Objective: Implement real-time data ingestion into Apache Pinot using Apache Pulsar as the data source, simulating a stream of movie ratings.
Make sure Docker Compose is running with the necessary services including Apache Pulsar and Apache Pinot.
Navigate to the
directory where the necessary files and scripts are located.
Description: Prepare the environment by building and launching the required Docker containers, which include Apache Pulsar (standalone mode) and Apache Pinot components.
docker compose build --no-cache docker compose up -d
Description: Create necessary Pulsar topics for streaming movie rating data.
# Create namespace if it doesn't exist docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create public/default # Create movie_ratings topic docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin topics create persistent://public/default/movie_ratings # Verify topic creation docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin topics list public/default
Description: Set up a REALTIME table in Apache Pinot to ingest data from the Pulsar topic.
docker exec -it pinot-controller ./bin/pinot-admin.sh \ AddTable \ -tableConfigFile /tmp/pinot/table/ratings.table.json \ -schemaFile /tmp/pinot/table/ratings.schema.json \ -exec
Example table configuration for Pulsar:
{ "tableName": "movie_ratings", "tableType": "REALTIME", "segmentsConfig": { "timeColumnName": "ratingTime", "timeType": "MILLISECONDS", "replicationNumber": 1, "retentionTimeUnit": "DAYS", "retentionTimeValue": "7" }, "tenants": { "broker": "DefaultTenant", "server": "DefaultTenant" }, "tableIndexConfig": { "loadMode": "MMAP", "streamConfigs": { "streamType": "pulsar", "stream.pulsar.consumer.type": "exclusive", "stream.pulsar.topic.name": "persistent://public/default/movie_ratings", "stream.pulsar.bootstrap.servers": "pulsar://pulsar:6650", "stream.pulsar.consumer.prop.subscriptionName": "pinot_movie_ratings", "stream.pulsar.decoder.class.name": "org.apache.pinot.plugin.stream.pulsar.PulsarJSONMessageDecoder" } } }
Check the real-time data streaming into Pinot by querying the
table in the Pinot console:http://localhost:9000/#/query?query=select+*+from+movie_ratings+limit+10&tracing=false&useMSE=false
Description: Monitor the Pulsar topics and verify data flow.
# Check topic stats docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin topics stats persistent://public/default/movie_ratings # Consume messages for verification docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-client consume persistent://public/default/movie_ratings -s "test-sub" -n 0
Description: Explore advanced features of Apache Pinot such as running multi-stage joins between real-time and batch data.
Enable 'Use Multi-Stage Engine' in the Pinot console to perform complex queries.
select r.rating as latest_rating, m.rating as initial_rating, m.title, m.genres, m.releaseYear from movies m left join movie_ratings r on m.movieId = r.movieId where r.rating > 0.9 order by r.rating desc limit 10
If encountering issues with Pulsar topics:
# List all topics docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin topics list public/default # Delete and recreate topic if needed docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin topics delete persistent://public/default/movie_ratings docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin topics create persistent://public/default/movie_ratings # Check topic stats docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin topics stats persistent://public/default/movie_ratings
If encountering issues such as 'No space left on device' during the Docker build process:
docker system prune -f
To verify Pulsar connection in Pinot:
# Check Pinot controller logs docker logs pinot-controller # Check Pinot server logs docker logs pinot-server
To verify Pulsar is running correctly:
# Check Pulsar broker status docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin brokers healthcheck # Check Pulsar cluster status docker exec -it pulsar bin/pulsar-admin clusters get public