- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed sometimes not synchronising
- Added Update button in Create
- Enhancements:
- Removed 10 property limit
- Bug Fixes:
- Recent posts show all user's posts in single user mode
- Fixed sometimes not synchronising
- Enhancements:
- Added Enhanced Multi-user capabilities
- Enabled switchable multi-user or shared user settings
- autocreate byLine for future posts as well
- Bug Fixes:
- Corrected error in migration code
- Fix 'you aren't allowed hereXX' due to new page link style
- fixed auth failure on connect tab
- fixed auth-level permission error on connect menu/tab
- remove false-positive alerts
- fixed 'next' on owner
- Fixed tab links for new menu structure
- removed cause of alerts when rapid clicking in Safari
- Fixed Dates/times now work in Timezones
- Always stored as GMT, always localised in browser
- Enhancements:
- Each WP user now has their own settings
- Refactored form submission
- Added ability to schedule a post at a specified time
- Bug Fixes:
- Some forms complained they could not contact the server
- Removed slashes from meta keys explicitly
- Stopped causing blank posts from being created
- Fixed various bugs in time of posting
- Bug Fixes:
- Upgraded Pixabay API to match remote changes
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed conflict with WordFence
- Enhancements:
- Added eternal scrolling to recent posts
- Added release notes within the Soup
- Enhancements:
- Less than 100 words in a post warn and make pending in soup
- Validate for Re-used Title
- Validate for no Image
- Improved Featured Image handling (inserting new media)
- Added Local Preview
- Added Autosave
- Added Lat & Long to post
- Added tags for magazines
- Added Synchronising one at a time
- Made Social service check report correctly
- Added "View in Soup" to each post
- Enabled multiple categories
- Added syndicated status to posts (View in Soup only if synced)
- Change the Create title text to 'Edit' when appropriate
- Allow editing published posts
- Change the Create title text to show if published
- Added margin below magazine tags
- Bug Fixes:
- Bug Fixes:
- Removed "You have no properties" error on plugin update
- Bug Fixes:
- Removed attempt to force synchronization
- Bug Fixes:
- Removed synchronisation for stability
- Improved Password setting
- Bug Fixes:
- Connect password issues fixed
- Improved automatic tags
- Automatically set Geo of all posts to first properties location
- Only posts with a featured image get syndicated
- Historic posts automatically syndicated
- Improved connect->service checks
Bug Fixes:
- Manually created posts now syndicate properly
- Vacation Soup posts saved as draft for review now syndicate
- Stopped suplicate posts appearing in the soup
- Stopped featured image being dropped when editing a post
- Fixed bug in enabling re-synch buttton after completion
- Fixed bug in synchronising old posts without images
- Bug Fixes:
- Corrected instructions
- Enhancements:
- Removed Google Maps dependency
- Added Latitude & Longitude to Destinations and Posts
- Coloured required fields when being redirected for user input
Bug fixes:
- Removed duplicate destinations from Create screen caused by multiple properties at destination
- Fixed UI fault when topics used up
- Added Southern latitudes to Geography
- Added Category selector to new posts
- Added multiple category select on create
- Prefill password field effect
Bug fixes:
- Fixed fault that incorrectly handled quotes in house names (etc), as in Life O'Reilly
- Fixed fault with Destinations not handling non-latin characters (as in São Paulo)
- Fixed validation error when adding a second property
- Corrected registration link on connect page
- Fixed error in adding 3rd image as featured
- Bug fixes:
- Tags syndicating to Soup Kitchen correctly
- Scheduled posting error fixed for exact dates
- Improved links between kitchen and waiter
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed featured images from non-pixabay sources
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed posting fault labelled get_extra_permastruct
- Fixed Syndication
- Fixed erroneous path/url assumptions
- Fixed erroneous saving of posts
- Bug fixes:
- Type coercion errors fixed
- Bug fixes:
- Improved Sanitisation, issues identified by WordPress team
- Improved namespace polution, identified by WordPress team
- Enhancements:
- Wordpress Directory additions
- Enhancements:
- Added hyperlink to registration in connect
- Added Done button to most tabs, to improve flow
- Force validation when clicking done
- Added required* on necessary fields
Bug fixes
- Corrected auto-navigation of tabs on setup
- Not displaying owners name on owners tab correctly
- Re-added password field on connect screen
- Enhancements:
- Removed Social Connectors
- Added alternate destination names
Bug fixes:
- Fixed several errors related to handling a new (or empty) Kitchen
- Made connect responsive
- Syndicating Featured Image
- Enhancements:
- Removed Dashboard Tab
- Reduced Card Title font-weight to normal (not bold, or 600)
- Fixed occasional error alert on create, caused by ajax and page refresh clashing
- Enhancements:
- Improved Service Check UI, and made it asynchronous
- Added destination selection to Create Post
- Added refresh button to Trending Searches to see more
- Retain same topic list when changing destination on Create screen
- Cleaned up Create layout & made responsive
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed critical faults causing Waiter\property class not found, and PHP errors
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug causing errant behaviour when clicking motd
- Fixed visible input fields in social-container when not editing
- Fixed some intermittent errors in new account creation
- Fixed portrait images being available from Pixabay
- Made Create Post featured Image responsive
- Added auto-installer for Timber
- Added installation instructions
- Added simple service checks to connect tab
- Enabled replacing the featured image by clicking on it
- Moved Kitchen endpoint to core.vacationsoup.com
- Implemented message of the day (MOTD) served from core
- Implemented Trending Topics served from core
- Refactor out old context code
- Persist Post Topics and exclude from trending
- Added VacationSoup as an autoTag example
Test release - not for consumption
Initial release for UI testing
Bug fixes:
- Lots and lots
- Too many to mention