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125 lines (75 loc) · 4.5 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (75 loc) · 4.5 KB


${badge('dependencies')} ${badge('devDependencies')}


What's included ?

  • Babel transpiling npm start (using babel)

    Write your code in ES6.

  • Watch files and reload npm run dev (using nodemon)

    Run your script and watch for changes.

  • Debugging npm run debug (using babel-node-debug)

    Debug your application using a babel-compatible version of node-inspector.

  • Test runner npm test (using lab)

    Write your tests in the test folder and run them with npm test.

  • Code coverage npm run coverage (using lab)

    Lab can also calculate the code coverage.

  • Code linting npm run lint (using xo)

    Lint your code (even ES6/7 and JSX).

  • Code format npm run format (using xo)

    Beautify and format you code. Fix errors found by xo

  • Recognize duplicate code npm run inspect (using jsinspect)

    Recognize duplicate, copy-pasted and similar code.

  • License checker npm run licenses (using license-checker)

    Print the link and the license type of each dependency

  • Package building npm run build (using nar)

    You can build an executable file out of your project including all dependencies.

    Please refer to nar's documentation if you like to include a custom node.js version or to build a package for a different system-architecture/OS. You should simple edit the buildproperty in the scripts section of package.json to something like:

    nar create --executable --os darwin --arch x64 --node 0.12.0
  • Find vulnerabilities npm run deps:sec (using nsp)

    nsp (Node Security Project) will check if any dependency is affected by a known vulnerability.

  • Keep dependencies up-to-date npm run deps:updates (using david)

    David keeps dependencies up-to-date and will help you to update them.

  • README generator npm run readme (using node-readme)

    Generate a README like this from an ES6 template extracting data from package.json. Edit the template and run the command. Check the node-readme documentation for all available variables/functions.

    Do not edit the in your project folder, since this will be overwritten running the npm run readme command.

  • Git hooks (using husky)

    Custom precommit and prepush are defined in order to run tests (and vulnerabilities discovery) on commit and push. You can define your own in the package.json

  • npm-run-all


git clone ${pkg.repository}
cd ${}
npm install


Use npm commands listed above as following:

npm run lint
npm run test:deps

or use npm-run-all:

npm-run-all --parallel lint test:deps test --sequential build







Contributions welcome; Please submit all pull requests the against master branch.



