// to run docker without sudo create the group 'docker' and add you 'user' to it like so # groupadd docker # usermod [user] -a -G docker
*Note that "Containers" are an instance of an "Image/Blueprint"
// search for images with # docker search [related_term] *Note that [related_term] doesn't have to be [container_name] but any [term] related to it *You can alse use the docker hub web site to search
// to download a docker image "blueprint" form docker hub use # docker pull [image_name] you can pull different version of an image using ':' after the name # docker pull [image_name]:[version]
// listing all docker images "blueprints" in the system # docker images or # docker image ls
// check if docker is running correctly with # docker run hello-world
// create a container with # docker run [container_name] [command_in_container]
// open interactive shell inside container with # docker run -it [container_name] sh ; or use if exists bash,zsh...
// to build an image you need a "Dockerfile" example :
FROM python:3
# set a directory for the app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# copy all the files to the container
COPY . .
# install dependencies
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
# tell the port number the container should expose
# run the command
CMD ["python", "./app.py"]
// building using 'docker build' # docker build -t [[your_dockerhub_nam]/[container_name_youwant]] [/path/to/Dockerfile] or . "for current dir"
// Creating a subnet # docker network --subnet "" [net_name]
// Static address for container in subnet and hostname #docker run --net [net_name] --ip [ip] --hostname [hostname]
// running container in detached mode with '-d' and exposing its ports to random ports on the host with '-P' # docker run -d -P --name [custom_name_for_container] [container_image]
// you can also chose ports you want with '-p' instead of '-P' # docker run -p [host_port]:[container_port] --name [custom_name_for_container] [container_image]
// check port mapping #docker port [custom_container_name]/[token]
// check for conatiners # docker ps ; for running ones # docker ps -a ; for all of them
// stop containers with # docker stop [custom_container_name]/[token]
// delete container right after exiting it # docker run --rm [container_name] [command_in_container] ; you can use -it with --rm
// delete exited containers with # docker rm $(docker -a -q -f status=exited) # docker container prune ; exactly the same as befor but easier # docker rmi ; for deleting ones that are no running
or copy container token from 'docker ps -a' and past it after 'rm'
# docker rm [token]