What's Changed
- Update sbt-dependency-updates to 1.2.9 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #16
- Update sbt-buildinfo to 0.12.0 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #17
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.1 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #18
- Update scalacheck to 1.17.1 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #19
- Update scalacheck to 1.18.0 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #20
- Update circe-core to 0.14.7 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #21
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.0.12 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #22
- Update ciris to 3.6.0 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #23
- Update sbt to 1.10.0 by @scala-steward-geirolz in #24
- Add SPassword alias by @geirolz in #25
Full Changelog: v0.0.9...v0.0.10