The Round 2 log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on [July 1, Monday, 2019].
Today's Progress: Completed jQuery section and continue to work on FCC. Work on some projects as well.
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Today's Progress: Continue the jQuery challenges in FCC & read some articles about Advanced JS concepts.
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Today's Progress: I just started reviewing jQuery did some challenges of it today.
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Today's Progress: Completed all the OOP concepts in JS & the syntactic sugar ES6 related to OOP, i.e. classes & sub classes. I also completed the bootstrap section in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Dive w/ OOP concepts i.e., constructors, this keyword, prototypes & prototypal inheritance, then worked w/ some bootstrap challenges.
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Today's Progress: Worked w/ survey form & bootstrap section of FCC.
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Today's Progress: Continued the bootstrap section in FCC and review the fundamentals before going deep in JS OOP.
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Today's Progress: Done some bootstrap challenges in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Finished the intermediate algorithm scripting section of FCC.
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Today's Progress: Completed number guesser another dom project w/ UI, validation, winning & losing , then worked w/ Make a Person algorithm.
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Today's Progress: Completed loan calculator by building the UI, implementing the calculation & error functionality, then add loader & UX. I also worked w/ Arguments Optional algorithm in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Add a localStorage functionality on a DOM project to persist data, and solved "Everything Be True" algorithm.
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Today's Progress: Add a delete & filter functions on a DOM project, and solved another algorithm in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Just solved the Steamroller intermedate algorithm.
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Today's Progress: Just solved an intermedate algorithm in FCC today.
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Today's Progress: Started now with a DOM project while solving another intermediate algorithm.
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- Intermediate Algorithms
- DOM Project
Today's Progress: Completed the DOM section and one algorithm, then read more articles about different ways of functions & this keyword.
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Today's Progress: More on algorithms/codeKata today and some articles related to computer science & software engineer.
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Today's Progress: Reviewed the different types of events & their properties/methods, then solved one algorithm.
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Today's Progress: Continue with the DOM, creating, removing & replacing elements and solved a somehow difficult algorithm.
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Today's Progress: Not much coding today, but solved an intermediate algorithm.
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Today's Progress: Dive even more with DOM by selecting and traversing it. I just solved one algorithm today.
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Today's Progress: Started the DOM section after learning the fundamentals. Learned different properties of the document, then solve some JS algorithms.
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Today's Progress: Completed the JS fundamentals and still doing intermediate algorithms.
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Today's Progress: Started with the intermediate algorithms in FCC, and polish my skills with conditionals, iterations & functions including ES6.
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Today's Progress: Completed function programming using JS, and continue with the concepts of objects, since everything in JS are objects because it's OOP.
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Today's Progress: Study more the fundamentals deeply especially Arrays including the best practices. Doing another functional programming before I finish all it's topics.
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Today's Progress: Continue with the fundamental concepts section of modern js course with notes & codes and still doing some functional programming.
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Today's Progress: Started a new course "modern js from the beginning", focusing on vanilla js without frameworks while continuing function programming.
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Today's Progress: Solved another function programming problems, then organized all my useful browser extensions and curated it into my repo notes.
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Today's Progress: Reviewed and deep dive more w/ UI design concepts from traditional to modern UI while doing some functional programming problems.
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Today's Progress: Played around with node-express dev env & react dev env, then started js functional programming.
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Today's Progress: Completed OOP section in FCC then organize my github learning repo.
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Today's Progress: Not much coding today, just solved some oop problems in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Preparing for tesda NC assessment in webdev IV & programming IV. Done a lot of oop problems today.
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Today's Progress: Done some OOP problems then reviewed all the auth I learned and how the big companies implement it on their own security
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Today's Progress: Completed the auth & security section, I also implemented the OAuth for Google & Facebook while doing some OOP problems.
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Today's Progress: Learned more about the level 5 authentication and security with cookies and sessions using passport module. Continue the OOP section in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Review the OOP concept for js, and solved some challenges in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Completed the algorithms section in FCC & read some JS articles.
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Today's Progress: This time I only focus doing my progress project, that includes my notes, CS/webdev concepts, course, books and everything I'm currently learning.
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Today's Progress: Focus on different levels of encryption and using different packages/libraries to incorporate their code to my projects to minimize the codes I need to write and not to reinvent the wheel.
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Today's Progress: Started to deep dive more on authentication & security for websites, and solved some FCCs algorithms.
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Today's Progress: Done some basic algorithms problems in FCC and builded my own rest-api, that completes the rest-api section in webdev course.
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Today's Progress: Completed the journal blog with mongoDB Atlas database, where I showed node, express, ejs templating, mongoDB and APIs skills set in a small project. Started the basic Algorithms of FCC.
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Today's Progress: Completed the data structure in FCC and deployed todoApp with cloud database using mongoDB Atlas.
Today's Progress: Completed the database section on webdev course that includes sql & mongoDB and add a local database on todoList project. Solve more js data structure problems in FCC.
Thoughts: My database is currently working only on my local system, next is to learn how to do it with online database.
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Today's Progress: I've started to work on some data structure problems in FCC and some some arithmetic in khan.
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Today's Progress: I've worked with my regular coding stuff and solve code debugging problems in FCC.
Thoughts: Started and will finish the full stack track on AppAcademyOpen that include sofeng and full stack on ruby and js with extra framework rails & react. I'm also doing the computer programing track of khanacademy.
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Today's Progress: Started the debugging section of FCC and reviewed database concepts especially relational database SQL.
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Today's Progress: Completed all the regex challenges in FCC, and the small blog site project. Started learning more about relational & non relational database.
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Today's Progress: Completed a small project ToDo List and started a new blog site project, showing my skills using node express w/ ejs templating. Continue to polish my regex skills in FCC.
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Today's Progress: Completed a small project newsletter signup & started learning more about templating w/ ejs & a small sandbox project todoList. Continue also solving regex problems.
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Today's Progress: Continue working with apis and started a project making a signup form for my newsletter using mailchimp api. Solving regex problems and more.
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Today's Progress: After the concepts of node & express, I continue on comprehensive exploration of apis, combining the concepts I learned to build more complex backend application. Continue solving more regex problems.
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Today's Progress: Started node and express section from webdev course and solved some regex challenges.
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Today's Progress: Completed the es6 problems in FCC and the sandbox classic project simon game which is already live on github site.
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Today's Progress: Work on a small sandbox project, simon game using jQuery library while practicing my es6 skills also by solving problems in FCC.
Thoughts: Making a project using a jQuery is very easy, thinking of using it on my future projects, but when I think about react, I want to learn it already...
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Today's Progress: Deep dive on a higher order functions, callbacks and constructors. Learned the concepts behind the absolute value and negative numbers.
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Today's Progress: Started the es6 section of FCC and reviewed some manipulation of the DOM from webdev course.
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Today's Progress: Completed all the basic js challenges on FCC & webdev course. Continue doing some drawings & arithmetics.
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Today's Progress: Continue to explore ProcessJS using drawings, colors, shapes and arithmetics. Reviewed and Solved some js problems.
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Today's Progress: Solved more of js challenges from the webdev course and FCC. Played with arithmetics and also drawings using ProcessingJS library.
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Today's Progress: To finish the tinderPet project I added a javaScript smooth scrolling for the links. Still reviewing some javaScript challenges.
Thoughts: Making the project responsive have taken much of my time, and made my code dirty by adding some additional styles for smaller devices.
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Today's Progress: Completed the bootstrap section of web dev course, continued doing some js challenges, and building a small project for pets especially dogs.
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Today's Progress: Deep dive into a bootstrap, a css front-end framework and building projects while learning it.
Thoughts: The best teacher is experience, that's why putting all the learnings into an action is the key to success. :)
Today's Progress: Completed css & started bootstrap section of webdev course. Continue doing some arithmetic exercises before moving to a next math topic.
Thoughts: While learning I'm also building a basic side project website for someone. I'll update the link soon...
Today's Progress: Started reviewing mathematics before diving on to a computer science curriculum, so that it will give me a good computing foundation.
Thoughts: Doing some basic math to review the process of basic computation, then upgrading it level by level. Started learning through khanacadmy because it has video tutorials and quizzes.
Today's Progress: Play on my sandbox to practice developing sites and review more about web technologies and the Programming language of the web.
Today's Progress: Apply all the basics of webdev concepts except javaScript on a simple tribute project and started reviewing the basic js from the scratch.
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Today's Progress: Review and Completed the grid section. Fast review and summarized the html concepts.
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Today's Progress: Deep dive with unix/linux terminal, making scripts to automate the hard work especially on my dev environment.
Thoughts: As a developer we definitely need dotfiles, we need to make sure we're not spending a lot of time setting up the dev environment.
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Today's Progress: Review and finish the RWD & flex concepts section while completing my dev environment. I customized also my new conhost terminal instead of hyper which I used last year for WSL environment.
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Today's Progress: Continue to setup work dev environment with files/folders, main/sub host, editors, extensions, libraries, dependencies, and especially my terminals.
Thoughts: Making sure to be able to use my tools using Windows and most of the extensions, libraries, dependencies are coming from Linux.
Today's Progress: Format my system and setup my new environment with WSL, deep dive with my development environment, devTools and zsh.
Thoughts: Planning to document and automate my setup process so I can easily setup my environment in the future.
Today's Progress: Done with Accessibility section for making a websites more accessible to anyone then review the basics of multimedia like audio & graphics.
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Today's Progress: Completed Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) course and a modern portfolio project. Started learning more about accessibility also.
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Today's Progress: Focus and completed Applied Visual Design section, worked also with a modern portfolio.
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Today's Progress: Started to deep dive in a css preprocessor using node-sass and scss syntax.
Thoughts: It is much easier to structure the style with a sass, it can apply the programming concepts like variables, functions, mixins & etc.
Today's Progress: Spend the time building a technews website using the concepts of CSS grid.
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Today's Progress: Deep dive with CSS grid for multi dimensional layout and made a techNews website using grid layouts.
Today's Progress: Built some mini projects that uses advanced css concepts, where all that I've learned in CSS was applied.
Thoughts: It's still hard to do some complex animation with just CSS, jQuery still has a part for some animations, where you cannot do it with just CSS.
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Today's Progress: Learned more about advanced properties like keyframes, transforms, and transitions to do some complex project.
Today's Progress: Continued to learn more CSS concepts such as Advanced Selectors and CSS Variables.
Today's Progress: Tweak the flexbox project and turn it into bridgeLedger project.
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Today's Progress: Exploring and building a flexbox edgeLedger project, then learn more about hosting especially shared hosting and uploading files using FTP app.
Today's Progress: Study more about flexbox for a better approach on making a layout instead of using old style floats.
Today's Progress: Learn more about responsive layout design, using relative units like em, rem vh, wh and media queries for different sizes of devices, then built a responsive hotel website.
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Today's Progress: Learn more about float & alignmen. Different types of link state, styling buttons & menu navigation, positioning content, display values, visibility, order & lastly negating margin.
Today's Progress: Implement/review basic css selectors, and navigate the devTools. Focus on fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders, box model, margin & padding.
Today's Progress: Proceed with forms and different inputs. Differences of block level and inline level elements. Learn more when to use div, span, id & classes. Look at the HTML entities.
Today's Progress: Tackle headings, paragraphs & typography. Different types of links, images, & attributes. Work lists & tables as well.
Thoughts: Following the course by doing what the instructor is doing. Solving the challenges provided at the end of every section can be fulfilling.
Today's Progress: Started with the basic layout, meta tags, search engine related tags for ranking the site.
Today's Progress: Review how the Web works, roles of web technologies and be able to explain it to others.
Today's Progress: Polishing my html & css skills without using a frameworks or library with a new course modern html & css from the beginning.
Thoughts: Brad Traversy is really a good teacher, he explains the concepts in a manner that you will understand it better. One of the great teachers in web development industry.
Today's Progress: Reset the progress and start a new commitment of continous learning different technologies.