- Normal mode
it's the default help.<F2>
renames the current buffer.<F3>
toggles line numbers.<F4>
toggles relative numbers.<F5>
reloads all open buffers.<F6>
toggles list.<F7>
opens the:terminal
toggles spell checking.<F9>
toggles spell dictionaries.<F10>
toggles colorcolumn.<F11>
toggles Goyo plugin.<F12>
reloads your Vim/Neovim configuration.
- Normal mode
goes to the previous buffer.<C-l>
goes to the next buffer.<Leader>bd
closes the current buffer.<Leader>s
updates the buffer (save).<Leader>S
updates all the buffers.<Leader>bb
opens the:edit
opens a list of all buffers.<Leader>by
copies the filepath to the clipboard.<Leader>dd
switches CWD to the current filepath.<Leader>dg
switches CWD to the git root directory.yab
yanks the buffer content.dab
deletes the buffer content.vab
selects the buffer content.
- Normal mode
closes the current tab.<Leader>to
closes all the tabs except the current.<Leader>tt
opens the:tabedit
moves the tab position to the left.<Leader>ty
moves the tab position to the right.
- Normal mode
goes to the window: left.<M-j>
goes to the window: down.<M-k>
goes to the window: up.<M-l>
goes to the window: right.<Leader>,f
toggles maximize/minimize the current window.<Leader>,
it iswincmd
to easily manage windows.<Leader>,-
splits window horizontally.<Leader>,.
splits window vertically.<Leader>,j
closes the current window.<Leader>,x
closes the current window forcing it.<Leader>,,
restores the proportional size of windows.<Leader>,l
returns to the last window.<Leader>,p
goes to the previous window.<Leader>,n
goes to the next window.<Leader>,o
closes all windows excepting the current.<M-d>.
scrolls down the preview window from another window.<M-u>.
scrolls up the preview window from another window.<Leader>.
closes the preview window from another window.q
closes the preview window (:pclose
) from inside.
Normal mode
moves lines down.K
moves lines up.H
moves character left.L
moves character right.<C-j>
joins lines.<C-k>
splits lines.<C-a>
increases a number value.<C-x>
decreases a number value.<C-e>
scrolls the window down [count].<C-y>
scrolls the window up [count].<C-d>
scrolls the window down 50%.<C-u>
scrolls the window up 50%.<C-b>
inits the Visual-block mode.<Leader>bf
autoformat a buffer (sql, js, html, xml, css).<Leader><BS>
deletes the Windows ^M.<Leader>o
isolates the current line.<Leader>f
enters a new line down from 'Normal Mode'.<Leader>F
enters a new line up from 'Normal Mode'.<Leader>tf
retabs the current buffer.<Leader>dt
removes trailing white spaces.<Leader>p
pastes text from the clipboard.coi
sets the conceallevel to 0, concealcursor to niv.coo
sets the conceallevel to 2, concealcursor to vc.cop
sets the conceallevel to 2, concealcursor to niv.com
sets the conceallevel to 3, concealcursor to niv.zl
moves to the next misspelled word.zh
moves to the previous misspelled word.zp
suggests correctly spelled words.ñ
toggles the cursor position: start of text/end of line.cc
toggles the commented code.cx
duplicates a line up.cv
duplicates a line down.<Tab>
adds one tabulator.<S-Tab>
deletes one tabulator.<C-y>
toggles AutoPairs plugin.<C-z>
jumps to the next AutoPairs match.=
increases a markdown heading (pluginvim-md-headings
decreases a markdown heading (pluginvim-md-headings
toggles a checkbox (pluginvim-md-checkbox
removes a checkbox (pluginvim-md-checkbox
goes to the next markdown link.gh
goes to the previous markdown link.gd
removes the next markdown link.<Leader>cx
displays the cursor position and buffer word-count.
Visual mode
copies the selection into the clipboard.<Leader>z
toggles the case of the selection.<Leader>tf
retabs the current selection.<C-s>
expands neosnippet.v
expands the region selected.m
shrinks the selection.<Leader>cx
displays the cursor position and selection word-count.
Insert mode
moves the cursor to the start of line (0).<C-e>
moves the cursor to the end of line ($).<C-b>
moves the cursor back one character.<C-f>
moves the cursor forward one character.<C-h>
deletes the last character.<C-d>
deletes the current character.<C-u>
deletes all characters before the cursor.<C-j>
enters a new line.<C-k>
enters a digraph.<C-l>
toggles the CapsLock key.<C-s>
expands neosnippet.<C-x>
keyword completion: next.<C-p>
keyword completion: previous.ñr
inserts{% %}
inserts a\
inserts{{ }}
enter Vim's expression register (math).<C-z>
jumps to the next AutoPairs match.<C-q>
toggles AutoPairs plugin.
Command mode
moves the cursor to the start of line (0).<C-e>
moves the cursor to the end of line ($).<C-b>
moves the cursor back one character.<C-f>
moves the cursor forward one character.<C-h>
deletes the last character.<C-d>
deletes the current character.<C-g>
deletes a word, forward.<C-w>
deletes a word, backward.<C-u>
deletes all characters before the cursor.<C-j>
enters a new line.<C-k>
enters a digraph.<C-v>
pastes the yanked text (<C-r>"
toggles the CapsLock key.<C-n>
navigates command history: next.<C-p>
navigates command history: previous.
Surround maps for markdown
surrounds to{% \r %}
surrounds to{%- \r -%}
surrounds to_\r_
surrounds to**\r**
surrounds to<u>\r</u>
surrounds to<del>\r</del>
surrounds to<kbd>\r</kbd>
surrounds to<sub>\r</sub>
surrounds to<sup>\r</sup>
surrounds to[\r](//)
surrounds to{: .align-}
surrounds to[\r\](){:rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"}
surrounds to<a href=\"\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">\r<\/a>
surrounds to[\r]
surrounds to(\r)
surrounds to{\r}
surrounds to«\r»
Normal mode
searches forward for the pattern.<Leader><Space>
searches backward for the pattern.<Leader><CR>
highlights the word under the cursor.<Leader>m
disables highlight.
Visual mode
highlights the current selection.
- Normal mode
vimgreps the highlight in the current buffer.<Leader>vf
vimgreps the highlight in the current directory.<Leader>vv
greps the highlight in the current buffer.<Leader>vn
greps the highlight in the current directory.<Leader>va
greps the highlight in the current arglist.<Leader>vm
grepadds the highlight of the current buffer.<Leader>n
goes to the next vimgrep result.<Leader>N
goes to the previous vimgrep result.
- Normal mode
replaces the highlight in the current buffer.<Leader>R
replaces the highlight the loaded buffers.<Leader>Q
replaces the highlight to each valid quickfix entry.
adds files to the arglist with:argadd
deletes files from the arglist with:argdelete
creates a new arglist starting with:args **/*.
displays the arglist vertically.
- Normal mode
toggles the plugin fugitive:Gstatus
previews the current GitGutter hunk.<Leader>j
goes to the next GitGutter hunk.<Leader>k
goes to the previous GitGutter hunk.<Leader>ga
adds the line to the staging area (GitGutter).<Leader>gu
undoes the hunk (GitGutter).<Leader>gv
starts the fugitive command:Gvdiffsplit
starts the fugitive command:Gvdiffsplit HEAD
starts the fugitive command:Gblame
searches a string between commits (Glog).<Leader>gz
opens the menu of:Commits
- Normal mode
goes to the previous warning/error.<Leader>l
goes to the next warning/error.<Leader>q
toggles the quickfix window.<Leader>e
toggles the location list window.
Normal mode
opens, focuses or closes NERDTree.<C-t>
opens, focuses or closes Tagbar.<C-q>
opens the menu of:Files
opens the menu of:Buffers
opens the menu of:History
opens the menu of:BLines
opens the menu of:Tags
opens the menu of:BTags
opens the menu of:BTags
, filter functions (FZF).<Leader>uv
opens the menu of:BTags
, filter variables (FZF).<Leader>ii
runs a script and previews it in a split window.<Leader>ij
runs a script into a tmux window.<Leader>ia
adds/changes the path of a database.<Leader>ii
executes SQL (Sqlite3) and previews it in a split window.<Leader>ii
executes Maxima and previews it in a split window.<Leader>ii
converts LaTeX to PDF and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
converts MD to PDF and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ih
converts MD to HTML and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ij
converts MD to EPUB and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
converts UML (PlantUML) to PNG and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
converts EUK (Eukleides) to PNG and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
converts ASY (Asymptote) to PNG and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
converts PP3 (Sky charts) to PNG and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
converts PLT (Gnuplot) to PNG and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
renders POV (POV-Ray) to PNG and previews it with Mupdf.<Leader>ii
runs/stops bundle in the background, for liquid files.<Leader>ij
previews the current post (MD file) in the web browser.<Leader>cc
gets the keyword density of a text.<Leader>B
shows syntax highlighting groups.<Leader>U
toggles the plugin Undotree.<Leader>W
inits ArgWrap plugin.<Leader>T
uses tgpt; the ouput goes to the buffer.<Leader>ww
opens the personal vimwiki.<Leader>we
toggles the status of a vimwiki list item.gll
increases indentation level of a vimwiki list item.glh
decreases indentation level of a vimwiki list item.<Leader>gl
opens the URL under the cursor in a web browser.gi
inits the plugin EasyAlign.
Visual mode
inits tabularize plugin.<Leader>X
inits tabularize plugin (only the first match).
FZF plugin (customized)
hides the window preview (into FZF).
- Terminal mode
returns to the last window (Neovim).<F7>t
returns to the last window (Vim).
- Command mode
save the current buffer with sudo permissions.