#English (Angla) => Slovenščina (slovena)
English (Angla) | Slovenščina (slovena) |
Enrique Ellemberg | Peter Grbec |
kio_ang.htm | Kio_si.htm |
kiel_ang.htm | Kiel_si.htm |
en | sl |
a boy | 'deček (neki, katerikoli) ' |
flowers | 'cvetovi (neki, katerikoli)' |
bread | 'kruh (neki, katerikoli) ' |
fathers | 'očetje (neki, katerikoli) ' |
Your sons are our friends. | Vaši sinovi so naši prijatelji. |
Warm milk is good. | Toplo mleko je dobro. |
The boys are big. | Dečki so veliki. |
The bread is dry. | Kruh je suh. |
A flower is beautiful. | ' Cvet je lep.' |
The father is good. | Oče je dober. |
4. The new teachers will be good. | Novi učitelji bodo dobri. |
Words | undefined |
'Auditive understanding, exercise 1' | Vaja za slušno razumevanje 1 |
The Esperanto Alphabet | Abeceda |
'Click on the letters to hear the name and the sound of each one, repeating the pronunciation aloud.' | undefined |
'You will hear a word. Listen carefully, then click the button for the word you think you heard. If your answer is correct, the button will disappear from the panel; otherwise, you will hear the word again during the exercise. You must get at least 70% correct.' | 'V naslednji nalogi boste vadili slušno razumevanje. Slišali boste besedo, vaša naloga bo, da kliknete na okvirček, ki predstavlja zapis besede, ki ste jo ravnokar slišali. Če bo odgovor pravilen, bo okvirček izginil. Pri napačnem dogovoru bo pravilni odgovor začel utripati, beseda pa bo ponovljena v nadaljevanju vaje. Ugotoviti morate vsaj 70% besed.' |
Syllables | undefined |
'Syllables are formed by ONE vowel ( A E I O U ) and one or more consonants, or by a single vowel. If a vowel appears next to another, they belong to different syllables.' | undefined |
'In Esperanto words are written exactly the way they are pronounced, and they are pronounced exactly as they are written. The stressed syllable is always the one before the last. Click the buttons to hear the pronunciation, and repeat it aloud.' | 'V esperantu velja pravilo: piši kot govoriš. Vsaka črka ima svoj glas. Naglas je vedno na predzadnjem zlogu besede, če pa ima beseda samo en zlog je ta naglašen. Npr. te-le-FO-no, ra-DI-o, a-MI-ko, ES-tas. KAJ. Kliknite na okvirčke, da boste slišali izgovorjavo besed. Nato besede na glas ponovite.' |
Personal Pronouns | Osebni zaimki |
I | Jaz |
you (singular) | Ti |
he | On |
she | Ona |
it | 'Ono (on,ona). Zamenjuje besede, ki označujejo stvari, živali, pojave (žoga, pes).' |
we | Mi |
you (plural) | Vi |
they | 'Oni (one, ona) ' |
'One, they, people (Indefinite personal pronoun, meaning 'people, some people, somebody unknown', used when you don't want to or cannot say who was involved.' | 'Oni - Nedoločni zaimek, prevajamo ga z našim SE, uporabljamo ga, ko subjekt ni znan. Oni parolas = Govori se. Oni sidas = Sedi se.' |
(self) Third person reflexive pronoun (both singular and plural). Refers back to the SUBJECT of the sentence. 'Si' cannot be the subject or a part of the subject. | 'Si - Povratno osebni zaimek SI (najpogosteje v akuzativu SIN) pomeni SE, toda samo v primerih, ko glagol kaže, da se dejanje vrača k subjektu. Primer: Li lavas SIN = On se umiva. Ŝi rigardas SIN = Ona se gleda.' |
Plural | Množina (dvojina v esperantu ne obstaja) |
Singular | Ednina |
Special | Posebne oblike |
Verbs | Glagoli |
'Every infinitive ends in -i: esti (to be). Every past tense verb ends in -is: mi estis = I was. Every present tense verb ends in -as: mi estas = I am. Every future tense verb ends in -os: mi estos = I will be. Other verb tenses will be introduced in later lessons.' | 'Glagol ima v nedoločniku končnico - i; esti, v pretekliku končico -is; estis; v sedanjiku končnico -as. V prihodnjiku ima končnico -os. Končnica je nespremenjena za vse oblike ednine in množine. Ostale glagolske oblike bomo spoznali v naslednjih poglavjih.' |
Nouns | Samostalniki |
Adjectives | Pridevniki |
Every noun ends with the letter 'o': | Se vedno končajo na črko 'o': |
friend | prijatelj |
brother | brat |
coffee | kava |
Every adjective ends with the letter 'a': | Se končajo na črko 'a': |
beautiful | 'lep, lepa, lepo' |
healthy | 'zdrav, zdrava, zdravo' |
'warm, hot' | 'topel, topla, toplo' |
I am | Jaz sem |
He was | On je bil |
She is | Ona je |
It will be | 'Ono (on,ona) bo' |
We are | Mi smo |
You were | 'Ti si bil, vi ste bili' |
They are | 'Oni (one, ona) so' |
'They, someone will be (indefinite)' | Se bo |
Vocabulary | Besede |
friend | prijatelj |
son | sin |
brother | brat |
man | mož |
boy | deček |
flower | 'cvetlica, roža' |
father | oče |
teacher | učitelj |
coffee | kava |
cake | 'kolač, pecivo' |
milk | mleko |
bread | kruh |
sugar | sladkor |
tea | čaj |
'biscuit, cracker' | biskvit |
beautiful | 'lep, lepa, lepo' |
'big, great' | 'velik, velika, veliko' |
new | 'nov, nova, novo' |
good | 'dober, dobra, dobro' |
dry | 'suh, suha, suho' |
white | 'bel, bela, belo' |
'warm, hot' | 'topel, topla, toplo' |
healthy | 'zdrav, zdrava, zdravo' |
Plural | 'Množina (dvojine v Esperantu ni, zato jo bomo za zdaj pri prevajanju zanemarili)' |
The plural is formed by adding the letter 'j' to the end of nouns and adjectives: | 'Množino tvorimo z dodajanjem črke -J na koncu samostalnikov in pridevnikov. Množina = več kot eden.' |
'The indefinite article doesn't exist in Esperanto. There is only the definite article 'la', equivalent to English 'the'.' | 'Nedoločni člen v esperantu ne obstaja. Obstaja samo določni člen 'la', ki se ne spreminja glede na spol, sklon in število. S členom 'la' določamo, da so predmet, oseba ali pojav, o katerem govorimo znani in določeni ali že prej omenjeni. Člen 'la' ni težak. Z nekaj vaje boste dobili pravi čut, kdaj ga smete uporabljati in kdaj ne.' |
Article | Člen |
friend | prijatelj |
father | oče |
flower | cvetlica |
beautiful | 'lep, lepa, lepo' |
healthy | 'zdrav, zdrava, zdravo' |
beautiful flower | lepa cvetlica |
healthy father | zdrav oče |
good friend | dober prijatelj |
friends | prijatelji |
fathers | očetje |
flowers | cvetlice |
beautiful | 'lepi, lepe, lepa' |
healthy | 'zdravi, zdrave, zdrava' |
beautiful flowers | lepe cvetlice |
healthy fathers | zdravi očetje |
good friends | dobri prijatelji |
the boy | 'deček (ta, že omenjeni,točno določeni) ' |
the flowers | 'cvetlice(te,že omenjene,točno določene)' |
the bread | 'kruh (ta, že omenjeni,točno določeni)' |
the fathers | 'očetje (ta, že omenjeni,točno določeni)' |
Possessive Pronouns | Svojilni zaimki |
Possessive adjectives and pronouns are formed by adding the adjective ending 'a' to the personal pronouns: | 'Svojilne zaimki delamo tako, da osebnim zaimkom dodamo končnico ('a').' |
Possessive adjectives also receive the ending 'j' when they modify a plural noun. | Tudi svojilni zaimki dobijo množini črko 'j' na koncu besede: |
Note: | Opomba: |
Sentences | Stavki |
'my, mine' | 'moj (moja, moje)' |
'your, yours' | 'tvoj (tvoja, tvoje), vaš (vaša, vaše)' |
'her, hers' | 'njen (a,o)' |
'their, theirs' | 'njihov (a,o)' |
his | 'njegov (a,o)' |
its | 'njegov (a,o) (samo za stvari, živali, pojave)' |
'our, ours' | 'naš (a,e)' |
my friend | Moj prijatelj |
my friends | Moji prijatelji |
our flower | naš cvet |
our flowers | naši cvetovi |
'You are going to hear a word and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the panel; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' | undefined |
'Auditive understanding, exercise 2' | undefined |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Translate to Esperanto | Prevedi v Esperanto |
' 1. The tea is warm.' | ' Čaj je topel.' |
' 2. The teacher is a father.' | ' Učitelj je oče.' |
' 3. Your father is good.' | Vaš oče je bil dober. |
' 4. The new teachers will be big.' | undefined |
' 5. My brother will be a teacher.' | Moj brat bo učitelj. |
' 6. Your sons will be friends.' | Tvoji sinovi bodo prijatelji. |
' 7. The cakes were good.' | Kolači so bili dobri. |
' 8. The bread is dry.' | Kruh je suh. |
' 9. The new boy was my friend.' | Novi deček je bil moj prijatelj. |
10. The boys will be great friends. | Dečki bodo dobri prijatelji. |
3. The teacher met the new friends. | Učiteljica je srečala nove prijatelje. |
I wash the new cup. | Jaz umivam novo skodelico. |
I wash the new cups. | Jaz umivam nove skodelice. |
I won't wash the new cup. | Jaz ne bom umival nove skodelice. |
'In the first lesson we saw that in Esperanto adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) with the nouns they describe; when a noun refers to one thing, its adjectives stay singular and when the noun refers to more than one, its adjectives are made plural.' | 'V prvi lekciji smo se naučili, da se pridevniki ujemajo v številu s samostalnikom, na katerega se nanašajo. To pomeni, da kadar je samostalnik v ednini, tudi pridevnik ostane v ednini. Kadar pa je samostalnik v množini, tudi pridevnik dobi množinsko obliko. ' |
'Most nouns do not indicate gender, but a small number referring to people do. For such words, the '-o' ending refers to males and '-ino' refers to females.' | 'Samo samostalniki, ki označujejo spol, imajo za moški spol končnico 'o' ter za ženski spol končnico 'ino'.' |
woman | žena |
(female) friend | prijateljica |
daughter | hčerka |
mother | mama |
The big women | velike žene |
The beautiful (female) friend | lepa prijateljica |
Suffix -ino | Sufiks ali zapona -ino |
man | mož |
friend | prijatelj |
son | sin |
father | oče |
The good mother | dobra mama |
'Another very useful ending allows us to identify the direct object of a sentence. It is the accusative ending 'n', placed at the end of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. (Note: The direct object is what the verb acts upon. It receives the action of the verb. E.g., in 'I see you', 'you' is the direct object).' | 'V esperantu sta samo dva sklona: nominativ (imenovalnik, 1. sklon) in akuzativ (tožilnik, 4. sklon). Akuzativ tvorimo s končnico '-N' in odgovarja na vprašanje KOGA ali KAJ? Akuzativ in množino imajo samo samostalniki in pridevniki, ki morajo biti vedno v istem sklonu.' |
I add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
I add sugar to the warm coffees. | undefined |
Note that the accusative 'n' is always at the end of the word (after the plural 'j'). The direct object may go anywhere in the sentence without changing its meaning. The following three sentences have the same meaning: | 'V množini je končnica za množino -j vedno pred končnico za akuzativ -n. Uporaba akuzativa (-n) omogoča veliko svobodo pri vrstnem redu besed, brez da bi se kakorkoli spremenil pomen. Spodnji trije stavki imajo tako enak pomen:' |
The different word order may be used for emphasis. We will see this in a later lesson. | 'S spreminjanjem vrstnega reda besed ostaja smisel stavka enak, veliko lažje pa izrazimo majhne odtenke v pomenu. Več o tem malo kasneje.' |
The accusative is not used after the verb 'esti'. 'Esti' is a so-called linking verb which implies that the subject and the object are equivalent. | 'Za glagolom 'esti' (biti) nikoli ne uporabljamo akuzativa, saj glagol 'esti' sam po sebi izraža, da mora biti osebek v istem sklonu kot predikat (torej v nominativu). Npr. Jaz sem učitelj (KDO ali KAJ?)' |
Note: | Pazite: |
Note: | Pazite: |
Accusative (-n) | Tožilnik ali akuzativ ( -n) |
The Prefix 'mal' allows us to create words with the opposite meaning of the original word. | Predpona 'mal' daje besedi nasproten pomen. |
friend | prijatelj |
beautiful | 'lep (a, o)' |
new | 'nov (a, o)' |
'To make a negative sentence it is enough to put the word 'ne' (no, not) before the verb.' | Za zanikanje stavka samo postavimo besedico 'ne' pred glagol. V esperantu ni dvojnega zanikanja. |
I will not add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
He is not my brother. | On ni moj brat. |
She isn't my mother. | Ona ni moja mama. |
The cakes weren't hot. | Kolači niso bili topli. |
Negation | Zanikanje |
Prefix 'mal' | Predpona 'mal' |
enemy | sovražnik |
ugly | 'grd (a, o)' |
old | 'star (a, o)' |
young | 'mlad (a, o)' |
old | 'star (a, o)' |
'miserly, avaricious' | 'škrt (a, o)' |
generous | 'darežljiv (a, o)' |
water | voda |
to love | ljubiti |
love | ljubezen |
bird | ptič |
store | 'butik, trgovina' |
'to do, to make' | 'narediti, storiti' |
to forget | pozabiti |
to have | imeti |
insect | insekt |
'to catch, capture' | ujeti |
to wash | 'umiti, oprati' |
lemonade | limonada |
paper | papir |
to request | prositi |
'feather, pen' | pero |
'to carry, to wear' | nesti |
'clean, pure' | 'čist (a,o)' |
'to meet, encounter' | srečati |
to write | pisati |
to add sugar | sladkati |
cup | skodelica |
to drink | piti |
to find | najti |
to sell | prodati |
to see | videti |
Vocabulary | Slovar |
Auditive understanding exercise | undefined |
'You are going to hear a word or a sentence and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the screen; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' | undefined |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Click on the words that should receive the accusative ending (-n). The sentences are written in subject-verb-object sequence. Click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% corre t. | 'V tej nalogi morate klikniti na besede, ki so v akuzativu in potrebujejo končnico -n. Besedni red v stavkih je osebek - povedek - predmet. Kliknite na spodnji gumb ko boste menili, da je stavek pravilen. Poskušaj rešiti nalogo vsaj 70 %.' |
Exercise - Using the accusative | Vaja - Uporaba akuzativa |
Exercises | undefined |
1. A healthy boy drinks warm milk. | Zdrav deček pije toplo mleko. |
2. The old store doesn't sell dry cakes. | Stara trgovina ne prodaja starih kolačev. |
3. The big teacher met the new friends. | undefined |
4. The new friends will make a good cake. | Novi prijatelji bodo naredili dober kolač. |
5. The girl didn't find the sisters. | Deklica ni našla sester. |
'6. The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.' | 'Majhna sestra je bolna, brat je zdrav.' |
7. The father will not wash the small cups. | Oče ne bo umil majhnih skodelic. |
8. The beautiful bird caught a small insect. | Lepa ptica je ujela majhno žuželko. |
9. The boy is my old friend. | Deček je bil moj stari prijatelj. |
10. The boys were great friends. | Dečki so bili veliki prijatelji. |
Translate to Esperanto | Prevedi v esperanto |
Fill the available spaces with the missing letters to complete the translation. Remember to add the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n' when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click the side button below when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Dopolnite prazne prostore s končnico za množino in za akuzativ, če sta potrebni. Pomagajte si s slovenskim prevodom. Ko sem vam zdi, da je stavek pravilno zapisan pritisnite spodnjo tipko ali pa tipko Enter. Poskušajte doseči vsaj 70% pravilnih rešitev.' |
'Now let's listen to the Esperanto song 'Jen', by the Argentinean group 'La Porkoj', awarded the arts competition of the Universal Esperanto Association. The group was formed by Alejandro Cossavella (Vocals), Pablo Ciancio (Drums), Ignacio Mendizabal (Guitar) and Salvador Agustoni (Bass Guitar). Press the button to play the song.' | 'Sedaj poslušajte pesem v esperantu, ki jo izvaja argentinska skupina 'La Porkoj'. Naslov pesmi je 'Jen' (Glej). Pesem je bila nagrajena na mednarodnih natečajih, ki jih izvaja Uea (Universala Esperanto-Asocio). Skupino sestavljajo: Alejandro Cossavella (vokal), Pablo Ciancio (bobni), Ignacio Mendizabal (kitare) in Salvador Agustoni (baskitara). Za predvajanje pesmi pritisnite zeleni gumb.' |
Music in Esperanto | Glasba v esperantu |
12. The old woman lives healthily. | Stara žena zdravo živi. |
'In the first lesson we saw that in Esperanto the adjectives singular and plural agree with the noun. The adjective, same as the noun, takes the 'j' ending when it is plural.' | undefined |
'Just the nouns needing a specific gender may show it, ending in 'o' if male, and 'ino' if female.' | undefined |
woman | undefined |
(female) friend | undefined |
daughter | undefined |
mother | undefined |
The big women | undefined |
He has good health. | On ima dobro zdravje. |
Suffix -ino | undefined |
Exercises - Numerals | Vaja - Glavni števniki |
Type the numeral corresponding to the given text in the available space. Press 'Enter' or click on the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Vtipkajte v prazen prostor številko, ki ustreza besedilu. Za potrditev odgovora pritisnite tipko Enter ali kliknite gumb na desni. Poskušajte doseči vsaj 70% pravilnih odgovorov.' |
Note | Opomba |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
ten | deset |
'There is another ending very useful, that allow us to identify the direct object on a sentence. It is the accusative, represented by the letter 'n' ending nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. The 'n' ending identifies the direct object.' | undefined |
I add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
I add sugar to the warm coffees. | undefined |
'Note that the plural is added before the accusative. The accusative 'n' is always at the end of the word. The direct object could be at the sentence beginning, middle or end, without changing its meaning. The following three sentences have the same meaning:' | undefined |
The different word order maybe used for emphasis. We will see this in a later lesson. | undefined |
'The accusative is not used after the verb 'esti', because the verb 'esti' already implies that the subject and the direct object are equivalent.' | undefined |
Adjectives created from numerals | 'Vrstilni števniki (pridevniki, ki so izpeljani iz glavnih števnikov)' |
Adverbs created from numerals | 'Prislovni števniki (prislovi, ki so izpeljani iz glavnih števnikov)' |
Accusative (-n) | undefined |
The Prefix 'mal' allows us to create words with the opposite meaning of the original word. | undefined |
friend | undefined |
beautiful | undefined |
new | undefined |
To make a negative sentence it is enough to put the word 'ne' before the verb. | undefined |
I will not add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
He isn't my brother. | undefined |
She isn't my mother. | undefined |
The cakes weren't warm. | undefined |
Negation | undefined |
Prefix 'mal' | undefined |
He lives healthily. | On zdravo živi. |
Adverbs | Prislovi |
Numerals | Glavni števniki |
Vocabulary | Slovar |
Translate to Esperanto: | Prevedi v esperanto: |
one | ena |
nineteen | devetnajst |
water | undefined |
to love | undefined |
love | undefined |
bird | undefined |
store | undefined |
'to do, to make' | undefined |
to forget | undefined |
to have | undefined |
insect | undefined |
'to catch, capture' | undefined |
to wash | undefined |
lemonade | undefined |
paper | undefined |
to request | undefined |
'feather, pen' | undefined |
'to carry, to wear' | undefined |
'clean, pure' | undefined |
'to meet, encounter' | undefined |
to write | undefined |
to add sugar | undefined |
cup | undefined |
to drink | undefined |
to find | undefined |
to sell | undefined |
to see | undefined |
Vocabu ary | undefined |
Auditive understanding exercise | undefined |
'You are going to hear a word or a sentence and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the panel; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' | undefined |
three | tri |
He is healthy. | On zdravi. |
He is healthy. | On je zdrav. |
Exercises | undefined |
Fill the available spaces with the missing letters to complete the translation. Remember to add the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n' when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
A healthy boy drinks warm milk. | undefined |
The old store doesn't sell dry cakes. | undefined |
The big teacher met the new friends. | undefined |
The new friends will make a good cake. | undefined |
The girl didn't find the sisters. | undefined |
'The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.' | undefined |
The father will not wash the small cups. | undefined |
The beautiful bird caught a small insect. | undefined |
The boy was my old friend. | undefined |
The boys were great friends. | undefined |
Translate to Esperanto | undefined |
'The word order subject - verb - object is not compulsory, but it is the most used, and recommended to the beginner. After getting used to that order, it can be changed, always making sure that the sentence meaning doesn't change.' | undefined |
Common word order | undefined |
'Adverbs are similar to adjectives, but instead of modifying nouns, they modify verbs (or sometimes adjectives or even other adverbs). They don't change for plural. Generally they indicate manner (how), cause (why), time (when), location (where) or quantity (how much).' | 'Ločevati moramo med pridevniki in prislovi. Pridevniki natančneje označujejo samostalnike: bela amikino = lepa prijateljica. Prislovi natančneje označujejo glagole: bone paroli = lepo govoriti, bele sidi = lepo sedeti. Prislovi ne dobijo množinske oblike 'j'. Prislovi v glavnem določajo način, čas, kraj in vzrok.' |
'All the adverbs derived from other words end in 'e'. The basic idea expressed by the word root can be used in several ways, simply by changing the ending.' | 'Prislovi imajo končnico –E (to se vedno zgodi, če so prislovi izpeljani iz druge besede). Npr. BEL-E = lepo, BON-E = dobro. Koren besede lahko v esperantu zelo preprosto uporabimo in mu spremenimo pomen s preprostim dodajanjem različnih končnic: ' |
health | zdravje |
healthy | 'zdrav (a, o)' |
to be healthy | zdraviti |
healthily | zdravo |
The adverb usually goes before the related word. | 'Prislov je običajno vedno pred glagolom, na katerega se nanaša.' |
'The ordinal numbers are formed by adding the adjective ending 'a' to the numerals. Because they have the ending 'a', they can receive the plural '-j' and the accusative '-n'.' | 'Vrstilne števnike dobimo z dodajanjem končnice 'a' števnikom. Ker imajo vrstilni števniki končnico 'a', lahko dobijo končnico za množino (-j) kot tudi končnico za akuzativ (-n).' |
third | 'tretji (a, e)' |
tenth | 'deseti (a, o)' |
nineteenth | 'devetnajsti (a, o)' |
The first boys are coming. | Prvi dečki prihajajo. |
He caught the third insect. | On je ujel tretjo žuželko. |
Adverbs can be formed by adding the ending 'e' to the numerals: | Prislove dobimo z dodajanjem končnice 'e' števnikom. |
first(ly) | prvo |
secondly | drugo |
He will first drink water. | On bo prvo pil vodo. |
two | dva |
hour | ura |
year | leto |
morning | jutro |
minute | minuta |
night | noč |
week | teden |
day | dan |
to be thirsty (so - i - fi) | biti žejen |
evening | večer |
to wait | čakati |
'to ask (a question), to inquire' | vprašati |
to smoke | kaditi |
to run | teči |
'to ask (for something), to beg' | prositi |
'to stroll, to go for a walk' | sprehoditi se |
'to reply, to answer' | odgovoriti |
to live | živeti |
1. He loves her. | On ljubi njo. |
2. He loves her sister. | On ljubi njeno sestro. |
3. She loves him. | On ljubi njega. |
4. The first man loves the second woman. | Prvi mož ljubi drugo ženo. |
5. The second woman hates the first man. | Druga žena sovraži prvega moža. |
6. The boys first asked for three cakes. | Dečki so prvo prosili tri kolače. |
7. Secondly they asked for lemonade. | 'Drugo, oni so prosili limonado.' |
8. The store badly (in a bad way) makes the small bread. | Trgovina slabo naredi majhen kruh. |
9. My brother walks during the mornings (walks 'morning-ly'). | Moj brat se zjutraj sprehaja. |
10. Your friend warmly replied. | Tvoj prijatelj je toplo odgovoril. |
11. The teacher writes well. | Učiteljica dobro piše. |
12. The white girl runs badly. | undefined |
Hello! | Zdravo! |
Good day! | Dober dan! |
Good morning! | Dobro jutro! |
Good evening! | Dober večer! |
Good night! | Dobro (lahko) noč! |
How are you? How do you do? (literally: How are you faring?) | Kako ti gre? (Kako vam gre?) |
'Well, thanks. And you?' | 'Dobro, hvala. In ti? (In vam?)' |
Well enough. | Dovolj dobro. |
Not very well. | Ne zelo dobro. |
Greetings | Pozdravi |
yesterday | včeraj |
today | danes |
'Good appetite!, Enjoy your meal!' | Dober tek! |
To your health! | Na tvoje zdravje! (Na vaše zdravje!) |
'The same to you, thank you!' | 'Enako tudi tebi, hvala! (Enako tudi vam, hvala!)' |
See you soon! | Nasvidenje! |
Good bye! | Adijo! |
tomorrow | jutri |
'Let's see how to make the affirmation, the question, and the answer in Esperanto:' | undefined |
Affirmation: | Trdilni stavek: |
The bread is dry. | Kruh je suh. |
Question: | Vprašalni stavek: |
Is the bread dry? | Ali je kruh suh? |
Answer: | Odgovor: |
'Yes, the bread is dry.' | 'Ja, kruh je suh.' |
or: | ali: |
'No, the bread is not dry.' | 'Ne, kruh ni suh.' |
Questions are formed by adding the word 'cxu' before the corresponding affirmative sentence. The word order doesn't change. This is true for all questions that can be answered by 'yes' or 'no'. | 'Vsak trdilni stavek preprosto spremenimo v vprašalni stavek. Potrebno je samo na začetek stavka dodati vprašalnico 'Ĉu'. Bodite pazljivi, saj se v esperantu besedni red ne spremeni. Potrebno je samo postaviti vprašalnico 'Ĉu' na začetek stavka. To velja za vsa vprašanja, na katera odgovorimo z 'Ja' ali 'Ne'.' |
Interrogative sentences | Vprašalni stavki |
to buy | undefined |
'to, towards, for' | undefined |
advertisement | undefined |
bicycle | undefined |
picture postcard | undefined |
picture | undefined |
room | undefined |
chocolate | undefined |
dance | undefined |
'of, by, from' | undefined |
to wish | undefined |
house | undefined |
husband | undefined |
'of, out of, from' | undefined |
'to live, to dwell' | undefined |
geography | undefined |
to taste | undefined |
joy | undefined |
already | undefined |
jealous | undefined |
Vocabulary | Slovar |
child | otrok |
and | in |
'congress, convention' | kongres |
'to collect, gather' | zbirati |
'country, land' | dežela |
to come | priti |
lesson (le - tsi - o - no) | lekcija |
school | šola |
book | knjiga |
mile | milja |
to eat | jesti |
'purse, wallet' | denarnica |
egg | jajce |
neutral | 'nevtralen (a,o)' |
postage stamp | poštna znamka |
sandwich | sendvič |
sport | šport |
shoe | čevelj |
to travel | potovati |
Vocabulary I | Slovar I |
'newspaper, journal' | časopis |
Exercises | Vaje |
Click and move the elements to the correct position to change the affirmative or negative sentence into a question. Press 'Enter' or click the button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Spremenite trdilne ali nikalne stavke v vprašalne stavke. To pa naredite tako, da elemente stavka povlečete na pravilno mesto. Ko se vam bo zdelo, da je vprašalni stavek pravilno zapisan, pritisnite spodnji okvirček za potrditev. Poskušajte doseči vsaj 70% pravilnih odgovorov.' |
'Please read the following text, written by an Esperanto student, and try to understand it using the vocabulary.' | 'Preberite spodnji tekst, ki ga je napisal učenec esperanta. Poskušajte razumeti besedilo. Pomagate si lahko s pomočjo slovarja.' |
to learn | učiti se |
very | zelo |
to interchange | izmenjati |
to begin | začeti |
easy | 'lahek (a,o)' |
'other, another' | 'drugačen (a,o)' |
Reading comprehension | Razumevanje besedila |
Vocabulary | Slovar |
before | pred |
Days of the week | Dnevi v tednu |
Auditive understanding exercise | undefined |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
1. Does your father collect postage stamps? | Ali tvoj oče (vaš oče) zbira poštne znamke? |
2. Did the son forget the milk? | Ali je sin pozabil mleko? |
4. Does a healthy boy drink milk? | Ali zdrav deček pije mleko? |
5. Will the father wash the small cups? | Ali bo oče umil majhne skodelice? |
6. Did the new (female) teacher forget the book? | Ali je nova učiteljica pozabila knjigo? |
7. Do they sell tea and coffee? | Ali oni prodajajo čaj in kavo? |
8. Does the sick daughter write badly? | Ali bolna hčerka slabo piše? |
9. Are they good friends? | Ali so oni dobri prijatelji? |
Translate to Esperanto (without answering the questions): | Prevedite v esperanto (ni potrebno odgovoriti na vprašanja) |
Exercises | Vaje |
'Now answer the questions in Esperanto, using full sentences (not just 'jes' or 'ne')' | Sedaj odgovorite na vprašanja v esperantu. Odgovarjajte v celem stavku (ne samo z 'da' ali 'ne'): |
Months of the year | Meseci v letu |
Dates | Datumi |
To say the dates follow the model (the words 'tago' and 'en la jaro' are usually left out). | 'Za izražanja datumov sledite vzorcu. Besedi 'tago' in 'en la jaro' izpustimo, saj sta samoumevni.' |
January | januar |
February | februar |
March | marec |
April | april |
May | maj |
June | junij |
July | julij |
August | avgust |
September | september |
October | oktober |
November | november |
December | december |
Sunday | nedelja |
Monday | ponedeljek |
Tuesday | torek |
Wednesday | sreda |
Thursday | četrtek |
Friday | petek |
Saturday | sobota |
3. Are the children eating sandwiches? | Ali otroci jedo sendvič? |
10. Does your brother sell books and newspapers? | Ali vaš brat prodaja knjige in časopise? |