Provide a Trac webhook for GitLab to call and update ticket information.
The end goal is to make this a Trac plugin. However for now this is a cgi script to be run by your webserver of choice
Your GitLab webhook should be pointed at:<tracprojectname>&repo_name=<tracreponame>
If no Trac project name is specified in the query string, then it will use the default project. If Trac and Gitlab repo names do not match, then should manually configure the repo naem to that of Trac's
The webook.cig file will ned to be made executable: chomd +x webhook.cgi
Be carefult when exposing this webhook, as it may expose your system or Trac repositories in undesirable ways.
ScriptAlias /hooks/ "/var/trac/cgi-bin/gitlab-trac-integration"
<Directory "/var/trac/cgi-bin/gitlab-trac-integration">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all