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Releases: getnacelle/nacelle-js

@nacelle/[email protected]

25 Feb 00:07
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Patch Changes

  • 0d3e3bd: In TypeScript projects, the .content, .products, .productCollections, and .productCollectionEntries methods no longer require type assertions on their return values. The type will be inferred based on the value of params.edgesToNodes.
  • bd174e5: Adds error handling to commerce queries & makes commerce queries return data directly instead of { data, error }
  • Updated dependencies [5ae2891]

@nacelle/[email protected]

03 Feb 16:24
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Minor Changes

  • bc70cfe: - Replaced @vue/composition-api with Vue 2.7. This breaks compatibility with @nuxtjs/composition-api versions 0.32.0 and below. Users of @nuxtjs/composition-api will need to make sure that they're using a version of 0.33.x or above of that package.

    • Users using @nacelle/vue with Nuxt, may need to be add @nacelle/vue to the transpile key of their nuxt.config.js file.
    build: { transpile: [({ isLegacy }) => isLegacy && '@nacelle/vue'] },

@nacelle/[email protected]

24 Jan 16:26
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Minor Changes

  • 35c31db: Upgraded the Shopify Storefront API version from 2022-10 to 2023-01.

@nacelle/[email protected]

29 Dec 16:23
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Major Changes

  • c0e3aee: Generate TypeScript types from the Nacelle Storefront GraphQL schema.

@nacelle/[email protected]

14 Dec 19:59
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Major Changes

  • c89e5c2: feat(breaking!): adds options for language and country codes to cart create.

    • Now defaults to setting the language to EN in all queries and mutations if no language is passed to the createCart function.
  • c89e5c2: feat(breaking!): allows for nacelleEntryId's to be passed into cart methods.

    As part of this, renames merchandiseId to variantId to limit confusion of shopify merchandiseId and Nacelle's Variant Id.

  • c89e5c2: feat: return cart, userErrors and errors from all client methods

  • c89e5c2: feat(breaking!): Exports esm builds as nacelle-shopify-cart.mjs

    • feat(breaking!): Uses es2018 instead of es2015.
    • chore: removes some rollup vite.config.js configuration to use vite 3.x defaults
    • chore: uses esbuild for building/minifying
  • c89e5c2: Breaking!: Uses cost in query for Cart and LineItems instead of deprecated estimatedCost.

Minor Changes

  • c89e5c2: refactor: update how nacelleEntryIds get transformed

    • add additional locale parameter to client initialization & setConfig
    • remove nacelleEntryId from line item attributes
  • c89e5c2: feat: adds getConfig and setConfig functions

    • getConfig allows for reviewing options set in the cart client such as the language, country, the Shopify Shop Id, and other options.
    • setConfig allows for updating some of the configuration options used to make requests to Shopify - namely language and country at this juncture.
  • c89e5c2: Updates cartLine merchandise to include nacelleEntryId and sourceEntryId

  • c89e5c2: fix: check existence of Shopify response keys before accessing children cart & userErrors

  • c89e5c2: Added a mechanism for querying additional Cart properties. When initializing the cart client, supplying customFragments allows you to define GraphQL properties of interest. The customFragments are applied to all client methods.

Patch Changes

  • c89e5c2: feat: use nodes array instead of edges array for pagination.
  • c89e5c2: docs: support/release schedule
  • c89e5c2: Reverts documentation to be included in the package README
  • c89e5c2: Allow cartCreate mutation to accept no parameters
  • c89e5c2: Updates the Shopify Storefront API version to 2022-10.
  • c89e5c2: Adds a new cartSelectedDeliveryOptionsUpdate method to the client. This method corresponds to the cartSelectedDeliveryOptionsUpdate mutation added in the 2022-10 version of the Shopify Storefront API.
  • c89e5c2: Update projects to use the latest version of @nacelle/shopify-cart
  • c89e5c2: docs: updated responses/errors
  • c89e5c2: Added documentation for customFragments that can be supplied to the cartClient.
  • c89e5c2: Added pagination logic for cart line items. The { cart } response will now contain all cart.lines, rather than just the first page of cart.lines results.

@nacelle/[email protected]

23 Nov 18:26
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Patch Changes

  • f7ec109: Fixes an issue with Shopify global IDs. Shopify have updated their Storefront API to return plaintext global IDs, rather than Base64-encoded global IDs, as has been the norm for a very long time. Now, @nacelle/shopify-checkout will accept either plaintext or Base64-encoded global IDs in its methods.

@nacelle/[email protected]

22 Nov 22:13
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Patch Changes

  • 3cf6e7b: Fixes an issue with the checkout completed value being returned as false when a checkout was in fact completed.

@nacelle/[email protected]

16 Nov 00:58
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Minor Changes

  • 26c1b50: This fixes content linking bugs that result from the API changes:

    1. Excludes assets from content node linking logic since they are not queryable at the top level and thus not referenceable despite having NacelleEntryId's.
    2. Removes any unresolvable NacelleReferences from the content tree. These are usually due to unpublished/deleted content.

@nacelle/[email protected]

31 Oct 17:21
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Patch Changes

  • 9ab1f63: Adds a new cartSelectedDeliveryOptionsUpdate method to the client. This method corresponds to the cartSelectedDeliveryOptionsUpdate mutation added in the 2022-10 version of the Shopify Storefront API.

@nacelle/[email protected]

25 Oct 20:39
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Patch Changes

  • c973886: Documentation for @nacelle/shopify-cart is now available at
  • e081dd7: Updates the Shopify Storefront API version to 2022-10.