- time matches
Set Robot properties, have way to validate
Messages from server:
- X was killed etc
- Your config is invalid etc.
- Player dropped
- player joined
We should allow a "reconfigure" instruction to have the robot change itself. You can have N per game and this would be how we initially let them pick strengths and weaknesses and then they can adapt later based on their enemies.
active scan grows each turn you maintain it?
event on hit and death calling a user function
on death show whole map
- speed
- weapon speed
- weapon radius, damage will always fall off with distance from center
- weapon power
- shots at once (how many in flight at a time)
- scanner radius (scalaing multiplier for passive and active scans)
- armor (subtracts X from all damage)
- health / size (bigger = more health but bigger target)
- Number of open radio channels, starts at 0 perhaps (i.e. having a radio is not guranteed)
- Do we want to track ammo?
- support observer only connections
- add ids to turns
- keep track of who gets a response in, and only send state to those clients
- create the player on ws connect but dont create the robot until we get a config message with it's stats
- balancing and validation of config settings