The Helm chart installs Open Notificaties and by default the following dependencies using subcharts:
First configure the Helm repository:
helm repo add fundaments-open-zaak
helm repo update
Install the Helm chart with:
helm install open-notificaties fundaments-open-zaak/open-notificaties \
--set "" \
--set "ingress.enabled=true" \
--set "ingress.hosts={}"
If you want to use your own instance of Redis, Postgres and RabbitMQ instead, you can disable the subcharts:
helm install open-zaak fundaments-open-zaak/open-zaak \
--set "tags.redis=false" \
--set "tags.postgresql=false" \
--set "tags.rabbitmq=false" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "settings.envVars.DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=appelmoes" \
--set "ingress.enabled=true" \
--set "ingress.hosts={}"
If you want to use your own instances of Redis, Postgres and RabbitMQ instead, you can disable the subcharts:
helm install open-notificaties open-zaak/open-notificaties \
--set "tags.redis=false" \
--set "tags.postgresql=false" \
--set "tags.rabbitmq=false" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "" \
--set "settings.envVars.DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=appelmoes" \
--set "ingress.enabled=true" \
--set "ingress.hosts={}"
You will probably need to set more values to configure the connection to your own Redis, Postgres and RabbitMQ instances.
Not every version of the chart is compatible with every version of Open Notificaties. The table below describes the supported versions
Chart version | Open Notificaties version |
< 0.5.0 | < 1.2.0 |
0.5.0 | 1.2.x |
0.7.0 | 1.3.0 + |
0.8.0 | 1.4.0 + |
Parameter | Description | Default |
tags.postgresql |
Install PostgreSQL subchart | true |
tags.redis |
Install Redis subchart | true |
tags.rabbitmq |
Install RabbitMQ subchart | true |
image.repository |
The repository of the Docker image | openzaak/open-notificaties |
image.tag |
The tag of the Docker image | "" (uses .Chart.AppVersion by default) |
replicaCount |
The number of replicas | 1 |
podLabels |
Additional labels to be set on the open-notification API pods | {} |
ingress.enabled |
Expose the application through an ingress | false |
ingress.annotations |
Additional annotations on the API ingress | {} |
ingress.hosts |
Ingress hosts | "{}" |
ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS settings | "[]" |
existingSecret |
Refer to an existing secret to avoid managing secrets through Helm. See templates/secret.yaml for required contents of your existing secret. This secret is also used for the Worker and Flower components. | null |
settings.allowedHosts |
A comma-separated list of hosts allowed by the application | "" |
settings.secretKey |
The secret key of the application | "SOME-RANDOM-SECRET" | |
The hostname of PostgreSQL | "open-notificaties-postgresql" |
settings.database.port |
The port of PostgreSQL | 5432 |
settings.database.username |
The username of PostgreSQL | "postgres" |
settings.database.password |
The password of PostgreSQL | "SUPER-SECRET" | |
The database name of PostgreSQL | "open-notificaties" |
settings.database.sslmode |
The SSL-mode used by the postgres client. See docs for more info | "prefer" |
settings.numProxies |
The number of reverse proxies between client and backend container. Set this to 1 if exposing the application through an ingress | 0 |
settings.cache.default |
The Redis cache for the default cache | "open-notificaties-redis-master:6379/0" |
settings.cache.axes |
The Redis cache for the axes cache | "open-notificaties-redis-master:6379/0" | |
The hostname of the SMTP server | "localhost" | |
The port of the SMTP server | 25 | |
The username of the SMTP server | "" | |
The password of the SMTP server | "" | |
Use TLS for connecting to SMTP server | false |
settings.sentry.dsn |
The DSN for Sentry Logging | "" | |
The URL to the Celery broker | "open-notificaties-rabbitmq" |
settings.celery.resultBackend |
The URL to the Celery result backend | "redis://open-notificaties-redis-master:6379/1" |
settings.isHttps |
Used to construct absolute URLs and controls a variety of security settings | true |
settings.debug |
Only set this to True on a local development environment. Various other security settings are derived from this setting | false |
settings.autoRetry.maxRetries |
Maximum number of notification delivery retries. If null , the upstream defaults are used. |
null |
settings.autoRetry.backoff |
Exponential backoff, boolean or number. If a number, applies as a scale factor. If null , the upstream defaults are used. |
null |
settings.autoRetry.backoffMax |
Upper limit (in seconds) of the exponential backoff. If null , the upstream defaults are used. |
null |
settings.flower.urlPrefix |
If enabled, deploy Flower on a non-root URL | "" |
settings.flower.basicAuth |
Secure Flower with Basic Authentication. This is a comma-separated list of username:password . You should configure this when flower.ingress.enabled is set to true. |
"" |
settings.envVars.* |
Environment variables for the application. See Example config for more info | see [values.yaml] |
worker.podLabels |
Additional labels to be set on the open-notification worker pods | {} |
postgresql.primary.ersistence.enabled |
Enable PostgreSQL persistency | false |
postgresql.primary.persistence.size |
Configure PostgreSQL size | "1Gi" |
postgresql.primary.persistence.existingClaim |
Use an existing persistent volume claim | null | |
The PostgreSQL database name | "open-notificaties" | |
The PostgreSQL administrative password | "SUPER-SECRET" |
flower.enabled |
Whether or not to deploy the Flower component, which is a monitoring tool for Celery | false |
flower.replicaCount |
The number of replicas for Celery Flower | 1 |
flower.podLabels |
Additional labels to be set for Celery Flower | {} |
flower.extraEnvVars |
Configure Flower through additional environment variables. For a full list of possibilities, see Flower config docs | {} |
flower.extraEnvVarsSecret |
Configure Flower through additional environment variables. This property should contain secrets like basic-auth. For a full list of possibilities, see Flower config docs | {} |
flower.ingress.enabled |
Use a dedicated Ingress for Flower, which can act as a Management Ingress. When Values.ingress.enabled is set to true and this parameter to false, then Flower will be exposed on the main Ingress. |
false |
flower.ingress.annotations |
Additional annotations on the Flower Ingress | {} |
flower.ingress.hosts |
Flower Ingress hosts | "{}" |
flower.ingress.tls |
Flower Ingress TLS settings | "[]" |
redis.auth.enabled |
Use a Redis password | false |
redis.master.persistence.enabled |
Enable persistency for Redis master | false |
redis.master.persistence.size |
The size of the Redis master persistent volume | "1Gi" |
redis.master.persistence.existingClaim |
Use existing persistent volume claim for Redis | "" |
rabbitmq.auth.username |
RabbitMQ username | "guest" |
rabbitmq.auth.password |
RabbitMQ password | "guest" |
rabbitmq.auth.erlangCookie |
RabbitMQ Erlang Cookie | "SUPER-SECRET" |
rabbitmq.persistence.enabled |
Enable RabbitMQ persistency | false |
rabbitmq.persistence.size |
Configure RabbitMQ size | "1Gi" |
rabbitmq.persistence.existingClaim |
Use an existing persistent volume claim | null |
Check values.yaml for all the possible configuration options.