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Distributed Systems Practice

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Distributed Systems Practice

Notes from learning about distributed systems in GW CS 6421 with Prof. Wood

Table of Contents

Area 1 - Docker & Containers

Beginner Courses:

Video: Why Docker? (10 min)

  • Docker is a major infrastructure shift. Comparable to Mainframe --> PC shift in 1990s, Baremteal --> Virtual in 2000s, Datacenter --> Cloud in 2010s, and finally host --> containers currently (aka Docker).
  • Migration is the hard part, however Docker is built with migration in mind.
  • Why Docker?? Docker is all about speed! Develop faster, build faster, test faster, deploy faster, etc.
  • Matrix from hell - Current applications have many different types, with different requirements, running on different machines with different operating systems, with different testing requirements, etc. The "matrix from hell" is the matrix you get when you try to plot service by requirement for a large scale application.
  • Docker basically standardizes all of the above, so that every part of your application (e.g., database server, web server, front end server, etc, can all be run from within docker containers). This means rather than having to spin up a specific type of system (e.g., a Linux server with MySQL version a.b.c running and ports e,f,g open), which is a different process from spining up an Apache webserver, in both cases all you have to do is spin up the right container
  • Docker is freeing up time typically spent on maintenance
  • Apps can be migrated into containers without code changes. Containers is simply about optimizing the packaging and running of apps.

Lab: DevOps Docker Beginners Guide (1 hour)

  • Container is application abstraction, where as virtual machines are hardware abstraction
  • The Docker Registry is the location Docker looks to pull containers. In the default case, it is the Docker Store.
  • The pull command fetches a conainer image from the registry and saves it on your system
  • the docker image command lets you interact with images loaded on the system
  • The docker container run command allows you to run an application within a specific container. Once the application has run, the container shuts down.
  • If you want to keep a container alive in an interactive envornment, add the -it flag to the run command: docker container run -it
  • The docker container ls command will list all running containers. (add a -a flag to see containers run in the past)
  • every container is isolated unless you explicitly tell docker to start a specific container. Note the container id's returned from the docker container ls. If you want to start a specific container, use the docker container start <container_id> command
  • If you want to interact with a running container, you can inject commands via docker container execute <container_id> <command>

Intermediate Courses:

Video: What are Containers? (20 min)

  • Container == Sandbox for a process
  • Typically, one process per container, and lifecycle of container == lifecycle of process
  • Containers images have a hierarchy
  • Dockerfile is basically an environment in a text file. It is a recipe for building a container image. Each line can be considered a alyer in the container image hierarchy
  • Container is packaged with all of it's dependencies. So when you run a container, no software is actually installed on the host operating system
  • Registry contains images
  • Docker host can pull & push images from the Registry (only needs to pull and push diff's between what is on host and what is in the registry)
  • Docker clients manage container lifecycles, container storage, and container networking via API calls to the Docker host

Video: VMs Versus Containers (10 min)

  • VMs
    • VMs and Hypervisors exist between the OS and Physical level
    • OS can be slim because VMs are going to have a very standardized virtual driver interface for things like NICs and storage
    • Hypervisor consequently needs all the drivers to communicate with the actual non-virtualized hardware -Containers
    • OS can be slim again, but this time that's because dependencies can be moved into the container image itself
    • These are more application level dependencies (i.e. OS versions, app level dependencies, etc)

Lab: Docker Intro (45 min)

  • Docker container's are note deleted by default after exiting. they exist in an exited state. to see them you run the command docker container ls --all.
    • Note: A containers hostname is the same as it's container ID
  • To run an interactive bash shell: docker container run --interactive --tty --rm ubuntu bash
    • note the --rm tells docker to delete the container after it exits
    • run 'ps' inside the ubuntu container, and you will see that there are literally only 2 processses running. bash, and your ps command. If you spend a lot of time on linux, it seems very unusual to see literally only 2 processes running. I guess this is the use major argument for containers. I can run a bash shell without all the other OS stuff that typically happens on a full Ubunutu OS
  • A note about Kernels: containers need to share the same kernel as their hosts. in other words, linux containers can not run on a windows docker host, and windows containers cannot run on linux hosts.
  • Command to spin up a MySQL container: docker container run --datach --name mydb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<password> mysql:latest
    • Wow, that was easy. --detach runs it in background.
  • Run docker container logs mydb to see the logs from our mysql container
  • Run docker container top mydb to see what processes are running in our mysql container
  • A little bit about Docker files:
    • These are files that tell docker how to create containers
    • FROM lines specify a base image to use (e.g., the webserver nginx)
    • Example: FROM nginx:latest
    • COPY lines tells docker to move files from the host into somewhere inside the FROM base image
    • Example: COPY index.html /usr/sahre/nginx/html
    • EXPOSE lines tell which ports to open in our container
    • Example: EXPOSE 80 443
    • CMD lines specify commands to be run inside the container once it's started
    • Exampler: CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
  • Now if we have a docker file, we can build the corresponding image with the command docker imabe build --tage <name_of_image> <location of dockerfile>
  • and finally you can run your newly created container with the typical docker container run command specifying the name of the image you just created
  • Now if you are done with your container and don't care about it at all, you can force it to die with docker container rm --force <container_name> (if you care about it, you may want to call 'stop' first before the previous ocmmand)
  • Now - what about if you want to modify an application without maving to stop it, rebuild the image, and then re-deploy it/ Docker provides the 'bind' functionality for just that
    • adding 'bind' to your run commmand will bind a location inside the docker continaer with a location on your local host filesystem. Then, when you update a file in what appears to be your local filesystem, the container file will be updated as well. This allos you to swap out, for example. HTML files in a running container hosting a website.
  • Once you update the running container, you will probably want to persist those changes in the image file To do that, simply rebuild the imaage with the updated files with the standard docker image build command
  • Finally, you can push any container images you create to your own personal Docker Hub with the docker image push <<dockerID>/<containerId> command
    • Note - you will need to login with docker login before you can do this (and need to have a docker account obviously)

Lab: Doing More with Docker Images (30 min)

  • docker container diff <container_id> shows modifications made to a container (e.g., installed sofware on a ubunutu base image)
  • docker container commit <container_id> will create a new container image based on the container_id provided
  • docker image ls to show current docker images (notice newly commited image has no tag
  • docker image tag <IMAGE_ID> <IMAGE_NAME> to tag the image with <IMAGE_NAME>
  • Remember from our previous lab that you can also build images with Dockerfiles (see previous section for info on how to do that)
  • You can also see history of an image with docker image history <image_id>
  • This command will show you the base image, as well as the updates performed to it based on your specific Dockerfile inststructions
  • docker image inspect <image_id> will show you much more detailed information about an image file such as the layers, drivers, archetcture, and other various metadata

Video: VMs vs Containers Deepdive (10 min)

  • Size:
  • VM's have everything except physical hardware inside VM image (kernels, efi, OS, etc)
  • containers may have only application data, or could have entire OS's in them also (like if they built on top of Ubuntu base image)
  • Isolation:
  • VMs are secure because they an attacker has to exploit process -> user space -> kernel -> x86
  • Container are only as secure as the kernerl they are running on. If kernel has bug, then all containers running on that kernel have a bug
  • Boot Time:
  • VM: 3/4 seconds for system (faster system then I have ever started...), 500 ms for userspace procs
  • Container: 500 ms for userspace proc

Lab: Docker Networking (1 hour)

  • docker network ls shows existing container networks
  • docker network inspect <network> shows detailed information about the network selected, such as drivers and connected containers
  • docker info will list available network drivers
  • Bridge Netowkring:
  • All Docker installations come pre-built with a Bridge network
  • bridge drive provides single host network (aka only containers running on the host can talk to eachother)
  • all new containers are connected to the bridge network by default
  • Port mapping:
  • Containers can be started with a port mapping which will map a port from docker host to a container running on that host
  • Example: docker run --name web1 -d -p 8080:80 nginx will start an nginx web server, and map docker host port 8080 to container port 80 (default port where nginx will listen for connections)
  • To create a docker swarm: docker swarm init --advertise-addr $(hostname -i)
  • this will output the command to run on other nodes to join the swarm
  • docker network create -d overlay overnet will create an overlay network on the swarm
  • This network can now be specified when creating services: docker service create --name myservice --network overnet --replicas 2 ubuntu sleep infinity. Notice the specification of the overlay network, as well as 2 replicas to run on our 2 nodes in our swarm
  • docker service rm <service_name> to remove a Docker service
  • docker swarm leave to remove a node from a swarm (optional --force)

Lab: Swarm Mode Introduction (1 hour)

  • Docker Compose is used to control multiple containers on a single system.
  • Swarm Mode tells Docker that you will be running many Docker engines and you want to coordinate operations across all of them. (used more frequently than Compose)
  • We need a manager first for our swarm: docker swarm init --advertise-addr $(hostname -i)
  • This does 2 things. Sets up the manager, and also prints out the command we can use to run on other nodes to join the swarm managed by this manager
  • A stack is a group of services that are deployed together: multiple containerized components of an application that run in separate instances.
  • Each individual service can actually be made up of one or more containers, called tasks and then all the tasks & services together make up a stack.
  • Docker stack files are basically a text file containig markup which describes your ENTIRE app (pretty cool), including what elements will depend on eachother, how many replicas, what services, etc
  • You can deploy a docker stack file with: docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-stack.yml voting_stack
  • docker stack ls lists the installed stacks
  • docker stack services <stack_name> will list the individual services running in the stack
  • you can directly scale docker stacks with docker service scale voting_stack_vote=5

Video: Kubernetes vs. Swarm (5 min)

  • Swarm - orchestration system (manage containers in production)
  • Kubernetes - From google, an orchestration system for Docker/Containers
  • Swarm & Kubernetes are basically in competition. Currently - most live products are using Kubernetes
  • Swarm is simpler than Kubernetes, and built directly into Docker
  • Reccomendation is to learn Kubernetes because it has more features, and is more widely used

Video: Kubernetes in 5 minutes (5 minutes..duh)

  • Kubernetes consists of a Cluster Services node, and worker nodes (Docker hosts)
  • Kublet software runs on worker nodes
  • "Desired State Management" is simply the .yaml file designating what we want to run on our cluster
  • Inside the app.yaml file will designate "pods" which specify what container images a Pod runs, how many replicas, what services, etc
  • This file is provided to the cluster services, and then Kubernetes figures out how to map the desired state to available infrastructure

Break a Monolith Application into Microservices (4 hours)

  • In this project we take a NodeJS monolithic application and deploy it with Docker on AWS
  • Our application has three main components: a Users services, a Threads service, and a Posts service
  • First, we will deploy a single container running all of these services. Then we will redeploy the same app where each service is running in its own independent container
  • We utilize Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry) for managing docker deployments
  • Note: You will need Docker and AWS CLI installed on your workstation in order to do the demo
  • After forking the Github repository, you can use Amazon ECR to add the repository. Amazon ECR is a Docker container registry. By Adding our code to the registry, we can use Docker to create container images



  • We will use CloudFormation and provide it a Docker stack file which is in the Github repiository (See previous notes for what a Docker stack is). Basically this is a markup document which describes a recipe for building a containerized application. This stack file will spin up a cluster of two nodes. docker_push.png docker_push.png
  • We will now use Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) to spin up our docker containers on our EC2 instances of our cluster
  • We have to build and run an EC2 task definition which describes how our application containers get deployed across our cluster docker_push.png
  • Now we must configure our target group so our load balancer knows how to direct traffic to our application. You can utilize the demo VPC configured by default within AWS.
  • Next we must add a listener to our VPC. Add a listener on the desired port and forward to the api target group. This way requests coming into our ELB on the port specified (in our case 80), will get redirected to our target group for the api service docker_push.png
  • Finally, frum the cluster configuration we can create a new service and start up our application. docker_push.png
  • Now, we have our monolith application running, we want to break it into three seperate services. The github project for this demo provides us with an additional 3 docker repositories which comprises each service individually inside it's own NodeJS application
  • In order to use this, we need to basically repeat the previous steps, but this time do everything in pairs of 3's for each of the individual services.
  • first we add a repository in ECR for threads, posts, and users. docker_push.png
  • Nextrun docker build and docker tag, docker push on each of the three services. Now we have a container image for each service in our registry.
  • Now we need to make 3 new task definitions for each service just as we did before for the monlothic application docker_push.png
  • Now we will need to create new target groups for our ELB to point to for each of our new services, just as we did before. docker_push.png
  • Note the additional of the dummy "drop-traffic" target group. This will allow us to disable the old service so traffic no longer routs to that and instead will get directed to our new microservices application
  • Now we need to add some rules to our current listener. We will update it so that traffic matches on /api still goes to our active api service. However, below that rule we will create new rules for traffic matching each of our service endpoints, and redirecting as appropriate. Once we spin up our services we will remove the first rule to enable our microservice implimentation docker_push.png
  • Now we need to go back to our cluster and configure a service for each of our microcservices. This is done just as before, except we will choose our new target groups and create a service for each individual component docker_push.png
  • Now we can go back to the load balancer and remove our first rule which still was directing traffic to the monolithic application
  • And we are done!
  • Make sure to clean up once complete. Remove task groups. Delete clusters, etc.

Area 2 - Big Data and Machine Learning

Beginner Courses:

Video: Hadoop Intro

  • Data is exploding which means that we need distributed systems to handle the ever increasing data size
  • What is Hadoop? Hadoop is a framework that allows for distributed processing of large dataset across clusters of commodity computers using simple programming models
  • Hadoop is economical (commodity hardware), reliable (redunant copies of data across machines), scalable (horizontal and vertical scaling), flexible (you can store whatever data you want)
  • Traditional: Data goes to program, Hadoop: Program goes to data
  • Four stages of big data processing: Ingest, Processing, Analyze, Access
  • Hadoop Ecosystem:
    • Hadoop Distributed Filesytem (Processing): Distributed Storage layer for Hadoop
    • HBase (Processing): Stores data in HDFS, NoSQL database
    • Sqoop (Ingest): Tool designed to migrate data between traditional RBDMS to HDFS
    • Flume (Ingest): Ingest streaming data into HDFS
    • Spark (Processing): Computing framework on top of Hadoop. Processes data inside HDFS
    • MapReduce (Processing): Computing Framework on top of Hadoop. Based on map/reduce programming model.
    • Pig (Analyze): Data Analytics platform. Converts pig queries to map/reduce
    • Impala (Analyze): SQL engine which runs on HDFS
    • Hive (Analyze): Hadoop abstraction layer similar to Impala
    • Cloudera Search (Access): Allows users to search Hadoop data without writing map/reduce or SQL queries
    • Oozie: Workflow/Coordination system which manages jobs in Hadoop
    • Hue (Access): (Hadoop User Experience) Web interface for Hadoop which allows uplaoding of data, runing queries, etc

QwikLab: Analyze Big Data with Hadoop

  • Applications installed by default on EMR cluster:
    • Apache Hadoop - big data processing
    • Ganglia - manages cluster
    • Tez - execution engine (as opposed to map/reduce)
    • Hive - abstration layer running on Hadoop. Allows SQL queries
    • HUE (Hadoop User Experience) - GUI that runs on top of Hadoop services
    • Pig - abstraction layer that allows queries via the Pig scripting language
  • To run things in our EMR cluster, we add a 'step'. We provide things like "Input" and "Arguments" to an EMR step.
  • We can add a 'Hive' step which involves parsing data into our Hadoop cluster, generating a Hive query, and writing the results to our designated output (in this case an S3 bucket)

Intermediate Courses:

QwikLab: Intro to S3 (45 min)

  • Bucket numbers have to be unique
  • You can upload any type of object into a bucket (e.g., pictures, videos, audio, etc)
  • Objects in S3 are private by default. If you want public access you need to modify the object itself, or update the bucket policy (which will effect permissions of all objects inside the bucket)
  • Use the bucket policy editor to quickly generate the necessary JSON policy code
  • enable bucket versioning in order to keep all versions of objects within your buckets. Note that the most recent version is what will get retrieved by default if you request the object. But behind the scenes you still have access to the older versions in case the newest version is not correct

QwikLab: Intro to Amazon Redshift (30 min)

  • What is Amazon Redshift? It is a fully managed data warehouse where you can store and analyze your data via SQL queries
  • Utilise the Services -> Amazon Redshift to create a redshift cluster. You can customize the cpu, memory, storage of your cluster nodes. For a simple demo, we can run an Amazon Redshift cluster of only a single node.
  • pgweb is a cool web-based utility for connecting to SQL databases and running quries. Alternatively you could just use something like mysql-client package on linux. Or any python mysql client libraries. You just need support for JDBC or ODBC.
  • You can also import data directly from Amazon S3 into your Redshift cluster (e.g., COPY users FROM 's3://awssampledbuswest2/tickit/allusers_pipe.txt')

Video: Short AWS Machine Learning Overview (5 min)

  • The dude has purple hair!!
  • Amazon ML Services stack: Application Services, ML Platforms, Framework & Interfaces
  • Framework & Intefaces us for subject matter experts. Example would be Amazon AMI with tensorflow so you can build and train your own ML models
  • ML Platforms - e.g., Amazon Sagemaker - platform that is for developers but not necessarily ML experts. Higher level of abstraction to ML process. Don't need to write tensorflow code directly
  • Application Services: These are APIs provided by Amazon so developers can utilize pre-trained models to do such things as image processing, video processing, text-to-speech, etc

AWS Tutorial: Analyze Big Data with Hadoop (60 min)

  • In this tutorial we are going to set up an Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) Cluster. Note that this is charged at the per-second we will try to be quick!
  • First, in order to do the tutorial, we need our own S3 bucket, as well as our own key pair. By now, I have completed tutorials which describe both. Read previous sections for S3 setup information, and key-pair information
  • To create a cluster: Amazon EMR -> Create Cluster
  • We can leave basically all of the options default, but do change the name, and select your key-pair under "Security and Access"
  • SSH to the cluster is disabled by default. To enable, go to "security and access" page for the master node and add an inbound SSH rule
  • The tutorial provides a Hive script which will create a Hive table for cloudfront logs, and run a query against the data. We can run this as a "step" on our cluster, which we can submit from the console. This is accessible as "Steps" under EMR->Cluster List.
  • The cool thing is input/output scripts and locations can all be specifid as S3 locations. So you don't have to ever actually log into your EMR cluster to view / export / import the data. You can just specify it all here.
  • Once the step is finished, viewing the results is as simple as downloding the file from the S3 bucket you specified
  • Make sure to terminate your cluster and delete your S3 buckets when finished!

QwikLab: Intro to Amazon Machine Learning (45 min)

  • Amazon ML is amazons machine learning platform which specializes in the training and storage of ML models in their cloud infrastructure
  • According to the tutorial, at least this vanilla Amazon ML is for strictly supervised learning. I'm sure they must have some other ML offerings for unsupervised learning
  • As with most of the other services we have been exploring, Amazon ML takes data input in the form of a S3 bucket location. So, we will create anmother S3 bucket and place the data file in that location
  • Now we can create the "Datasource" model in Amazon ML: Services -> Machine Learning -> View Dashboard -> Create New -> Datasource
  • Now that our datasource is available, we can create a model. Simply click "Create ML Model". Wow that was easy.
  • After training is complete, you can evaluate your model, look at the confusion matrix, determine if it is over-fitting or under-fitting, all the typical ML evaluation stuff
  • Now if we want to do predictions, we can do them either in batch mode or real time.
  • Batch mode predictions = specify a S3 location with test data and the model wil run a prediction on all the data and produce outputs.
  • Real Time mode = you can submit individual data points through the web interface and get back a prediction immediately
  • At the ML dashboard, go Predictions -> Try real time predictions. You will be greeted with a table of your data columns where you can input whatever data you like and see the prediction of your model

AWS Tutorial: Build a Machine Learning Model (30 min)

  • In this project we will be building a machine learning model in AWS on the sample dataset provided in an S3 bucket.
  • First we will download the train and test data from the provided S3 link, and then upload to our own S3 bucket.
  • Next we will go to the Amazon ML console and launch the standard setup
  • We can now tell Amazon ML where our S3 bucket is containing our training data, and also tell it about the type of data
  • We can now create our model. If we leave the defaults, it will split the data 70/30 train/test. The model will go into the processing queue and then be trained
  • We can find the evaluation summary of our model in the evaluation summary page. This will report accuracy statistics and tell us how well our model trained
  • From the ML console, you can also do real time predictions using your model by simply pasting in a data record in the expected format, or perform batch prediction on a set of test data points.
  • Remember to delete your S3 bucket as well as the Amazon ML datasource, model, and evaluation objects created

Video Tutorial: Overview of AWS SageMaker (30 min)

  • Everything you need to train and deploy ML models in AWS!
  • 4 parts to Sagemaker: Notebook Instance (good for experimentation), Jobs (like training jobs), Models, Endpoint (for model deployment)
  • All parts can be used together or independently
  • Notebook Instances are simply a Jupyter environment. Includes a bunch of examples
  • some algorithms (e.g., XGBoost) are hosted by AWS in docker contains which can be used directly from your notebook instances
  • You use the AWS sagemaker python SDK to generate training jobs. they will show up in the Jobs console
  • You can similarly create models, and endpoints for those models from within the Jupyter notebooks
  • You can also bring in pre-trained models to sagemaker environment
  • recap: (1) use off the shelf model, (2) use library (e.g., tensorflow, mxnet) and your own custom model creation and trainings cript, (3) bring your own pretrained model and simply deploy it and create an endpoint
  • you can also create your own docker container containing your model and access it from within sagemaker just as in example (1)
  • Basically this is everything you need to run ML and deep learning in the cloud without managing any infrastructure and having full scalability options

AWS Tutorial: AWS SageMaker (60 min)

  • TODO

Build a Serverless Real-Time Data Processing App (2 hour)

  • TODO

TODO Dont forget to do the blogpost write-up

Area 3 - Cloud Web Apps

Beginner Courses

AWS Tutorial: Launch a VM (20 min)

  • EC2 is Amazon's Elastic compute cloud. This is the service we use to spin up generic VM instances
  • AMI - Amazon Machine Image. This is a system image which will be used as a starting point for VMs (e.g., RHEL, Centos, Amazon Linux, etc)
  • Instance Type: This will specify the type of instance we create. This will describe what hardware is accessible to our device. Example: t3.nano vCPUs: 2 Memory (GB): 0.5 Storage: EBS-Only Network Bandwidth (Gbps): Up to 5
  • You need to create a public key/ private key pair if you do not already have one. This is necessary to connect to your instance.
  • You can connect to the instance via SSH by including your private key with ssh -i @<public_ip_of_instance>

QwikLab: Intro to S3

  • This was completed as part of intermedeiate level track of Big Data & Machine Learning (see above)