- Now we have specific errors for:
If you're checking those errors before (since they have no error type, you might be checking their message), pay attention that these errors are TencentCloudSDKError now.
- Network IO error: ClientError.NetworkError, when fail to get response, such as proxy problem, connection timeout. Note that ssl certificate issue is included as well, even though it is not a good choice, we don't have so many cases to handle and neither so much effort to category them.
- Now we have specific errors for:
If you're checking those errors before (since they have no error type, you might be checking their message), pay attention that these errors are TencentCloudSDKError now.
- Network IO error: ClientError.IOError, when fail to read response body.
- Http status code error: ClientError.HttpStatusCodeError, all non 200 status code will return this error.
- Json parsing error: ClientError.ParseJsonError, when fail to parse json content from response body.
- correctly return error when fail to flat paramter to url
- use bytes.Buffer instead of string concate for performance issue
- update apis
- aai
- cdb
- cvm
- update apis
- aai
- cbs
- cws
- postgres
- add new product
- dts
- update apis
- batch
- cbs
- cvm
- ds
- add predefined region info
- update apis
- batch
- cdb
- cvm
- cws
- vpc
- api new
- cis
- ds
- ms
- api update
- aai
- cbs
- cvm
- vpc
- fix float field conversion problem
update api to latest:
- cbs
- cdb
- cvm
- vpc