[ ]
- Task to be done[>]
- Task in progress[x]
- Task completed
Fix the unit tests. The code is working but the tests must be updated to the new features.
Create unit test for checking polar circle
Finish the new examples to be added to the documentation
[>] Create a complete documentation (Vitepress) with all the examples: https://www.kerykeion.net/docs/examples/birth-chart
Fix Settings in a way to accept a dictionary with the settings and not just a JSON file and write docs.
[>] Create new AstrologicalSubject argument for House System mode.
- Implement unit tests for the House System mode.
- Implement Gauquelin Sector as House System mode (G).
Create new AstrologicalSubject argument for Position Mode (Geocentric, Heliocentric, Topocentric, etc).
Implement week day name.
New structure based on the new AstrologicalSubjectModel and a factory class to create the objects in different ways:
- Online
- Offline
- With UTC ISO 8601 string
- For now at UTC time
New utility function to get all active planets, so we can remove aspect/planet list and use just the AstrologicalSubjectModel structure.
New way of setting the language, with an object representing the labels and the texts.