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WMT16 Shared Task on Multimodal Machine Translation

Task 1 - Multimodal Machine Translation

Multi30k Dataset

A copy of the original text files are available under data/. These files are downloaded from WMT16 Multimodal Task webpage.

Normalization and Tokenization

Make sure that the following scripts from the mosesdecoder project are in your $PATH:

  • lowercase.perl
  • tokenizer.perl
  • normalize-punctuation.perl
  • clean-corpus-n-ratio.perl

Run scripts/ ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1 to:

  • Normalize punctuations
  • Tokenize
  • Filter out sentences with length < 2 and > 50 (only for training corpus)
  • Lowercase

train, val and test files from data/ and save them under ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1. Note that the output folder is in accordance with the configuration file wmt16-task1-monomodal.conf so if you use another output folder, change the configuration file as well.

BPE Processing

Run scripts/ ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1 to learn a joint BPE model on both sides with 20k merge operations and apply it to train, val and test files. The new BPE processed files will have a .bpe in their names.

This script will also create nmtpy vocabulary files under the same output folder:

  • 8530 tokens
  • 12763 tokens

Train a Monomodal NMT

Run nmt-train -c wmt16-task1-monomodal.conf to train a monomodal NMT on this corpus. This small-sized monomodal NMT obtains state-of-the-art METEOR score on this corpus. When the training is over, you can translate the test set using the following command:

nmt-translate -m ~/nmtpy/models/wmt16-mmt-task1-monomodal/<your model file> \
              -S ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/ \

This will produce a tokenized hypothesis file cleaned from BPE segmentations. Let's score this using nmt-coco-metrics:

nmt-coco-metrics -p -l de ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/
Language: de
The number of references is 1
Bleu_1: 0.67390 Bleu_2: 0.54240 Bleu_3: 0.44846 Bleu_4: 0.37333 CIDEr: 3.55837 METEOR: 0.57024 METEOR(norm): 0.57058 ROUGE_L: 0.67121

Train a Multimodal NMT

Image Features

You need to download ResNet-50 convolutional feature files, uncompress them and save under ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1.

Creating PKL Files

We need to store the sentence pairs and their relevant image IDs in pickled .pkl files so that WMTIterator can read them:

scripts/ -i data/split_train.txt \
                      -l ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/train.lines \
                      -s ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/ \
                      -t ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/ \
                      -o ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/train.pkl

scripts/ -i data/split_val.txt \
                      -s ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/ \
                      -t ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/ \
                      -o ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/val.pkl

scripts/ -i data/split_test.txt \
                      -s ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/ \
                      -t ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/ \
                      -o ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/test.pkl

Now that the files are ready, run nmt-train -c wmt16-task1-multimodal.conf to train a fusion_concat_dep_ind architecture. When the training is over, you can translate and score the test set using the following commands:

nmt-translate -m ~/nmtpy/models/wmt16-mmt-task1-multimodal/<your model file> \
              -S ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/test.pkl \
                 ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/flickr30k_ResNets50_blck4_test.fp16.npy \

nmt-coco-metrics -p -l de ~/nmtpy/data/wmt16-task1/
Language: de
The number of references is 1
Bleu_1: 0.64130 Bleu_2: 0.50794 Bleu_3: 0.41599 Bleu_4: 0.34445 CIDEr: 3.27149 METEOR: 0.53988 METEOR(norm): 0.53972 ROUGE_L: 0.64793