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File metadata and controls

48 lines (39 loc) · 2.45 KB


This is simple Java based solr sink kafka connector, that takes plain json data from kafka topic and push to solr, both solr cloud and standalone mode supported.

Note: Only JSON data is supported and keep schemas.enable=false for value converter.

Configs Description:

Config Name Description Config Value Is Mandatory?
topics topic to listen to topic name Yes
solr.collection Solr Collection name where topic data needs to be pushed Collection Name Yes
solr.mode Mode on which solr is running, pass solr node url CLOUD or STANDALONE Yes
solr.url If solr.mode is CLOUD, pass comma seperated zookeeper url else pass standalone solr server url url Yes
connector.class Connector class name com.bkatwal.kafkaproject.SolrSinkConnector Yes commit within ms value for solr update, if none passes defaults to 10 ms int value No
Refer/Use configuration: config files

Features Supported:

  1. Json Data
  2. One level of child document update supported. Just pass, additional field, _childDocuments_ with the parent doc.
  3. Deleting a document is supported: To delete pass additional field _delete_ with value true in your record(no need to maintain this field in solr/solr schema file), this field will be removed before indexing data to solr. Based on boolean values(true/false) in _delete_, delete/insert operation is triggered
  4. Dynamic fields update. Pass a Map field in json doc. The field name will be used as prefix, so set dynamic field in managed_schema accordingly. Example:
    "field1": "doc1",
    "field2":"dome val,
  This will be transformed in solr as:
  dynamicField_df1 : val1, dynamicField_df2 : val2, dynamicField_df3 : val3 

You can have any field name for dynamic field, just have this defined in managed_schema. So, for above to work, dynamic field meeds to be defined in managed_schema file as below: <dynamicField name="dynamicField_*" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>

Deploy Steps:

  1. build with: mvn clean package
  2. In target look for directory bkatwal-kafka-connect-solr-sink-< version >. Copy this directory to plugins path.
or download deployable artifact from :