Cause: Translation strings are not loaded. This is a known bug in StaticBuilder. See this issue page for a workaround.
Cause: the default StaticBuilder config outputs pages like this:
Loading /parent
in a web server such as Apache will generally show the static/parent
folder, which is not what we want. A simple fix is to change the StaticBuilder config to:
c::set('staticbuilder.extension', '/index.html');
which results in this output:
Related issue: #29
Building a lot of pages, or sometimes just a few pages, can be intensive. In particular, if you’re making a lot of thumbs (resizing images in PHP), the script can time out.
Workaround for thumbs: try visiting those pages first to build the thumbs, and start the static build after that.
If you use Kirby’s go()
function, or Redirect::to()
or Header::redirect()
from the Kirby Toolkit, the script will be interrupted by an exit;
statement and you will get redirected to a different page.
For a workaround, see our recommandation for HTTP redirections in Kirby.
If your templates or plugins have uncaught PHP Exceptions or PHP errors, generating the HTML pages will be stopped.
For instance, if you’re building 10 pages and the third one has an error, only the first 2 will be built and written to the static
folder.) To prevent that:
- Fix errors. :)
- Or exclude the buggy page(s) from the static build, using the