Releases: geotribu/website
Releases · geotribu/website
Sauvegarde 2021.09
What's Changed
- GeoRDP du 30 juillet 2021 by @aurelienchaumet in #399
- Correction risque(s) by @igeofr in #405
- GeoRDP 30 juillet 2021 - Coquilles et intégrations medias by @Guts in #407
- Guide : intégrer des fichiers audio hébergés ou depuis une plateforme comme Radio France by @Guts in #406
- A propos, transparence : tableaux Google Data Studio by @Guts in #382
- Update by @Guts in #410
- GeoRDP du 27 août 2021 by @Guts in #408
- remove living data hyperlink by @Guts in #411
- article/pg2datagouv by @igeofr in #404
- Patch de l'article pg2datagouv by @igeofr in #413
Full Changelog: 2021.08...2021.09
Sauvegarde 2021.08
What's Changed
- GeoRDP du 2 juillet 2021 : News QSoccer by @benoitblanc in #384
- Lyon en 1700 by @Guts in #380
- GeoRDP du 2 juillet 2021 by @Guts in #379
- Coquille et SEO description by @Guts in #385
- Article sur la configuration de QGIS en entreprise by @haubourg in #381
- Ajoute la gestion des licences pour les contenus by @Guts in #389
- Summer patching by @Guts in #390
- Page d'accueil by @Guts in #311
- Fix contributors by @Guts in #392
- Article/fashion summer 2021 by @Guts in #393
- Update by @Guts in #394
- Update licence article vectipy by @jbdesbas in #395
- Add cache control through meta tags by @Guts in #396
- Bump Material to 7.2+ by @Guts in #400
New Contributors
- @benoitblanc made their first contribution in #384
- @haubourg made their first contribution in #381
Full Changelog: 2021.07...2021.08
Sauvegarde 2021.07
What's Changed
- Détails Mini SotM-FR 2021 by @frodrigo in #357
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.13,>=2.10 to >=2.10,<2.14 by @dependabot in #360
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 by @dependabot in #361
- CI by @Guts in #363
- Update geoRDP du 4 juin 2021 La cartographie, le langage hype by @fbahoken in #366
- Petite anecdote - menu from project by @xcaeag in #368
- GeoRDP du 4 juin 2021 - Cartographier les émissions de gaz a effet de serre by @fbahoken in #365
- GeoRDP du 4 juin 2021 by @Guts in #351
- Correction d'une typo dans le lien pour la carte lego by @lbartoletti in #370
- Article ODK-Postgis 1/3 by @mathieubossaert in #362
- UI: light/dark mode switch by @Guts in #373
- Article : personnaliser le splash screen QGIS by @Guts in #298
- Remove theme switch by @Guts in #374
- Theme: fix GA integration by @Guts in #375
- Add note about photosynth by @Guts in #376
- GeoRDP du 18 juin 2021 by @igeofr in #372
- Update by @Guts in #378
- Articles/odk postgis 2 by @mathieubossaert in #377
- Article 2021-06-25 Webmapping avec R by @rxlacroix in #371
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2021.06...2021.07
Sauvegarde 2021.06
What's Changed
- Articles/geoitw soriano annonce by @Guts in #339
- Guide de contribution - Collection d'améliorations hiver 2021 by @Guts in #285
- GeoRDP du 07 mai 2021 by @igeofr in #330
- Update by @Jersig in #340
- Ajout des infos pour la géointerview de S. Soriano by @Guts in #341
- Flux RSS : prend en charge la balise comments by @Guts in #343
- Article RETEX disqus --> isso et contribution OSS by @Guts in #342
- Patching/badlinks by @Guts in #347
- RGPD et petit nettoyage de la page a propos by @Guts in #350
- GeoRDP du 21 mai 2021 by @aurelienchaumet in #348
- Contribution : workflow de soumission d'article by @Guts in #352
- Patch by @igeofr in #354
- Article Blblio PowerShell SI3P0 du 25 05 2021 by @Michael-cd30 in #355
- Ajout liens sources + script complet by @Michael-cd30 in #356
- Article : Carte topo - QGIS/BD TOPO by @igeofr in #353
- About section and content metadata consistency by @Guts in #358
- CI - Rationalize netlify preview by @Guts in #359
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #349
New Contributors
- @Michael-cd30 made their first contribution in #355
- @pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in #349
Full Changelog: 2021.05...2021.06
Sauvegarde 2021.05
What's Changed
- Ajout article qtribu by @Guts in #315
- Article: Représentation de lignes de bus by @igeofr in #297
- Add Geo Event geoRDP du 09 04 2021 by @fbahoken in #316
- GeoRDP du 9 avril 2021 by @igeofr in #313
- Enable comments reply notifs by @Guts in #317
- Update mergin news by @Jersig in #319
- Update mergin news by @Jersig in #318
- Article : MapLibre site ressource by @aurelienchaumet in #322
- Article de Boris : corrections pots publi by @Guts in #325
- GeoRDP du 23 avril 2021 by @igeofr in #323
- Correction de coquilles dans l'intro by @igeofr in #328
- Minimodif pour déclencher nouveau déploiement auto by @Guts in #329
- Article : publier un flux MVT à partir de PostGIS by @jbdesbas in #324
- Fix typos on MapLibre article by @Bakaniko in #331
- Article vectipy : complement, autres serveurs by @jbdesbas in #332
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2021.04...2021.05
Sauvegarde 2021.04
What's Changed
- Article - Zeal et les documentations hors-ligne pour QGIS/PyQGIS by @Guts in #276
- typo by @vpicavet in #294
- MAJ des dépendances by @Guts in #295
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.8.0 to v3.8.2 by @dependabot in #292
- Bump actions/cache from v2.1.3 to v2.1.4 by @dependabot in #293
- Article replay Reclus by @Guts in #284
- Article: création tuto pyqgis lien aide en ligne by @Guts in #277
- CartoMob by @fbahoken in #300
- Gdal 3.2.2 by @rxlacroix in #299
- GeoRDP du 12 Mars 2021 by @igeofr in #296
- GeoRDP du 12 Mars 2021 - Correction de coquilles by @igeofr in #303
- N'historise pas la branche des fichiers statiques by @Guts in #305
- GeoRDP du 26 mars 2021 by @Guts in #304
- Corrections rdp/20210326 by @igeofr in #306
- Upgrade to Material theme 7 by @Guts in #307
- RSS - Ne diffuse que les articles et RDP by @Guts in #308
- Add redirection for former node 270 by @Guts in #309
- redirect former rdp 2016 by @Guts in #310
- Déploiement d'Isso comme module de commentaires by @Guts in #312
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2021.03...2021.04
Sauvegarde 2021.03
What's Changed
- Update mkdocs-rss-plugin requirement from <0.12,>=0.10 to >=0.10,<0.13 by @dependabot in #268
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.10,>=2.5 to >=2.5,<2.11 by @dependabot in #267
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.6.0 to v3.8.0 by @dependabot in #269
- Comment lister les images intégrées à QGIS by @Guts in #257
- Hotfix images syntax by @Guts in #270
- Corrections sur le dernier article by @Guts in #271
- Article statistiques Twitter by @aurelienchaumet in #274
- add inputapp 0.8.0 to Rdp/2021 02 12 by @jancelin in #275
- Update by @gsueur in #278
- GeoRDP du 12 février 2021 by @aurelienchaumet in #273
- Fix bad LCP reported ( by @Guts in #279
- Logo geocontrib by @Guts in #280
- Article ignfr2map by @igeofr in #272
- Article automatisation et déploiement de la carte IGN (ignfr2map) by @Guts in #282
- GeoRDP 2021-02-26 by @Doctor-Who in #286
- Article: faire une carte en ligne 100% libre by @aurelienchaumet in #281
- Ajout des releases geOrchestra à la RDP du 2021-02-26 by @fvanderbiest in #288
- GeoRDP du 26 février 2021 by @aurelienchaumet in #283
New Contributors
- @jancelin made their first contribution in #275
- @gsueur made their first contribution in #278
- @Doctor-Who made their first contribution in #286
- @fvanderbiest made their first contribution in #288
Full Changelog: 2021.02...2021.03
Sauvegarde 2021.02
What's Changed
- Bump actions/setup-node from v2.1.2 to v2.1.4 by @dependabot in #249
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.5.1 to v3.6.0 by @dependabot in #250
- Bump actions/setup-python from v2.1.4 to v2.2.1 by @dependabot in #248
- Update issue templates by @Guts in #253
- Proposition pour le template "article" by @igeofr in #254
- Ajout de pages contributeurs by @aurelienchaumet in #238
- Voeux 2021 by @Guts in #251
- Exclude contents by @Guts in #258
- GeoRDP du 15 01 2021 by @igeofr in #252
- Set Google Analytics key from environment variable by @Guts in #260
- Article sur l'utilisation des icônes de QGIS dans PyQGIS by @Guts in #256
- Reduce RSS length from 50 to 40 and enable pretty print by @Guts in #262
- Hotfix corrupted feed - enable pretty print by @Guts in #263
- Fix date and title by @Guts in #264
- Big winter patch using Bing report by @Guts in #265
- Article style qgis processing by @igeofr in #255
- Article prise en main unfolded by @aurelienchaumet in #259
- GeoRDP du 29 janvier 2021 by @Guts in #261
- Coquilles by @igeofr in #266
Full Changelog: 2021.01...2021.02
Sauvegarde 2021.01
What's Changed
- GeoRDP du 11 décembre 2020 by @igeofr in #236
- GeoRDP du 25 décembre 2020 by @aurelienchaumet in #237
- fix hyperlink (seo) by @Guts in #239
- Modif image intro png + coquille by @aurelienchaumet in #241
- Prochaiiiiine dans rdp du 25 12 2020 by @aurelienchaumet in #242
- RSS - Use publication dates instead of git log by @Guts in #243
- Winter housekeeping by @Guts in #244
- Patches post xmas by @Guts in #245
- Article - Déploie Geotribu chez toi by @Guts in #145
- Coqs article deployer geotribu à la maison by @aurelienchaumet in #246
Full Changelog: 2020.12...2021.01
Sauvegarde 2020.12
What's Changed
- GeoRDP du 13 novembre 2020 by @igeofr in #222
- Update by @Guts in #229
- Article sur Street Complete by @Guts in #231
- Patching some links by @Guts in #232
- Batch replace images pointing to /sites --> cdn by @Guts in #233
- GeoRDP du 27 novembre 2020 by @Guts in #230
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v2 to v3.5.1 by @dependabot in #235
- Update pre-commit requirement from <2.9,>=2.5 to >=2.5,<2.10 by @dependabot in #234
Full Changelog: 2020.11...2020.12