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Releases: gggeek/ggsysinfo


09 Jan 19:23
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One minor bugfix and a small improvement


15 Oct 21:51
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  • a view showing efficiency of realpath cache configuration in php.ini; useful especially when using the eZ5 stack:
  • vastly improved support for cluster mode:
    the views "system status", "log file stats", "cache stats", "storage stats", "phpinfo" and opcode caches are clustered:
    when appropriately configured, they will display data from all nodes in the cluster, in an iframe for each.
    This extends to viewing contents of log files from all cluster nodes from a single console!
    Configuration is done in sysinfo.ini
  • a view listing all available workflow event types and the workflows using them
  • the report.php cli script now can generate a report with all ini settings
  • the "log view" view can now display any custom logs, not just ezpublish ones. Including Smfony ones :-)
  • the "cache stats" view does display size of Smfony on-disk caches as well as eZ4 caches
  • bumped up php requirements to version 5.3


  • the systemstatus view can be extended with custom tests from other extensions
  • the list of views available in the System Information tab can be extended by other extensions
  • the list of reports available on the command line can be extended by other extensions
  • the views showing cache and storage stats have been separated into a "local" and "clustered" view when in ezdfs
    mode. This allows to f.e. query the local data often without hitting the NFS mount at all
  • lots of internal refactoring. If you had extended/patched the extensions, I am sorry. This is better for the long term
  • the "content stats" view now reports the number of documents in solr, if ezfind is enabled, plus more data
    about database contents, such as maximum number of nodes and links per object (important for cache clearing)
  • the report.php cli script now defaults to listing available reports, not executing all of them (as there are many verbose ones)


  • systemstatus tests all report results as '1', '0' or 'X' strings (not integers)


25 May 14:31
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  • two command-line scripts to generate comprehensive reports about current installation
  • new report view: all ini settings
  • add support for OpCache and Zend Accelerator Plus infos


  • add description on top of most pages to make it easier to understand the results
  • better "class definition export": now include class metadata, not only attributes


  • better error messages for "graph" pages if zetacomponents graph is missing
  • declare dependency on zetacomponents graph for composer-driven installs


25 May 14:31
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  • a new page with statistics about the mysql client (only available with the mysqlnd extension)
  • a new page checking syntax errors in template files
  • a new page running all tests from setup wizard (usecase: check system requirements after moving to a new server)


  • in log file list, show all log files found, not just eZ standard ones
  • check all php files for valid syntax using php cli executable if found (NB: it takes a LOONG time)
  • don't check for php closing tag in php files: it is not mandatory


  • integration with ezgeshi had been disabled in version 0.5