- bootstrap native : 1.1.0
- d3 from d3-flextree : 3.x.x
- deep-iterator : 2.4.0
- es6-shim : 0.35.1
- EventDispatcher
- htmlparser : 2.0.0
- innersvg : 2.x.x
- prism : 1.9.0
- promise
- svg-pan-zoom : 3.5.2
- tablesort : 5.0.2
- vis : 4.20.1
- zepto : 1.2.0
- lunr : 2.1.5
If you are using Compodoc in module mode with a JavaScript file, require('@compodoc/compodoc'), the first entry file is src/index.ts
If you are using Compodoc with the CLI, the first entry file is src/index-cli.ts
The process of Compodoc is :
- handle CLI flags
- find files to scan using tsconfig.json include and/or exclude options, or use the root folder of tsconfig.json
- scan the files using TypeScript compiler
- generate all the internal stuff
- emit files for each category (modules, components, etc)
- echo the result of the generation.
Unit testing is done by running severals documentation generation with many different files and projects.
E2E testing is done with saucelabs service.
npm run test
- install selenium-standalone (https://www.npmjs.com/package/selenium-standalone)
npm install selenium-standalone@latest -g
- configure selenium-standalone
selenium-standalone install
- start selenium-standalone
selenium-standalone start
- start local documentation generation in another terminal tab
npm run test:simple-doc
- start local E2E testing
npm run local-test-e2e-mocha
npm i
npm run build
npm link
This will put compodoc command available everywhere.
npm start
Launch watch process for source files and rollup build.
- install sleep package
npm i sleep
- add these lines in index-cli.ts, atfer --files check
const sleep = require('sleep');
const isInInspectMode = /--inspect/.test(process.execArgv.join(' '));
if (isInInspectMode) {
// wait 10 seconds for debugger to connect in Chrome devtools
- open one terminal and run inside compodoc folder :
npm run start
- add
statement where you want to debug your code - open Chrome and this url : chrome://inspect
- open another terminal with the source code of the demo project, and run
node --inspect ../compodoc/bin/index-cli.js -p tsconfig.json -a screenshots -n 'TodoMVC Angular documentation' --includes additional-doc --toggleMenuItems "'all'" -s
- Compodoc will wait 10s before starting when it detects --inspect flag
- open the debug window in Chrome, and click