. I thought it might be useful for others and decided to share it for anyone to use it. This CLI is leveraging the Lambdalabs API, but it is by no means endorsed by or associated with the Lambdalabs company.
Configure your Lambdalabs API key using
pip install lamblbs
lamblbs instance types
lamblbs instance show-all
lamblbs instance launch \
--name ray-head-node \
--type gpu_1x_a10 \
--region us-west-1 \
--ssh_key lambdalabs-ssh-ray \
--qty 1
NOTE: This assumes you've created the lambdalabs-ssh-ray
before hand.
lamblbs instance check-status --status active
There are other supported commands as well which can be displayed using:
lamblbs --help