- Improve the markdown syntax.
- Add 'proselint' to
in vimwiki files.
- Allow FZF updates again; compatibility issues have been resolved.
- Enable Undotree again.
- Enable the colorizer plugin.
- Add 'proselint' to
in markdown files.
- Stop FZF updates for compatibility issues with tmux.
- Disable Undotree temporarily.
- Add line number in Goyo plugin.
- Add settings for Atomic color scheme.
- Change the preview window size.
- Change the map
(toggle AutoPairs) to<C-y>
- Recover the default map for Visual-Block.
- Add ALE signs.
- Change the nnoremap
from FZF) to<C-q>
. - Change the map
(toggle AutoPairs) to<C-b>
. - Change the cnoremap
(delete a word, forward) to<C-g>
- Add 'tgpt' (Terminal GPT 3.5).
- Code cleanup.
- Update fillchars.
- Add the function
to customize the mapgx
- Fix the cursor shape in vim for the tty.
- Next an prev centered.
- Enable local
config (set exrc
- Update
settings. - Add the nnoremap
). - Add the nnoremap
). - Add the nnoremap
). - Add the nnoremap
). - Add the nnoremap
, filter functions). - Add the nnoremap
, filter variables).
- Add the internal
to hide the window preview. - Remove the plugin
. - Remove the plugin
. - Use the nnoremap
). - Add the nnoremap
). - The nnoremap
instead of:GV
. - The nnoremap
(word-count) changes to<Leader>cx
. - The vnoremap
(word-count) changes to<Leader>cx
. - The nnoremap
(switch CWD) changes to<Leader>dd
. - Add the nnoremap
(switch to git root directory). - Add the function
to switch to git root directory. - The nnoremap
) changes to<Leader>U
- Revert a little change in the function
- Extend the function
to use Zathura for PDF files. - Improve the function
- Improve the function
- Add the inoremap
to enter Vim's expression register (math).
- Improve the function
- Add little CSV syntax.
- Change the nnoremap
) to Visual-Block. - The nnoremap to
disappears. - Change the vmap
) tom
.- I'm using
at terminal level to paste.
- I'm using
- Update listchars and showbreak
- Add the nnoremap
to preview the current post in the web browser.
- Install the plugin
(toggle checkboxes).
- Change the nnoremap
from FZF) to<C-f>
. - Remove the nnoremap
). - Remove the nnoremap
- Update
settings. - Update
- Install the plugin
(syntax for openscad). - Update surround keymaps.
- Add the nnoremap
to add{{ }}
- Use
by default instead ofpython3
- Change and reduce vim-surround keymaps.
- Add the inoremap
to insert a backslash (\
) faster.
- Syntax improvements.
- Remove the nnoremap
(copy buffer to clipboard).
- Fix cursor shape on
(zle). - Update vnoremap to copy text into the clipboard.
- Install the plugin
(syntax for recfiles).
- Remove the variable
- Downgrade NERDCommenter version.
- Add 'vint' to
- Fix plugins path (NERDCommenter and NERDTree).
- Change the nnoremap
from FZF) to<C-f><C-f>
. - Change the nnoremap
from FZF) to<C-f><C-g>
. - Add the nnoremap
tot open the command:Blines
- Install
plugin. - The nnoremap
(fullscreen window) changed to<C-w>f
. - Add the nnoremap
to open the command:Files
(FZF). - Add the nnoremap
to open the command:Commits
- Use
instead ofGstatus
- Use
instead ofGlog
- Fix
function. - Change
- Add
to closetag settings. - Add the command
to translate selection (Eng to Spa). - Add the command
to translate selection (Spa to Eng).
- Change the nnoremap
(add line to staging area) to<Leader>ga
.- It is more intuitive.
- Add the nnoremap
to remove markdown links.
- Fix vim-surround shortcut.
- Add support to generate sky charts with pp3.
- Update
for math equations (Latex).
- Update CtrlP settings.
- The function
must escape#
. - Improve arglist commands.
- Extend some markdown maps to liquid syntax files.
- Remove vim-polyglot. Too much conflicts all the time.
- Reinstall some syntax files from the original source.
- Install the plugin vim-move.
- The nnoremap
(join lines) changed to<C-j>
. - Add the nnoremap
(split lines). - The nnoremap
(move line down) changed toJ
. - The nnoremap
(move line up) changed toK
. - Add the nnoremap
to move a character to the left. - Add the nnoremap
to move a character to the right.
- Add
bundle exec
to the functionToggleJekyll()
- Remove the function to reload the colorscheme.
- Change the nnoremap
to toggle Goyo. - Add Goyo settings.
- Update markdown.vim to include tex.vim for maths.
- Define section z for vim-airline.
- Add a new surround shortcut:
. - Change the surround shortcut
for the bold. - Remove other useless surround shortcuts, I'll use defaults.
- Add the inoremap
to insert()
. - Change the inoremap
. - Change the inoremap
. - Add airline section z.
- The function
must escape"
- The workaround to fix the vulnerability CVE-2019-12735 can be removed.
- It was fixed in the patch 8.1.1365.
- Add the plugin
(syntax for Asymptote). - Add the plugin
(syntax for Eukleides).
- Declare
before polyglot is loaded.
- Escape double quotes when executing SQL queries (
- Set the ALE variable
to 1.- This fixes an issue with the vim airline tabline, moving between buffers.
- Fix indentation.
- Change the nnoremap
(jump to the next AutoPairs match).- Fix a conflict introduced in the version 2.0.2.
- Change the nnoremap
(plugin GV). - The plugin CtrlP now can scroll until 85 results (
). - Add
for liquid, html and yml files (exclude.jekyll-cache
- Change the map
(jump to the next AutoPairs match). - Change the map
(toggle the plugin AutoPairs).- Maps for normal and insert modes.
- Change the nnoremap
). - Change the nnoremap
(move to next misspelled word). - Change the nnoremap
(move to previous misspelled word). - Change the nnoremap
(suggest correctly spelled words). - Change the cnoremap
(paste yanked text). - Change CtrlP maps to close it with
, the same map to open it.
- Change the map
(jump to the next AutoPairs match). - Change the map
(toggle the plugin AutoPairs).- Maps for normal and insert modes.
- Merge vim and nvim configs.
- Change the nnoremap for conceallevel and concealcursor.
- Add syntax definitions to
- Change the nnoremap
(KeywordDenisty) to<Leader>cc
. - Change the nnoremap
(word-count) to<Leader>dd
. - Change the vnoremap
(word-count) to<Leader>dd
.- Make them easier to type.
- Update github path for ALE plugin.
- Update github path for deoplete-go plugin.
- Update github path for deoplete-zsh plugin.
- Update github path for deoplete-clang plugin.
- Some paths changed.
- Add clang to ALE linters list.
- Update clang and libclang paths for deoplete.
- Change the nnoremap
(KeywordDenisty) to<Leader>ck
. - Change the nnoremap
(word-count) to<Leader>cj
. - Change the vnoremap
(word-count) to<Leader>cj
- Add nnoremap and vnoremap
- Add new shortcuts for vim-surround on markdown.
- The function
excludes comments on liquid files.
- Exclude some subdirectories for searches in the current directory.
- Remove
:argdelete %
when deleting a buffer. No need to mix it.
- Disable markdown for polyglot, again.
- Add
syn region
to conceal links in markdown. - Add the nnoremap
to go to the next markdown link. - Add the nnoremap
to go to the previous markdown link.
- Enable markdown for polyglot.
- Update
forgit log
, using-G
instead of-S
. - When deleting a buffer, do an
as well. - Remove the nnoremap
: grep in loaded buffers. - Remove teh nnormap
: populate args with wildcards. - Remove teh nnormap
: populate args with wildcards. - Add the nnoremap
. - Add the nnoremap
. - Add the nnoremap
for:args **/*.
. - Add the nnoremap
to display the arglist. - Fix the function
. - Fix the function
- The nnoremap
now is:Gvdiffsplit HEAD
. - Improve the word count tool: strip front matter and HTML tags.
- Fix for the last commit about path plugins.
- Update Github path for some plugins.
- Improve the function
. - Improve the function
- The nnoremap
can open and close theGstatus
- Set
after usingGvdiff
- Add some flags to the function
- Add custom wildignore for liquid files to skip
and images.
- Display words counter even when no patterns are found.
- The function
is nowToggleJekyll
.- Better
check, usingv:shell_error
. - Create/remove a temporary file for i3status.
- Send system notifications with
- Better
- Change the nnoremap
(toggle bundle) to<Leader>ii
- Reorganization of code.
- Automatically
setlocal spell!
ft. - Disable
ft. - Add a function to toggle
bundle exec jekyll serve
in the background.
- Load the plugin
first, so it can be overriden by other plugins. - Set
to 0, sovim-liquid
can setliquid
ft on Jekyll posts.
- Add a new shortcut for vim-surround on markdown.
- Change the nnoremap
(keyword density) to<Leader>ik
- Improvements in the keyword density checker.
- Vimwiki plugin: use the branch master.
- Set
to 0. - Fix the keyword density checker.
- Add new shortcuts for vim-surround on markdown.
- Set
for markdown files.
- Set
to remove octal on increase/decrease. - Improve toggle function for NERDTree plugin.
- Fix the nnoremap for
- Stop updates for some deoplete plugins. Unstable on Debian 9.
- Use vim-go version v1.19 (it's more stable).
- Improve cursor shapes support.
- Add commit hash for plugin neosnippet.vim.
- Add commit hash for plugin deoplete.nvim (only nvim).
- Workaround to fix warning version of vim-go plugin (only nvim).
- Clean code on init.vim.
- Add some shortcuts for vim-surround on markdown filetype.
- Extend
to generate PNG from DOT (Graphviz). - Change tab size to 2 instead of 4.
- Install the plugin
to add two new maps.- Add the nnoremap
to increase markdown headings. - Add the nnoremap
to decrease markdown headings.
- Add the nnoremap
- Workaround to fix warning version of vim-go plugin (only vim).
- Fix for
- Add the inoremap
to insert the liquid tags{% %}
. - Add the inoremap
to insert the liquid tags{%- -%}
- Install the plugin
- Get the keyword density with the nnoremap
- The nnoremap
) changes to<Leader>td
- Add semicolon to Maxima strings when it's needed.
- Reduce automatic pclose to deoplete functionality.
- Set
to fix vulnerability.
- Change the maps
(neosnippet) to<C-s>
- Rename
- Add the cnoremap
to delete a word, forward; as I do in Zsh.
- Cnoremap
must paste yanked text instead of word under the cursor.
- Fix: delete the previous content in the preview window.
- Unify functions to generate images to only one:
. - Remove the old five functions.
- Add support to generate PNG images with Asymptote language.
- Add support to images with POV-Ray.
- Redirect the stderr to the preview window when generator fails.
- Split
function toResizeWinPreview()
- Add Lua and PHP commands in
to execute them.
- Fix: delete tmux window when it's already open (rename tmux window).
- Autoupdate buffer before running the script.
- Remove some makeprg settings.
- The nnoremap to preview code in a tmux window changes to
. - Add the function
to output code in the preview window. - Add the nnoremap
to output code in the preview window. - Add the function
to define commands for some languages.
- Remove the plugin Quickrun, since I'm using own functions.
- Remove the maps
to run Quickrun. - Add the function
to check the python version in the shebang. - Prevents
to don't close the tmux window until Enter is pressed.
- Change all the nnoremaps to convert, generate or run to
. - Reorganize the configuration.
- Add the function
to convert LaTeX to PDF. - Add thte nnoremap
to convert LaTeX to PDF and preview it. - Add the linter
for LaTeX syntax checking.
- Remove the nnoremap
. - Add the nnoremap
to scroll down the preview window from another. - Add the nnoremap
to scroll up the preview window from another. - Remove the last empty line from the output of the
function. - Remove the plugin sexy_scroller.
- Move the cursor to top in the preview window.
- Resize automatically the preview window.
- Fix
: better conditionals to check the language. - Fix
: format queries only when it's a SQLSELECT
- Improve the nnoremaps to work on bufer.
- Fix an error in the SQL queries execution.
- Add the nnoremap
to close the temporary preview window from inside.
- Remove the plugin vim-notebook.
- It needs blocks in markdown and the output writes same document.
- It requires to start the kernel first...
- Implement a function to execute Maxima instructions, as in SQL queries.
- This solution is cleaner because it uses a temporary preview window.
- A second instruction overwrites the previous one (better workflow).
- It has syntax enabled, using MAX files.
- It does not require extra commands to start a kernel.
- It executes one line or one selection instead of a markdown block.
- Exclude csv syntax from vim-polyglot.
- Add
to generate 2D/3D graphs with Gnuplot and mupdf preview.
- Improve
to echo syntax errors when it's required.
- Add
options for the EUK to PNG conversion.
- Create a new configuration section: "External tools integration".
- Add
to generate PNG from EUK using Eukleides and mupdf preview. - Add the nnoremap
to runEucly()
- Set properly the height of the preview window.
- Remove the plugin vim-dadbod.
- Improve the function
to handle sqlite natively. - Implement a function to create a temporary preview window.
- Implement a function to send a command to the preview window.
- Add the map
to close the preview window faster. - The map for wincmd is now
(faster to type). - Create the command
to preview shell commands.
- Split vimwiki into subfolders based on categories.
- Check if sqlite database exists before running SQL queries.
- Refactor
. - Refactor
, and execute it silently.
- Improve
so it maximizes the window on WinEnter event. - Remove the command
. The nnoremap<C-f>
is enough and faster.
- Extend
to execute SQL queries from the visual mode. - Add the nnoremap
to add/change the database path.
- Install the plugin vim-dadbod to use Vim as databases client.
- Add the nnoremap
to execute SQL queries (one by line).
- Add
to generate PNG from UML using PlantUML and mupdf preview. - Add the nnoremap
to runPlanty()
. - Add plantuml output for vim-quickrun to preview with feh.
- Remove the nnoremap
(omni SQL completion). Deoplete is enough. - Disable omni SQL default maps with global variable.
- Use
to extendTmuxy()
. - Improve
: it wraps for any FileType.
- Improve
addinggrep mupdf
- Add the nnoremap
to run bash in a tmux window. - Improve
changinglsof -a
to a goodps -ef
filter. - Add options to convert to MD to PDF with better fontsize and margins.
- Fix markdown keymaps!
- The nnoremap
) is now<Leader>ims
. - The nnoremap
) is now<Leader>imc
. - The nnoremap
) is now<Leader>imm
. - Add
service to generate math formulas in EPUB.
- Fix surround settings: double quotes required.
- Remove closetag settings for php and erb.
- Reduce markdown fenced languages (only sh and python).
- This change reduces de timeload of a markdown file.
- Downgrade deoplete, again (Vim).
- Add auto-shebang for new
files (node).
- Add
for deoplete plugin. - Fix auto-shebang for new
files (use python3).
- Remove the plugin vim-instant-markdown. Marky has better workflow.
- Remove the nnoremap
. - Set the option
to 0. - Add the nnoremap
to setconceallevel
to 0. - Add the nnoremap
to setconceallevel
to 2. - Remove the nnoremap
to delete a file. Use other methods. - Stop removing automatically trailing whitespaces. Now is a command.
- Add the nnoremap
to remove trailing white spaces. - Unset default spell for markdown files. It's annoying.
- Stop renaming title of tmux tab with current filename.
- Change the inoremap
to insert{}
- Improve Marky: use Mathjax for HTML, and fix "bug" on lsof command.
- The nnoremap
(close buffer) changes to<Leader>bd
. Regression. - Install the plugin vim-notebook to use maxima into Vim.
- Add the nnoremap
to run the command:NotebookStart
. - Add the nnoremap
to run the command:NotebookClose
. - Add the nnoremap
to run the command:NotebookEvaluate
- Upgrade deoplete.nvim (Vim only). They fixed bugs.
- Remove
. Use:Gstatus
- Extend Marky function to export to PDF and HTML.
- Function to convert MD to EPUB and preview it with Mupdf
- Downgrade deoplete.nvim (Vim only).
- Add csslint in the ALE options.
- Install the plugin vim-polyglot (better syntax support).
- Install the plugin perlomni.vim (Perl support).
- Install the plugin vim-ruby (Ruby support).
- Install the plugin vim-rails (RoR support).
- Install the plugin vim-endwise (end certain structures).
- Install the plugin phpcomplete.vim (PHP support).
- Install the plugin vim-racer (Rust support).
- Remove the plugin neopairs.vim (using auto-pairs).
- Remove the plugin vim-jquery (not used).
- Remove the plugin vim-javascript (already into vim-polyglot).
- Reformat plugins organization.
- Fix italics issue (only in Vim).
- Fix tmux-navigator setting introduced in v1.17.12 (only in Neovim).
- Switch nnoremaps
(is now terminal) and<C-t>
(is now Tagbar). - Create a custom function to have a better toggle for Tagbar.
- Remove 'runner/vimproc' (vim-quickrun settings).
- Improve markdown otuput for vim-quickrun.
- Change the workspace directory name (for vimwiki).
- The nnoremap
(toggle NERDCommenter) changes tocc
.- Faster to type.
- Remove the inoremaps
to move lines from Insert Mode.- These maps must be only for Normal and Visual modes.
- Add the map
to jump to the next AutoPairs match. - Add the map
to toggle the plugin AutoPairs. - Add a workaround to fix an AutoPairs bug into nvim for
. - Update
. - Set fillchars with different unicode symbols.
- The nnoremap
changes tocv
.- Faster to type.
- The nnoremap
changes tocx
.- Faster to type.
- Add the inoremap
to insert[]
faster.- Faster to type.
- Add the inoremap
to insert{}
faster.- Faster to type.
- The nnoremap
(switch CWD) changes to<Leader>bw
.- Back to the version 1.17.4.
- Remove the inoremap
to delete the last character. - Remove the cnoremap
to delete the last character. - KEYMAPS.md file has been reorganized.
- Add the cmap
to init CapsLock into the command-line.
- Function
for python doesn't need to use the interactive mode.
- Remove
from theautocmd QuickfixCmdPre
. - Add the function
to run code into a tmux window. - Add the nnoremap
to run the functionTmuxy()
. - The nnoremap
(InstantMarkdownPreview) changes to<Leader>im
. - Redistribute some Fkeys and avoid the Shift + Fkeys:
- The nnoremap
(toggle Tagbar) is now<F7>
- The nnoremap
- The nnoremap
(toggle relative numbers) is now<F4>
- The nnoremap
- The nnoremap
(toggle spell dictionaries) is now<F9>
- The nnoremap
- The nnoremap
(toggle colorcolumn) is now<F10>
- The nnoremap
- The nnoremap
(reload colorscheme) is now<F11>
. - (F7, F10 and F11 were available).
- The nnoremap
- Check if vim 8 has terminal.
- The nnoremap
changes to<Leader>gs
(stage hunk). - The nnoremap
changes to<Leader>gu
(unstage hunk).- This change avoids staging hunks by error pressing double i.
- Add the nnoremap
to search a string between commits (Glog).- With this, I extended the function
- With this, I extended the function
- Add the path for the plugin vim-sessions.
- Neovim was using
path by default...
- Neovim was using
- Add the path for the clang library.
- Deoplete couldn't find it on Debian. It worked fine on Arch, though.
- The nnoremap
(close the window) changes to<C-W>j
. - The nnoremap
(fullscreen window) changes to<C-f>
. - The nnoremap
(close buffer) changes to<C-b>
. - Remove the nnoremap
(to close all buffers). Never used it.
- Add terminal keycodes on vim to make it compatible with rxvt.
- Remove paste mode on nvim (bracketed-paste-mode is built-in).
- Configure vim to use bracketed-paste-mode under 'screen' &term.
- Remove the map
to toggle between paste/nopaste. Obsolete. - Fix URL referencing my tmux config from dotfiles repository.
- The nnoremap
(Gvdiff) changed to<Leader>gv
. - Add the nnoremap
to split horizontally (Gsdiff). - Add the nnoremap
to run the command Gblame. - The nnoremap
(GitGutterStageHunk) change to<Leader>ii
. - Add the nnoremap
to run the command GitGutterUndoHunk.- These maps are more intuitive.
- The nmap
(openbrowser) changed to<Leader>gl
. Avoid conflict with Vimwiki. - The nnoremap
(switch CWD) changed to<Leader>wd
. - Remove the cnoremap
to expand the path of the current buffer.
- Remove xterm-modifier-keys for tmux. It works well using URxvt.
must be rxvt-unicode-256color (.Xresources and .tmux.conf).
- Add
to highlight the word under the cursor.- Removed it in the version 1.14.1 (it's better with it).
- Add options to
grep -R
: exclude CVS directories and LICENSE file.
- Add
for Python. - Remove the
after toggle comment with<Leader>c
.- Tired of pressing
to return to Normal Mode.
- Tired of pressing
- Add highlights (headers and checkbox) for the Vimwiki.
- Fix some vint warnings.
- Add the setting
in Vim (like in Neovim). - I decided to adjust
andset number
. - Add file headers for Python, Ruby, Perl and Bash new files.
- Remove phpcomplete-extended plugin.
- Remove neocomplete plugin from Vim8.
- Remove jedi-vim plugin from Vim8.
- Install deoplete plugin on Vim8.
- Install nvim-yarp plugin (required to use deoplete on Vim8).
- Install vim-hug-neovim-rpc plugin (required to use deoplete on Vim8).
- Install deoplete-jedi plugin for Vim8 (Python autocomplete).
- Install deoplete-ternjs plugin (javascript autocomplete).
- Install deoplete-zsh plugin (zsh autocomplete).
- Install neco-ghc plugin (Haskell autocomplete).
- Update all settings for deoplete.
- Add pylint (python linter).
- Quickrun outputter uses vertical buffer instead of quickfix.
- Vimwiki: avoid URL shortener (show full URL). Shortener was buggy.
- Rename
function toCloseLastBuffer
. - Function
closes 'nofile'&buftype
. - Function
calls system to rename tmux window.
- Change
.- Default was
(it was in conflict).
- Default was
- Add the
option to grepprg.
- The nnoremap
(Gstatus) changed to<C-s>
.- It's faster to toggle Gstatus having Ctrl pressed.
- The nnoremap
(Gvdiff) is now<Leader>g
.- It reduces one keystroke to make a Gvdiff (faster).
- The nnoremap
(OpenSession) moved to<C-q>
.- It's normally used once at start, so I put it farther.
- The nnoremap
(vimgrep %) changed to<Leader>vg
. - The nnoremap
(vimgrep **/*.) changed to<Leader>vf
. - Add the nnoremap
: grep the highlight (current buffer). - Add the nnoremap
: grep the highlight (loaded buffers). - Add the nnoremap
: grep the highlight (current directory). - Add the nnoremap
: addgrep the highlight (current buffer). - Add the nnoremap
: grep the highlight (current arglist). - Add two functions:
for the last commands. - The nnoremap
now uses:bufdo
instead of:argdo
. - Add the nnoremap
: replace the highlight to each quickfix entry. - Improve the function to toggle the cursor position (
- Add the plugin js-beautify, mapped to
. - Add the maps
to autoformat SQL and XML. - Add the nnoremap
the buffer.
- Remove the plugin Vimshell from vim.
- Add a new function for Vim:
. - Improve the same function on Neovim.
- Add the tnoremap
- Allow plugin CtrlP to follow symlinks.
- Fix double quotes in function
- Add the plugin vimwiki.
- Add the maps
. - Configure the plugin open-browser to use w3m into a tmux window.
- Follow vimscript style guide.
- Switch nnoremaps
. - Remove
from highlight the word under the cursor. - Remove nnoremaps
(spelling). - Add
for some languages. - Fix
, use$
instead ofg_
- Install Atomic color scheme as plugin.
- Add the nnoremap
. - Add the nnoremap
. - Remove background setting. Color scheme manages it.
- Remove the workaround for ncurses 6.0 on neovim.
- Add the cnoremap
to paste yanked text (<C-R><C-W>
). - Change foldmethod to marker.
- Fix vnoremap
to execute:QuickRun
- Remove Syntastic and Neomake from Vim/Neovim. Use ALE.
- Syntastic is not async.
- Syntastic and Neomake don't lint while coding.
- Use QuickRun to run code in Neovim, with better settings.
- QuickRun can run the selected lines in 'Visual mode'.
- Remove function for
. Use the plugin GV.- It does not populate the quickfix, so it's better for me.
- It is possible to track the changes in the selected lines.
- And it shows the last commits with a nicer format.
- Finally, remove FZF plugins. I prefer CtrlP + GV combo.
- So, remove the nnoremap
to open:Commits
. - Also, install the plugin vim-ruby. (Support for ruby).
- Expand neosnippet with
instead of<C-z>
is closer toTab
and avoid conflicts with GV.
- Fix some makeprg settings, and drop cpp.
- The command
changed to :WW
. It was in conflict. - Added a new function for Neovim:
- Added python2 path for deoplete. It's optional.
- Added
because it's not a default in nvim 2.0. - Cursor shape options changed in nvim 2.0, so I updated them.
- Disabled true colors for terminal (old option is ignored).
- Fixed the command
. It was not well defined. - Added a workaround for ncurses 6.0 on Archlinux/nvim.
- Yank the last pasted text automatically (
- Added the command
to save a file with sudo permissions.
- Removed Vimshell plugin from Neovim (unnecessary).
- The nmap
(GitGutter preview) changed to<C-g>
. - Improved the nnoremap
). - The map
(CtrlP menu) changed to<C-p>
. - Better prompt mappings (readline) for CtrlP plugin.
- Added the nnoremap
to open:OpenSession
. - The vnoremaps
(toggle case) changed to<Leader>z
. - The nnoremap
) now toggles the caps. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>C
. - Added new function to toggle vim-fugitive-:Glog with
. - Deleted the navigation maps from Insert mode
. - Deleted the navigation maps from Command mode
. - Added the inoremap
to delete the last character. - Added the inoremap
to delete the current character. - Added the cnoremap
to delete the last character. - Added the cnoremap
to delete the current character. - Extended the nnoremap
to vim (open:Vimshell
). - Vim supports cursor shape only for
- Added the plugin goyo.
- Switched the plugin Gundo to Undotree (tired of Python 2.4+ requirement).
- Fixed Neomake settings:
changed toBufWinEnter
. - Added a function to close the quickfix window if it's the last window.
- Added the nnoremap
to open the:terminal
(only for Neovim). - Added the tnoremap
to switch:terminal
to the last window.
- Added the plugin neco-vim.
- Added the plugin neco-syntax.
- Added the plugin neopairs.
- Maps
(neosnippet) changed to<C-d>
; had conflict with CtrlP maps.
- Autocompletion fixes.
- Removed the plugin deoplete-ternjs because it has a .tern-port issue.
- Tern fix: do not create .tern-port file.
- Show hidden files into CtrlP menu.
- Removed the nnoremap and vnoremap
. - Removed the nnoremap and vnoremap
- The maps
(expand neosnippet) changed to<C-s>
. Conflict fix.
- Removed all the
commands from Insert mode. - Removed most of the
commands from Visual mode. - Removed the fast Escape key (
). - The
function can be used with the triggered<C-c>
. - Removed the plugin (a.vim), it was annoying and useless.
- Added the nnoremap
for the command:Gvdiff
. - CtrlP map changed to
crashed in Visual mode). - The nnoremap
(show syntax groups) changed to<Leader>B
. - Added the nnoremap
to search backward (?
). - Also, better notation for
maps (letters in lowercase).
- Installed the plugin 'deoplete-go' (autocompletion).
- Installed the plugin 'gocode' (autocompletion).
- Installed the plugin 'deoplete-ternjs' (autocompletion).
- Installed the plugin 'jspc' (autocompletion).
- Installed the plugin 'phpcomplete-extended' (autocompletion).
- Installed the plugin 'clang_complete' (autocompletion).
- Removed the plugin 'phpcompletion'.
- Removed the plugin 'vim-clang'.
- Added the nnoremap
to toggle:Gstatus
(fugitive). - Added ignore git, hg and svn files for CtrlP plugin
- Added more general settings for deoplete plugin.
- Added settings for the plugin 'deoplete-go'.
- Added settings for the plugin 'deoplete-jedi'.
- Added settings for the plugin 'deoplete-ternjs'.
- Added settings for the plugin 'phpcompletion-extended'.
- Added settings for the plugin 'clang_complete'.
- The maps
(expand neosnippet) changed to<C-d>
. - The maps
(EasyAlign plugin) changed togi
. - The vnoremap
(tabularize) changed to<Leader>x
. - The vnoremap
(tabularize first) changed to<Leader>X
. - Added settings for the plugin 'closetag', also for PHP and Ruby.
- Added settings for the plugin 'surround', also for PHP and Ruby.
- Added «omnifunc» settings (better autocompletions).
- Duplicated for Visual modes the function to toggle
- Added the inoremaps
. - Better misspelled words navigation with
. - The map
(suggestions) changed to<Leader>ç
. - The map
(wrong is good) changed to<Leader>wg
. - The map
(wrong is wrong) changed to<Leader>ww
- Removed the nnoremap
(stop pressing message). - The map
(open CtrlP) changed to<C-c>
. - The maps
(open FZF buffers) have been removed. - The maps
(poen FZF commits) changed to<Leader>Z
- Added and fixed the vnoremap to vimgrep into the visual selection.
- The nnoremap
(replace to all open files) changed to<Leader>R
- Added
nnoremaps. - Removed the vnoremap to vimgrep into the visual selection.
- Jump to the search results (grep, vimgrep) in buffers, not in tabs.
- New toggle function to switch start and end of line with
- New NERDCommenter settings: default maps disabled.
- The maps
(toggle comments) changed to<Leader>c
. - New Neomake/Syntastic settings: new error signs.
- New CtrlP settings: changed some prompt mappings.
- Added a new map
to open:Buffers
(FZF). - Added a new map
to open:Commits
(FZF). - The maps
(toggle Gundo) changed to<Leader>u
. - The map
(pwd directory) changed to<Leader>bw
. - The map
(copy filepath) changed to<Leader>by
. - Added new 'Readline commands' for the Command mode, navigate like in a terminal.
- The maps
(toggle case) changed to<Leader><
. - The function to toggle GitGutterPreviewHunk has been improved.
- Added a new function: search into a Visual selection.
- Removed the inoremap ';;' (inserts a comma and
). - The map
now returns to the last column cursor position. - Display the current dictionary when we toggle between dictionaries.
- Removed indentation settings from markdown and mail file types.
- Removed useless nnoremap and vnoremap to
for Windows key. - Fixed Caps Lock setting: leaving 'Insert Mode' now disables CAPS automatically.
- Added the setting
to avoid the pause of listings.
- Fixed the inoremap
(paste from clipboard one character left).
- The maps
) changed to<Leader>gu
. - Better Neocomplete/Deoplete settings.
- Deleted the inoremap
to delete a line. - Added the inoremap
to expand Jedi completions. - Fixed the imap
(Caps Lock) to prevents popup completions. - Better cursor shape detection for older Vim versions.
- New maps to switch between Vim and Tmux windows even from the Insert/Visual Modes.
- Now easily navigate between characters from Insert Mode with Windows key + hjkl.
- Added the cnoremaps
to move one character left and right. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>**do**
. - The nnoremap
now it enters a new line Up.
- Added a new section: 'Filetype settings'.
- More time delay for
(3000). - New inoremap to insert a colon and return to Normal Mode.
- Trigger
autocmd when using<C-C>
to escape. - Echo a warning when pressing
in Normal Mode. - Disabled Q Mode.
- New cnoreabbrev to open help in a vertical window.
- Installed the plugin 'fzf'.
- Installed the plugin 'tern_for_vim'.
- Installed the plugin 'vim-closetag'.
- Installed the plugin 'targets.vim'.
- Installed the plugin 'vim-sort-motion'.
- Installed the plugin 'vim-expand-region'.
- Installed the plugin 'MatchTagAlways'.
- Installed the plugin 'vim-argwrap'.
- Installed the plugin 'vim-characterize'.
- GitGutter will ignore space at EOL.
- The map
(open CtrlP plugin) changed to<Leader><Space>
. - Added the nmap
to toggle preview GitGutter hunks. - All maps
(toggle comment) changed to<Leader>x
. - Added new maps
to jump to the previous error. - Added new maps
to jump to the next error. - Added new maps
to open FZF plugin. - All maps
(toggle Tagbar) changed to<F4>
. - All maps
(expand neosnippet) changed to<C-S>
. - Added the nnoremap
to open:VimShell
. - The plugin 'easy-align' now uses the map
. - The plugin 'tabularize' now uses the map
. - The plugin 'expand-region' uses the vmap
. - Added settings for the plugin 'MatchTagAlways'.
- Added settings for the plugin 'ArgWrap' and
. - The plugin 'vim-instant-markdown' now uses the map
. - Added new settings to change the cursor shape.
- To reload the
now it is mapped to<S-F12>
- The nnoremap
(show syntax) changed to<C-S>
. - Added the onoremap
to work on all file. - Added the nnoremap
to copy the filepath to clipboard. - Added the cnoremap
to expand the path of the current buffer. - All maps
(toggle relative numbers) changed to<S-F3>
. - Removed maps to treat long lines as break lines using arrows.
- Removed maps to move lines using arrows.
- Removed maps to duplicate a line using arrows.
- Added four 'Readline commands':
. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>v
. - The vnoremap
) changed to<Leader>v
. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>V
. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>n
. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>N
. - The nnoremap
(:args *.
) changed to<Leader>a
. - The nnoremap
(:args **/*.
) changed to<Leader>A
. - The nnoremap
(:argdo %s...
) changed to<Leader>da
. - The vnoremap
(toggle case) changed to<Leader>u
. - Added the nnoremap
to toggle case: easier than~
. - Added the inoremap
to toggle case from Insert Mode. - Added maps to toggle spell dictionary using
. - Added the inoremap
to paste the clipboard from Insert Mode. - Added the nnoremap
to yank everything from the cursor to the EOL. - Added the inoremap
to delete de current line from Insert Mode. - Added the nnoremap
to isolate the current line. - Added the nnoremap
to add a new line below. - Added the nnoremap
to join lines. - Added 'binary' filetype settings.
- Added 'markdown' filetype settings.
- Added 'mail' filetype settings.
- Installed the plugin 'vim-capslock': use
(Insert Mode) instead of Caps Lock key. - Removed the nnoremap
(replace the word under the cursor). Useciw
instead. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>f
. - The nnoremap
(toggle the 'loclist') changed to<Leader>e
. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>h
. - The nnoremap
) changed to<Leader>l
. - Added the nnoremap
to paste from the clipboard. - The nnoremap
changed to<Leader>ya
(yank all).
- Installed the plugin 'vim-instant-markdown'
- Added a map to preview markdown files using
. - The vnoremap
(sorting lines) changed to<Leader>az
. - Installed the plugin 'open-browser'.
- Installed the plugin 'MatchTagAlways'.
- Installed the plugin 'Emmet'.
- Fixed
for tmux. - Improved conditional to enable 256 colors, matching to a
pattern. - Turn
to comment (don't remember the last open buffer on close). - Better maps for splitting and resizing windows, so it fits in my
. - Stop resizing all windows when the terminal is resized. Makes no sense.
- Removed the nnoremap
(delete the last character).
- Fixed the map for reloading settings
. Now it uses$MYVIMRC
var. - Fixed
, so it works in all files (*
). - The nnoremap
(search the word under the cursor) changed to<Leader><CR>
. - The vnoremap
(search the visual selection) changed to<Leader><CR>
. - The nnoremap
(disable highlight) changed to<Leader><BS>
. - The inoremap
(toggle NERDCommenter) have been deleted. - The nnoremap
(toggle 'NERDTree') changed to<C-N>
. - Jump to the end of line in Insert Mode using
- Installed a pluggin for a smoother scrolling.
- Changed
to 0. - Set
(always, in term and GUI). - Added a map to reload the current colorscheme.
- Added a map to display syntax highlighting groups.
- Added a map for
(Visual Mode). - Added a map to jump to the end of line in the Insert Mode.
- Added ignore case when autocompletes when browsing files.
- Added maps for 'gitgutter' hunks: next, prev and preview.
- Added a map to delete the current file:
. - Added a map to reload the current colorscheme:
. - Removed conditional statement on 'tabularize' settings.
- Rename the title of tmux tabs with the current filename.
- New
. (4 characters). - Search the word under cursor without jumping to the next result.
- Search the selected text without jumping to the next result.
- Disabled 'Fly Mode' from plugin 'auto-pairs'.
- Vim-airline's tabline show only the filename instead of path.
- Installed plugins for autocomplete and snippets.
- Added a new category for
settings. - Installed the plugin 'QuickRun'.
- Set
to 250.
- Initial commit, first version.