You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 36
First thing let’s upgrade the packages:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y upgrade
Install mysql and dependencies
sudo apt-get mysql server
Install nginx
sudo apt-get -y install nginx
Install supervisor
Supervisor will start the application server and manage it in case of server crash or restart:
sudo apt-get -y install supervisor
Enable and start the Supervisor:
sudo systemctl enable supervisor
sudo systemctl start supervisor
Python Virtualenv
The Django application will be deployed inside a Python Virtualenv,
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip virtualenvwrapper
Create user and database in mysql
create user 'collabaoration' identified by 'password'; create database collaboration;
Create a new user
sudo adduser collaboration
Add the user to the list of sudoers:
sudo adduser community sudo
su - collaboration
Configure the Python3 Virtualenv
mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 tester
Clone the code repository to virtual environment ,the command prompt will show like below
(tester) collaboration@edx:~/tester$
git clone https://github.com/fresearchgroup/Collaboration-System.git
cd project directory
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create the database settings as per project documentation), install django and other modules using the project documentation.
Migrate the database
python3 manage.py migrate
Collect the static files
python3 manage.py collectstatic
Add vm's ip address to allowed hosts in the settings.py of project
Check whether the project is running at ipaddress:8000 of vm
Configure gunicorn
First install Gunicorn inside the virtualenv:
pip3 install gunicorn
Create a file named gunicorn_start inside the bin/ folder:
cd /home/collaboration/tester/
sudo vi bin/gunicorn_start
#! bin/bash
NAME="Collaboration-System" DIR=/home/collaboration/tester/Collaboration-System USER=collaboration GROUP=collaboration WORKERS=3 BIND=unix:/home/collaboration/tester/run/gunicorn.sock DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=CollaborationSystem.settings DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE=CollaborationSystem.wsgi LOG_LEVEL=error
cd $DIR source ../bin/activate
exec ../bin/gunicorn ${DJANGO_WSGI_MODULE}:application
--name $NAME
--workers $WORKERS
Make the gunicorn_start file is executable:
chmod u+x bin/gunicorn_start
Create a directory named run in /home/collaboration/tester for the unix socket file:
mkdir run
- Configure Supervisor
Now what we want to do is configure Supervisor to take care of running the gunicorn server.
First let’s create a folder named logs inside the virtualenv:
mkdir logs in /home/collaboration/tester
Create a file to be used to log the application errors:
touch logs/gunicorn-error.log
Create a new Supervisor configuration file:
Collaboration-System.conf in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
cd /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
vi Collaboration-System.conf
[program:Collaboration-System] command= /home/collaboration/tester/bin/gunicorn_start user=root autostart=true autorestart=true
redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=/home/collaboration/tester/logs/gunicorn-error.log
Reread Supervisor configuration files and make the new program available:
sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl update
Check the status:
sudo supervisorctl status Collaboration-System
it should give like this
Collaboration-System RUNNING pid 5200, uptime 0:00:09
Now you can control your application using Supervisor. If you want to update the source code of your
application with a new version, you can pull the code from GitHub and then restart the process:
sudo supervisorctl restart Collaboration-System
- Configure NGINX
Add a new configuration file named Collaboration System inside /etc/nginx/sites-available/:
sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/Collaboration-System
upstream app_server {
server unix:/home/collaboration/tester/run/gunicorn.sock fail_timeout=0;
server {
listen 8000;
# add here the ip address of your server
# or a domain pointing to that ip (like example.com or www.example.com)
keepalive_timeout 5;
client_max_body_size 4G;
access_log /home/collaboration/tester/logs/nginx-access.log;
error_log /home/collaboration/tester/logs/nginx-error.log;
location /static/ {
alias /home/collaboration/tester/Collaboration-System/static/;
location /media/ {
alias /home/collaboration/tester/Collaboration-System/media;
# checks for static file, if not found proxy to app
location / {
try_files $uri @proxy_to_app;
location @proxy_to_app {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass http://app_server;
Create a symbolic link to the sites-enabled dir:
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/Collaboration-System /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/Collaboration-System
Remove NGINX default website:
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Restart NGINX:
sudo service nginx restart
Now open the browser and check the application is working at
A final test is to reboot the machine and see if everything restarts automatically:
sudo reboot
Steps to be followed to update the application
ssh [email protected] cd Collaboration-System git pull origin master python3 manage.py collectstatic python3 manage.py migrate sudo supervisorctl restart Collaboration-System exit
Collaborative Community