Dependency Injection (DI) is regarded with suspicion in the Python world. And we’ve managed just fine without it so far in the example code for this book!
In this chapter we’d like to explore some of the pain points in our code that lead us to consider using DI, and we’ll present some different options for how to do it, leaving it to you to pick which you think is most Pythonic
We’ll also add a new component to our architecture called; it will be in charge of dependency injection, and some other initialisation stuff that we often need. We’ll explain why this sort of thing is called a Composition Root in OO languages, and why "bootstrap script" is just fine for our purposes.
Without bootstrap: entrypoints do a lot shows what our app looks like without a bootstrapper: the entrypoints do a lot of initialisation and passing around of our main dependency, the UoW.
Bootstrap takes care of all that in one place shows our bootstrapper taking over those responsibilities.
Depending on your particular brain type, you may have already had a slight feeling of unease at the back of your mind at this point. Let’s bring it out into the open. We’ve currently shown two different ways of managing dependencies, and testing them.
You can find our code for this chapter at git clone && cd code git checkout chapter_13_dependency_injection # or, if you want to code along, checkout the previous chapter: git checkout chapter_12_cqrs |
If you haven’t already, it’s worth reading [chapter_03_abstractions] before continuing with this chapter, particularly the discussion of functional vs object-oriented dependency management. |
For our database dependency, we’ve built a careful framework of explicit dependencies and easy options for overriding them in tests. Our main handler functions declare an explicit dependency on the unit of work:
def allocate(
cmd: commands.Allocate, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork
And that makes it easy to swap in a fake unit of work in our service-layer tests
uow = FakeUnitOfWork()
messagebus.handle([...], uow)
The UoW itself declares an explicit dependency on the session factory:
class SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(AbstractUnitOfWork):
def __init__(self, session_factory=DEFAULT_SESSION_FACTORY):
self.session_factory = session_factory
We take advantage of it in our integration tests to be able to use SQLite instead of Postgres, sometimes
def test_rolls_back_uncommitted_work_by_default(sqlite_session_factory):
uow = unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(sqlite_session_factory) #(1)
Integration tests swap out the default postgres session_factory for a SQLite one.
If you’re used to the way things normally happen in Python, you’ll be thinking all this is a bit weird. The standard way to do things is to declare our dependency "implicitly" by simply importing it, and then if we ever need to change it for tests, we can monkeypatch, as is Right and True in dynamic languages:
from allocation.adapters import email, redis_eventpublisher #(1)
def send_out_of_stock_notification(
event: events.OutOfStock, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
email.send( #(2)
'[email protected]',
f'Out of stock for {event.sku}',
hardcoded import
calls specific email sender directly.
Why pollute our application code with unnecessary arguments just for the
sake of our tests? mock.patch
makes monkeypatching nice and easy:
with mock.patch("") as mock_send_mail:
The trouble is that we’ve made it look easy because our toy example doesn’t
send real emails (email.send_mail
just does a print
), but in real life
you’d end up having to call mock.patch
for every single test that might
cause an out-of-stock notification. If you’ve worked on codebases with lots of
mocks used to prevent unwanted side-effects, you’ll know how annoying that
mocky boilerplate gets.
And, you’ll know that mocks tightly couple us to the implementation. By
choosing to monkeypatch email.send_mail
, we are tied to doing import email
and if we ever want to do from email import send_mail
, a trivial refactor,
we’d have to change all our mocks.
So it’s a trade-off. Yes declaring explicit dependencies is "unnecessary," strictly speaking, and using them would make our application code marginally more complex. But in return, we’d get tests that are easier to write and manage.
On top of which, declaring an explicit dependency is an example of the dependency inversion principle — rather than having an (implicit) dependency on a specific detail, we have an (explicit) dependency on an abstraction:
Explicit Is Better Than Implicit
def send_out_of_stock_notification(
event: events.OutOfStock, send_mail: Callable,
'[email protected]',
f'Out of stock for {event.sku}',
But if we do change to declaring all these dependencies explicitly, who will
inject them and how? So far, we’ve only really been dealing with passing the
UoW around: our tests use a FakeUnitOfWork
while Flask and Redis eventconsumer
entrypoints use the real UoW, and the messagebus passes them onto our command
handlers. If we add real and fake email classes, who will create them and
pass them on?
It’s extra (duplicated) cruft for Flask, Redis and our tests. Moreover, putting all the responsibility for passing dependencies to the right handler onto the messagebus feels like a violation of the SRP.
Instead, we’ll reach for a pattern called Composition Root (a bootstrap script to you and me)[1], and we’ll do a bit of "Manual DI" (dependency injection without a framework[2]).
Flask + Redis | | call V Bootstraper: prepares handlers with correct dependencies injected in | (test bootstrapper will use fakes, prod one will use reals) | | pass injected handlers to V Messagebus | | dispatches events and commands to injected handlers | V
TODO: betterify diagram? or just get rid of, in favour of the first?
One way to turn a function with dependencies into one that’s ready to be called later with those dependencies aleady injected, is to use closures or partial functions to compose the function with its dependencies:
# existing allocate function, with abstract uow dependency
def allocate(
cmd: commands.Allocate, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork
line = OrderLine(cmd.orderid, cmd.sku, cmd.qty)
with uow:
# bootstrap script prepares actual UoW
def bootstrap(..):
uow = unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork()
# then prepares a version of the allocate fn with uow dependency captured in a closure
allocate_composed = lambda cmd: allocate(cmd, uow)
# or, equivalently (this gets you a nicer stack trace)
def allocate_composed(cmd):
return allocate(cmd, uow)
# alternatively with a partial
import functools
allocate_composed = functools.partial(allocate, uow=uow) #(1)
# later at runtime, we can call the partial function, and it will have
# the UoW already bound
The difference between closures (lambdas or named functions) and
is that the former use late binding of variables, which can be a source of source of confusion if any of the dependencies are mutable.
Here’s the same pattern again for the send_out_of_stock_notification()
which has different dependencies:
def send_out_of_stock_notification(
event: events.OutOfStock, send_mail: Callable,
'[email protected]',
# prepare a version of the send_out_of_stock_notification with dependencies
sosn_composed = lambda event: send_out_of_stock_notification(event, email.send_mail)
# later, at runtime:
sosn_composed(event) # will have email.send_mail already injected in
Closures and partial functions will feel familiar to people who’ve done a bit of functional programming. Here’s an alternative using classes, which may appeal to others. It requires rewriting all our handler functions as classes though:
# we replace the old `def allocate(cmd, uow)` with:
class AllocateHandler:
def __init__(self, uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork): #(2)
self.uow = uow
def __call__(self, cmd: commands.Allocate): #(1)
line = OrderLine(cmd.orderid, cmd.sku, cmd.qty)
with self.uow:
# rest of handler method as before
# bootstrap script prepares actual UoW
uow = unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork()
# then prepares a version of the allocate fn with dependencies already injected
allocate = AllocateHandler(uow)
# later at runtime, we can call the handler instance, and it will have
# the UoW already injected
The class is designed to produce a callable function, so it has a __call__ method.
But we use the __init__ to declare the dependencies it requires. This sort of thing will feel familiar if you’ve ever made class-based descriptors, or a class-based context manager that takes arguments.
Use whichever you and your team feel more comfortable with.
Here’s what we want from our bootstrap script:
It should declare default dependencies but allow us to override them.
It should do the "init" stuff that we need to get our app started.
It should inject all the dependencies into our handlers.
It should give us back the core object for our app, the message bus.
Here’s a first cut.
def bootstrap(
start_orm: bool = True, #(1)
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork = unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(),
send_mail: Callable = email.send,
publish: Callable = redis_eventpublisher.publish,
) -> messagebus.MessageBus:
if start_orm:
orm.start_mappers() #(1)
dependencies = {'uow': uow, 'send_mail': send_mail, 'publish': publish}
injected_event_handlers = { #(2)
event_type: [
inject_dependencies(handler, dependencies)
for handler in event_handlers
for event_type, event_handlers in handlers.EVENT_HANDLERS.items()
injected_command_handlers = { #(2)
command_type: inject_dependencies(handler, dependencies)
for command_type, handler in handlers.COMMAND_HANDLERS.items()
return messagebus.MessageBus( #(3)
is our example of initialization work that needs to be done once at the beginning of an app. We also see things like setting up thelogging
module -
We build up our injected versions of the handlers mappings using a function called
which we’ll show next. -
And we return a configured message bus ready to use.
Here’s how we inject dependencies into a handler function by inspecting it:
def inject_dependencies(handler, dependencies):
params = inspect.signature(handler).parameters #(1)
deps = {
name: dependency
for name, dependency in dependencies.items() #(2)
if name in params
return lambda message: handler(message, **deps) #(3)
We inspect our command/event handler’s arguments.
We match them by name to our dependencies.
And we inject them in as kwargs to a produce a partial.
If you’re finding the inspect
code above a little harder to grok, this
even-simpler version may appeal.
Harry wrote the code for inject_dependencies()
as a first cut of how to do
"manual" dependency injection, and when he saw it, Bob accused him of
overengineering and writing his own DI framework.
It honestly didn’t even occur to Harry that you could do it any more plainly, but in fact of course you can, like this:
injected_event_handlers = {
events.Allocated: [
lambda e: handlers.publish_allocated_event(e, publish),
lambda e: handlers.add_allocation_to_read_model(e, uow),
events.Deallocated: [
lambda e: handlers.remove_allocation_from_read_model(e, uow),
lambda e: handlers.reallocate(e, uow),
events.OutOfStock: [
lambda e: handlers.send_out_of_stock_notification(e, send_mail)
injected_command_handlers = {
commands.Allocate: lambda c: handlers.allocate(c, uow),
commands.CreateBatch: \
lambda c: handlers.add_batch(c, uow),
commands.ChangeBatchQuantity: \
lambda c: handlers.change_batch_quantity(c, uow),
Harry says he couldn’t even imagine writing out that many lines of code and having to look up that many function arguments manually. This is a perfectly viable solution though, since it’s only one line of code or so per handler you add, so not a massive maintenance burden even if you have dozens of handlers.
Our app is structured in such a way that we only ever want to do dependency
injection in one place, the handler functions, so this super-manual solution
and Harry’s inspect()
based one will both work fine.
If you find yourself wanting to do DI into more things and at different times, or if you ever get into dependency chains (where your dependencies have their own dependencies, and so on), you may get some mileage out of a "real" DI framework.
At MADE we’ve used Inject in a few places, and it’s fine although it makes pylint unhappy. You might also check out Punq, as written by Bob himself, or the DRY-Python crew’s dependencies.
Our messagebus will no longer be static, it needs to have the already-injected handlers given to it. So we turn it from being a module into a configurable class:
class MessageBus: #(1)
def __init__(
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork,
event_handlers: Dict[Type[events.Event], List[Callable]], #(2)
command_handlers: Dict[Type[commands.Command], Callable], #(2)
self.uow = uow
self.event_handlers = event_handlers
self.command_handlers = command_handlers
def handle(self, message: Message): #(3)
self.queue = [message] #(4)
while self.queue:
message = self.queue.pop(0)
if isinstance(message, events.Event):
elif isinstance(message, commands.Command):
raise Exception(f'{message} was not an Event or Command')
The messagebus becomes a class…
…which is given its already-dependency-injected handlers.
The main
function is substantially the same, just moving a few attributes and methods ontoself
. -
like this is not thread-safe, which might be a problem if you’re using threads, because the bus instance is a global in the Flask app context, as we’ve written it. Just something to watch out for.
What else changes in the bus?
def handle_event(self, event: events.Event):
for handler in self.event_handlers[type(event)]: #(1)
logger.debug('handling event %s with handler %s', event, handler)
handler(event) #(2)
except Exception:
logger.exception('Exception handling event %s', event)
def handle_command(self, command: commands.Command):
logger.debug('handling command %s', command)
handler = self.command_handlers[type(command)] #(1)
handler(command) #(2)
except Exception:
logger.exception('Exception handling command %s', command)
are substantially the same, but instead of indexing into a staticEVENT_HANDLERS
dict, they use the versions onself
. -
Instead of passing a UoW into the handler, we expect the handlers to already have all their dependencies, so all they need is a single argument, the specific event or command.
In our application’s entrypoints, we now just call bootstrap.bootstrap()
and get a messagebus that’s ready to go, rather than configuring a UoW and the
rest of it.
-from allocation import views
+from allocation import bootstrap, views
app = Flask(__name__)
-orm.start_mappers() #(1)
+bus = bootstrap.bootstrap()
@app.route("/add_batch", methods=['POST'])
@@ -19,8 +16,7 @@ def add_batch():
cmd = commands.CreateBatch(
request.json['ref'], request.json['sku'], request.json['qty'], eta,
- uow = unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork() #(2)
- messagebus.handle(cmd, uow)
+ bus.handle(cmd) #(3)
return 'OK', 201
We no longer need to call
, the bootstrap script’s initialization stages will do that -
We no longer need to explicit build a particular type of UoW, the bootstrap script defaults take care of it
And our messagebus is now a specific instance rather than the global module:[3].
In tests, we can use bootstrap.bootstrap()
with overridden defaults to get a
custom messagebus. Here’s an example in an integration test:
def sqlite_bus(sqlite_session_factory):
bus = bootstrap.bootstrap(
start_orm=True, #(1)
uow=unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(sqlite_session_factory), #(2)
send_mail=lambda *args: None, #(3)
publish=lambda *args: None, #(3)
yield bus
def test_allocations_view(sqlite_bus):
sqlite_bus.handle(commands.CreateBatch('sku1batch', 'sku1', 50, None))
sqlite_bus.handle(commands.CreateBatch('sku2batch', 'sku2', 50,
assert views.allocations('order1', sqlite_bus.uow) == [
{'sku': 'sku1', 'batchref': 'sku1batch'},
{'sku': 'sku2', 'batchref': 'sku2batch'},
We do still want to start the ORM…
…because we’re going to use a real UoW, albeit with an in-memory database.
But we don’t need to send emails or publish, so we make those noops.
In our unit tests, in contrast, we can reuse our FakeUnitOfWork
def bootstrap_test_app():
return bootstrap.bootstrap(
start_orm=False, #(1)
uow=FakeUnitOfWork(), #(2)
send_mail=lambda *args: None, #(3)
publish=lambda *args: None, #(3)
No need to start the ORM…
…because the fake UoW doesn’t use one
And we want to fake out our email and Redis adapters too.
So that gets rid of a little duplication, and we’ve moved a bunch of setup and sensible defaults into a single place.
To really get a feel for how it all works, let’s work through an example of how you might build an adapter, and do dependency injection for it, "properly".
At the moment we’ve got two types of dependency:
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork, #(1)
send_mail: Callable, #(2)
publish: Callable, #(2)
the UoW has an abstract base class. This is the heavyweight option for declaring and managing your external dependency. We’d use this for case when the dependency is relatively complex
our email sender and pubsub publisher are just defined as functions. This works just fine for simple things.
Here are some of the things we find ourselves injecting at work:
an S3 filesystem client
a key/value store client
session object.
Most of these will have more complex APIs that you can’t capture as a single function. Read and write, GET and POST, and so on.
Even though it’s simple, let’s use send_mail
as an example to talk
through how you might define a more complex dependency.
We’ll imagine a more generic "notifications" API. Could be email, could be SMS, could be slack posts one day.
class AbstractNotifications(abc.ABC):
def send(self, destination, message):
raise NotImplementedError
class EmailNotifications(AbstractNotifications):
def __init__(self, smtp_host=DEFAULT_HOST, port=DEFAULT_PORT):
self.server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host, port=port)
def send(self, destination, message):
msg = f'Subject: allocation service notification\n{message}'
from_addr='[email protected]',
We change the dependency in the bootstrap script:
def bootstrap(
start_orm: bool = True,
uow: unit_of_work.AbstractUnitOfWork = unit_of_work.SqlAlchemyUnitOfWork(),
- send_mail: Callable = email.send,
+ notifications: AbstractNotifications = EmailNotifications(),
publish: Callable = redis_eventpublisher.publish,
) -> messagebus.MessageBus:
We work through and define a fake version for unit testing:
class FakeNotifications(notifications.AbstractNotifications):
def __init__(self):
self.sent = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
def send(self, destination, message):
and use it in our tests:
def test_sends_email_on_out_of_stock_error(self):
fake_notifs = FakeNotifications()
bus = bootstrap.bootstrap(
publish=lambda *args: None,
bus.handle(commands.CreateBatch("b1", "POPULAR-CURTAINS", 9, None))
bus.handle(commands.Allocate("o1", "POPULAR-CURTAINS", 10))
assert fake_notifs.sent['[email protected]'] == [
f"Out of stock for POPULAR-CURTAINS",
Now we test the real thing, usually with an end-to-end or integration test. We’ve used MailHog as a real-ish email server for our docker dev environment.
version: "3"
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: allocation-image
image: allocation-image
image: postgres:9.6
image: redis:alpine
image: mailhog/mailhog
- "11025:1025"
- "18025:8025"
In our integration tests, we use the real EmailNotifications
talking to the MailHog server in the docker cluster:
def bus(sqlite_session_factory):
bus = bootstrap.bootstrap(
notifications=notifications.EmailNotifications(), #(1)
publish=lambda *args: None,
yield bus
def get_email_from_mailhog(sku): #(2)
host, port = map(config.get_email_host_and_port().get, ['host', 'http_port'])
all_emails = requests.get(f'http://{host}:{port}/api/v2/messages').json()
return next(m for m in all_emails['items'] if sku in str(m))
def test_out_of_stock_email(bus):
sku = random_sku()
bus.handle(commands.CreateBatch('batch1', sku, 9, None)) #(3)
bus.handle(commands.Allocate('order1', sku, 10))
email = get_email_from_mailhog(sku)
assert email['Raw']['From'] == '[email protected]' #(4)
assert email['Raw']['To'] == ['[email protected]']
assert f'Out of stock for {sku}' in email['Raw']['Data']
We use our bootstrapper to build a messagebus which talks to the real notifications class
We figure out how to fetch emails from our "real" email server
We use the bus to do our test setup
And, against all the odds this actually worked, pretty much first go!
And, erm, that’s it really.
Define your API using an ABC
Implement the real thing
Build a fake and use it for unit / service-layer / handler tests
Find a less-fake version you can put into your docker environment
Test the less-fake "real" thing
There are two possible things you could do for practice in this chapter:
Try swapping out our notifications from email to, for example, SMS notifications using Twilio, or Slack notifications. Can you find a good equivalent to Mailhog for integration testing?
In a similar way to what we did moving from
to aNotifications
class, try refactoring ourredis_eventpublisher
which is currently just aCallable
to some sort of more formal adapter / base class / protocol.
Once you have more than one adapter, you’ll start to feel a lot of pain from passing dependencies around manually, unless you do some kind of dependency injection.
Setting up dependency injection is just one of many typical setup/initialization activities that you need to do just once when starting your app. Putting this all together into a bootstrap script is often a good idea.
The bootstrap script is also a good place to provide sensible default configuration for your adapters, and as a single place to override those adapters with fakes, for your tests.
A dependency injection framework can be useful if you find yourself needing to do DI at multiple levels: if you have chained dependencies of components that all need DI, for example.
This chapter also presented a worked example of changing an implicit/simple dependency into a "proper" adapter, factoring out an ABC, defining its real and fake implementations, and thinking through integration testing.