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Here's a google doc we'll paste stuff into for quick notes: HHMI Notes
We'll have breaks with snacks (at least it was promised!)
Day 1:
Shell Introduction (Adina)
Python Basics (Mike)
Python Advanced (Jordan)
Version Control (Jordan)
Day 2:
Advanced data analysis / Pandas (Mike)
Testing / Debugging (Jordan)
Automation (Jordan)
Summary / Survey (Adina)
Git quick guide:
To get course materials downloaded for the first time, at the shell prompt:
git clone
cd swc_hhmi
To update the materials, do:
git pull origin master
Ipython Notebook quick quide:
To run:
ipython notebook --pylab=inline
c:\anaconda\scripts\ipython notebook --pylab=inline
To execute code:
shift-ENTER #execute current code cell and move to next
cntl-ENTER #execute current code and say in current cell
Check install: