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title: Java and the End of History - Learn Some New Languages and Concepts

Java and the End of History

Learn Some New Languages and Concepts

Java, Java, Java - 10,000,000,000 % Java

"When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

"Java is like violence - if it doesn't solve your problems, you are not using enough of it."

Web Architecture - All Java? Really?

  • What about HTML5?

  • What about CSS3?

  • What about JavaScript?

  • What about HTTP/REST? e.g ETag, Cache Headers, Cookie-Less Requests for Static Resources, etc.

  • What about SQL/NoSQL?

  • What about Web Server Configuration Settings? e.g Gzip, Static Resources across Applications, etc.

  • What about Memory Caching (MemCache)?

-> All Java? Really?

The March of Progress

1980: C

printf("%10.2f", x);

1988: C++

cout << setw(10) << setprecision(2) << showpoint << x;

1996: Java (Enterprise Edition)

java.text.NumberFormat formatter = java.text.NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); 
String s = formatter.format(x); 
for (int i = s.length(); i < 10; i++) System.out.print(' '); 

The March of Progress Continued

2004: Java

System.out.printf("%10.2f", x);

2008: Scala and Groovy

printf("%10.2f", x)

Flashback: 1980 C

printf("%10.2f", x);

Note the lack of semi-colon. Improvement!!

Question: Ideas on how to progess?

The March of Progress - Example Ruby

Flashback: 1980 C

printf("%10.2f", x);

Ruby Version I:

printf("%10.2f", x);


printf "%10.2f", x

Semi-colon and parenthesis optional. Improvement!!

Ruby Version II:

puts "10.2f" % x

Make formatting an expression, that is, independant of printf (works everywhere). Example:

str = "10.2f" % x

Anyways, the point is...

Java is not the End of History. Open your mind. Learn some new concepts and languages.


class Person(name: String, age: Int) {
  def description = name + " is " + age + " years old"


public class Person {
  private String _name;
  private int    _age;
  public Person( String name, int age ) { _name = name; _age = age; }
  public String getName() { return _name; }
  public void setName( String name ) { _name = name; }
  public int getAge() { return _age; }
  public void setAge( int age ) { _age = age; }
  public String getDescription() { return name + " is " + age + " years old"; }

What's missing in Java? What's wrong with Java?


10 Scala One Liners - Possible in Java?

%%% todo: escape numbered list in markdown how?

  1. Multiple Each Item in a List by 2
(1 to 10) map { _ * 2 }
  1. Sum a List of Numbers
(1 to 1000).sum
  1. Verify if Exists in a String
val wordList = List("scala", "akka", "play framework", "sbt", "typesafe")
val tweet = "This is an example tweet talking about scala and sbt."

  1. Read in a File
val fileText = io.Source.fromFile("data.txt").mkString
val fileLines = io.Source.fromFile("data.txt").getLines.toList
  1. Happy Birthday to You!
(1 to 4).map { i => "Happy Birthday " + (if (i == 3) "dear NAME" else "to You") }.foreach { println }

10 Scala One Liners Continued

  1. Filter list of numbers
val (passed, failed) = List(49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90) partition ( _ > 60 )
  1. Fetch and Parse an XML web service
val results = XML.load("")
  1. Find minimum (or maximum) in a List
List(14, 35, -7, 46, 98).min
List(14, 35, -7, 46, 98).max
  1. Parallel Processing
val result = => processItem(line))
  1. Sieve of Eratosthenes
(n: Int) => (2 to n) |> (r => r.foldLeft(r.toSet)((ps, x) => if (ps(x)) ps -- (x * x to n by x) else ps))


More 10 One Liners

  • 10 Ruby One Liners
  • 10 CoffeeScript One Liners
  • 10 Python One Liners
  • 10 Clojure One Liners
  • and so on

Tip: Some Books

That's it. Thanks.