If you do not yet have a laptop, get one. If you want something inexpensive, a ChromeBook with at least 4GB of RAM is a good option.
Get your computer set up for software development.
If you have a Mac, you are more-or-less ready to go.
If you have a ChromeBook, you will want to install Linux, using crouton. If you want help, then just try google. There are several decent tutorials out there.
If you have a Windows PC, you may want to consider also installing Linux on it. It can be a bit of a pain, but is probably preferable (at least, in our experience) to trying to work with Windows. Good luck.
We suggest Atom. Atom is free and maintained by the open-source community.
We are going to be spending a lot of time working on the command line. If you don't know anything about the command line, then try Zed Shaw's CLI Crash Course.
Here's a pretty good introduction.
Work through our Introduction to Git and Version Control.
This document is a README. We are going to use them a lot on this course.
Read Readme Driven Development and then, if you do not already know markdown, complete this short tutorial.