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SHIELD Genesis Kit Manual

The SHIELD Genesis Kit deploys the SHIELD Cloud Data Protection suite, to allow you to back up your sensitive cloud infrastructure and application data.

Base Parameters

  • shield_static_ip - The static IP address of the SHIELD core. This must be designated as static in the chosen network's cloud config definition.

  • external_domain - Optional; the DNS name set up for the shield server. This is used for certificate validation if present.

  • installation - The name of the SHIELD installation, as reported from inside the SHIELD UI. Defaults to S.H.I.E.L.D.

HTTP(S) Proxy Parameters

  • http_proxy - (Optional) URL of an HTTP proxy to use for any outbound HTTP (non-TLS) communication.

  • https_proxy - (Optional) URL of an HTTP proxy to use for any outbound HTTPS (TLS) communication.

  • no_proxy - A list of IPs, FQDNs, partial domains, etc. to skip the proxy and connect to directly. This has no effect if the http_proxy and https_proxy are not set.

    This is currently encoded as a comma-separated string, not a YAML list.

Sizing and Deployment Parameters

  • shield_disk_pool - The persistent disk pool that Vault VMs will use. This pool must exist in your cloud config. Defaults to shield.

  • shield_vm_type - What type of VM to deploy. This type must exist in your cloud config. Defaults to small.

  • shield_network - What network to deploy SHIELD into. This network must be defined in your cloud config. Defaults to shield.

  • stemcell_os - The operating system you want to deploy SHIELD on. This defaults to ubuntu-xenial.

  • stemcell_version - The version of the stemcell to deploy. Defaults to latest, which is usually what you want.

  • availability_zone - What BOSH availability zone to deploy SHIELD into. The chosen network must have at least one subnet in this zone, and the zone itself must be defined in your cloud config. Defaults to z1.

    Note: This Genesis Kit only deploys a single-instance SHIELD so availability zone configuration will not bring high availability to the deployment.

Available Features

  • oauth - Enables Oauth2 SHIELD authentication to a backend like Github or UAA. See the Examples section for more details on properly configuring Github and UAA providers.

  • secure - Configure the admin user account. By default, the admin user account credentials are static. Use this feature to have a password generated automatically and optionally specify an alternative username with by setting params.admin_username in the environment file. The password can then be rotated as needed by your company's security policy.

Cloud Configuration

By default, SHIELD uses the following VM types/networks/disk pools from your Cloud Config. Feel free to override them in your environment, if you would rather they used entities already existing in your Cloud Foundry:

  shield_network:   shield
  shield_disk_pool: shield # should be at least 1GB
  shield_vm_type:   small # VMs should have at least 1 CPU, and 1GB of memory

Available Addons

  • visit - Open up the SHIELD Web UI in your browser (only works on macOS, currently).

  • runtime-config - Generate a good starting point configuration for deploying the SHIELD agent via BOSH as an addon.


To use custom cloud config types:

  name:    shield
  version: 0.3.0

  env: acme-us-east-1-prod

  shield_network:   core-infra
  shield_disk_pool: backups
  shield_vm_type:   std.small.1c.2gb

To enable Github as an Oauth2 authentication provider:

  name:    shield
  version: 0.3.0
    - oauth2

  env: acme-us-east-1-dev

    - name:       Github
      identifier: github
      backend:    github
        client_id:     <client-id>
        client_secret: <client-secret>
          - github: starkandwayne  # <-- github org name
            tenant: starkandwayne  # <-- shield tenant name
              - team: Owners       # <-- github team name
                role: admin        # <-- shield role name
              - team: Engineering  #   (first match wins)
                role: engineer
              - role: operator     # = (default match)
          - github: starkandwayne
            tenant: SYSTEM
              - team: Owners
                role: admin

To enable Cloud Foundry UAA as an Oauth2 authentication provider:

  name:    shield
  version: 0.3.0
    - oauth2

  env: acme-us-east-1-dev

    - name:       UAA
      identifier: uaa1
      backend:    uaa
        client_id:       <client-id>
        client_secret:   <client-secret>
        skip_verify_tls: true
          - tenant: UAA          # <-- shield tenant name
              - scim: uaa.admin  # <-- uaa scim right
                role: admin      # <-- shield role
                                #   (first match wins)
              - scim: cloud_controller.write
                role: engineer
              - role: operator   # = (default match)
          - tenant: UAA Admins
              - scim: uaa.admin
                role: admin

Note that the "SYSTEM" tenant is used to apply rights and roles to SHIELD itself.


SHIELD requires mutual visibility with the hosts where its agents execute. It is currently impossible for a SHIELD core to properly orchestrate a SHIELD Agent that exists behind a NAT gateway, in another sequestered network.


Version 0.3.0 was the first version to support Genesis 2.6 hooks for addon scripts and genesis info.