This changelog is used to track all major changes to django-tenants.
- Make "test login" add tenant to request #340
- Use field.attname instead of in
- Django 3 support
- Removed psycopg2 as a requirement #317
- Changed docker image to python 3.7 image
- Do not pip install --quiet while testing
- Added database support to validate schemas #312
- allow to disable new coloring of tenant app in admin #272
- Fixed an issue where tenant-specific application static files (stylesheets, Javascript, images etc.), that have not been collected yet using
, were not being found usingTenantStaticFilesStorage
. Fixes #265. - Fix a crash (ProgrammingError) when attempting to create a schema named like a SQL keyword (select, where, ...)
Allow to create a tenant named with only numbers (123). #302 #307
- Fixed an issue in to allow different color of tenant apps in the admin area. Should now work with PyPi.
- Fixed an issue in to allow different color of tenant apps in the admin area. Take 2. [#262]
- Fixed an issue with the different color of tenant apps in the admin area. [#261]
- TenantFileSystemStorage now works [#249]
- support django>=2.2 [#238]
- TenantAdminMixin is available in order to register the tenant model. [#223]
- Admin site: highlight with a different color the tenant apps. [#227]
- Admin site: disable the tenant apps when in the public schema. [#227]
- Custom auth backend compatibility for TenantClient. [#228]
- Switch to psycopg2 dependency rather than psycopg2-binary [#239]
- Added TENANT_CREATION_FAKES_MIGRATIONS configuration parameter that can be used to copy schemas from an existing "template" schema instead of running migrations.
- schema_context now operates as a decorator too. Fixes: #199.
- Update template loaders and static file storage for Django > 2.0. Fixes: #197.
- Added pre_drop to TenantMixin that can be used to backup the tenant schema before dropping.
- Allow using non-default databases for schemas using the new TENANT_DB_ALIAS config parameter.
- Add TENANT_BASE_SCHEMA configuration parameter for creating tenant schema from a pre-specified "default" base tenant schema.
- Add support for tenant models that are not serializable.
- Various updates to documentation.
- Update tests for Django 2 and Python 3.
- Fix to reference new psycopg2-binary dependency. Fixes #174.
- Add support for creating tenants that share field names with domains. Fixes: #167.
- Use get_tenant instead of get_domain in DefaultTenantMiddleware to lookup tenant. Fixes: #154.
- Fix TENANT_LIMIT_SET_CALLS implementation to not rely on the cursor pointer changes. See: #157.