This extensions provides an entry in the info module to check the usability & performance of the selected page by using the API of Google PageSpeed Insights.
Every page is automatically checked for the resolution desktop & mobile.
- TYPO3 CMS 9.5+
- Google Account
The extension just needs to be installed as any other extension. To make it work, you need a Google account and activate the PageSpeed service. After successfully activating the PageSpeed service you need to set the key in the configuration in EM and deactivate the demo mode.
- Open and create a new project.
- Open the project and switch to APIs and auth > APIs, select PageSpeed Insights API and Activate the API.
- Switch to Credentials and click the button Create new key for public API access.
- Create either a Server key or a Browser key*.
- Test the access by using cUrl on the server where you want to use the extension by calling the command
curl ''
. (If you get aBad request
, just wait a few minutes to get the key deployed on all Google servers)
If you need to use a different domain in the frontend or no sys domain record is available, you can use the following configuration inside your PageTsConfig:
TCEMAIN.previewDomain = localhost/sites/t3/master
If you see an exception about the
file Net/URL2.php
not found, please open the file typo3/contrib/vendor/pear/http_request2/HTTP/Request2.php
remove the require_once statement in line 24. This bug will be gone soon.
A little bit technical information for the ones who are interested in:
The API is described in detail at and it is very simple to test by just using curl:
# Desktop curl '<your_key>' # Mobile curl '<your_key'
- Record selection
- Check if current page or rootline is restricted
- Check if current page's translation should not be be shown
- Auto cleanup after page cache clearing