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Releases: gaoDean/autolist.nvim

Version 1.3.0

07 Sep 11:28
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  • when pressing invert mapping and current indent is zero, it automatically indents the line. I use this because I write ordered lists and want a indented unordered list, but need to press <c-t> and <c-r>.


  • doesn't do a full recalculate after recal_hook functions, instead does a recalculate from the current line.


  • fixed a lot of bugs in recalculating

Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0

Version 1.2.0

05 Sep 10:48
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  • Support for renumbering unordered lists, by making the list markers follow logical indent flow.


  • Refactored utils.lua into three categories: getters, setters and checkers, and changed auto.lua accordingly


  • Some errors arose when using ascii lists (a) content), fixed those

Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0

Version 1.1.0

04 Sep 02:45
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  • Support for colons
    • When ending a line with a colon, autolist can be configured to create a new list.
    • When the line that ends with a colon is a list entry, autolist creates a new list that's indented
    • It can also be configured to recognise a raw line with a colon at the end and create a list.
    • Added a colon table inside of the config
  • Support for using O (capital) to create a new list entry before the current line (#11)


  • Code refactors


  • Some functions were called in the wrong environments

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0

Version 1.0.0

04 Sep 02:32
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This is a complete rewrite. Merged #12 with multiple breaking changes in the configuration

Configuration changes

  • the invert_.* options have been divided into a table
    • added invert.ol_incrementable which allows you to configure your preferred incrementable prefix for an ordered list e.g 123 or abc
    • added invert.ol_delim which allows you to configure your preferred delimiter for an ordered list e.g a. or a)
  • added the lists table which is all about configuring list types
    • added the lists.preloaded table which takes list "groups" and replaces their string values with preloaded patterns (of list types). For example, there is a preloaded option called "digit", and it is replaced with "%d+[.)]", taken from the preloaded options in the config.lua file.
    • added the lists.filetypes table which has a table corresponding with a table in lists.preloaded, and this just defines which filetypes the list types in the corresponding table are active for.
  • added recal_hooks which is a table that defines what fucntions call the recalculate function after their execution.
  • added checkbox which is a table that defines the checkbox delimiters and fillers (technically you can now have a checkbox that is {x} or even (*).

Raw file changes

Deleted the entire generic.lua file (this is a complete rewrite) and added auto.lua (which handles the bulk of the plugin) and utils.lua (which has some useful functions that are not dependent on config.lua and would be local functions inside auto.lua), also reworked config.lua.

Inside auto.lua, there are two major functions. There is the new() function which handles list autocompletion (pressing <cr> and such), and there is recal() which recalculates an ordered list, and is activated after the executions of the functions inside config.recal_hooks.

The changes in config.lua mostly are from the config.lists table.


  • recalculate unordered lists

Full Changelog: v0.8...v1.0.0


02 Jan 06:17
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.9...v1.10