All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Added make as a dependency
- [BREAKING] Renamed Inforit to Frontliners
- [BREAKING] Updated to NET 8 SDK container
- Added NET 7 runtime so NET 7 projects can still run (for example the multi target nuget package tests)
- Updated base image with patch version
- default csproj path now set to src/Api.csproj
- can be customized with env variable "CS_PROJECT_FILE"
- dotnet-build now no longer uses
to prevent word splitting on the nuget config path
- container now explicitly installs nuget by default
- Updated various internally used packages
- NodeJS from LTS 16 to LTS 18 (this is a major break, permissive rmdirs are removed)
- Java from 11 to 17
- because of the rebuild chrome, firefox and a load of other packages are also updated to their latest versions
- Updated docker-compose to v2.16.0
- Fixed a CLI change between NET6 and NET7
- Updated to NET 7
- Removed patheems (Patrick Heemskerk) as reviewer
- Updated docker-compose to version 2
- Added dotnet-coverage & dotnet-format as a global tool
- Added firefox and chrome as headless e2e testing options
- Bump MSBuild version to 17.3
- Added docker compose for e2e testing in bitbucket
- Added cypress build deps
- Fixed various bugs that came up during pipeline runs
- build file now matches test projects without case sensitivity
- Nuget config only updated when required
- Escaped simple params
- Updated editorconfig to 2 spaces per tab
- made deployment folder optional
- added JUnit logging to test projects
- Add nodejs and npm
- Dependabot SDK update
- Dependabot SDK update
- Dependabot SDK update
- Updated dotnet core sdk container to NET6
- Updated dotnet core sdk container
- Due to an issue with NuGet restore and certificates, a temporary version based on NuGet Restore Issues
- Add sonarscanner
- Add codecoverage
- Changed base container to dotnet 5.0
- default-jre