for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000)
What will this log, and when?
This program will log the number 5, 5 times, after 1 second Understanding the event loop and closures would have allowed you to answer this question
var pet = {
name: 'meow',
sayName: function() {
var speak = pet.sayName
- What is logged to the console
- How can we fix this
If this program is run in the browser, outside 'strict mode'. this
inside sayName
will be equal to the window
object. The program will most likely log undefined
If this program runs in 'strict mode', or in node. The value of this will be undefined, and the program will throw an error
When a function is called as a method on an object, the this
variable is bound to that object. In the code above, speak is not called as a method on pet, so the this
variable is not bound to pet.
The solution is to add .bind(pet)
to the declaration of speak
You should know
- How the this parameter gets assigned in Javascript
- How the methods,
var mockRequest = function(callback) {
var error = null
setTimeout(function() {
callback(error, { user: 'eoin' })
}, 0)
var result
mockRequest(function(_, data) {
result = data
if (result.user !== 'eoin') {
throw new Error('test failed')
Question: what happens when you execute this code
When you execute this code the line if (result.user !== 'eoin') {
throws the error: Type Error: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
You should understand
- That the synchronous code executes before the async code (How the event loop works!)
- How callbacks (or/and higher order functions) work
- That trying to access a property of a variable with the value of undefined throws an error
var getUser = function() {
var userId = window.localStorage.getItem('currentUserId')
return api.request('/user', userId, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return err
return data
The candidate should be able to see that the callback is being used incorrectly
The canditate should be able to see that the function getUser
requires a callback paramiter
The canditate should be able to fix the code
Generally, you should be familiar with callbacks.
var generateId = ((counter = 0) => () => { return counter++ })()
What is the typeof generateId
what is output from console.log(generateId()); console.log(generateId());
I leave this last one as an exercise for the reader
- ES6 default values
- Higher order functions
- ES6 arrow functions
- Immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE)
- Closures in Javascript