- Fixed issue #138
- Fixed an error with draw_tour_axes
- Added documentation on plotting a particular projection
- New optimisation routine, using the jellyfish optimiser.
- New PP indexes from cassowaryr package, stringy, MIC and TIC.
- Attempted fix for positron, but still not working.
- New skewness index, as defined in original Cook, Buja, Cabrera paper.
- anomaly tour is initialised with a random basis
- option to label only long axes
- bug fix for save_history with lda_pp
- major change: rescale is now FALSE by default.
- flea is now standardised measurements, and flea_raw is the original units.
- TeachingDemos removed as a Suggests, and replaced with aplpack for drawing Chernoff faces.
- addition of a pre-specified ellipse can be added to the 2D display.
- palette can now be a vector of values.
- a new projection pursuit index for finding anomalies relative to a null variance-covariance matrix. May still need more work.
- point shapes can now be specified like palettes
- Updated version to indicate some nice new additions for the package
- Fix to duplicating bases during interpolate
- New display type: animate_idx
- Edges now working correctly in display_groupxy
- Interpolate had an error in calculating distance between planes which is fixed
- Small changes in prep for CRAN
- Time for it to be a full version number
- Changed line colours to take a factor, and be handled the same as points.
- Fixed sizing issue in display_trails
- Set rescale default to be FALSE
- display_dist() has controls to change binwidth, and to scale the height of the bars or density in each projection.
- Finally modified density plot to include colours
- Added palette option display functions
- Fixed a bug in display_slice(), display_density2d(), display_groupxy(), display_pca(), display_sage(), manual_slice(), caused by changes in handling colour vector in display_xy()
- Added line with for edges to display_xy()
- Changed default colour scale
- Bug fixes
- Support for displaying point labels
- Color and shape legend added for animate_xy
- Added a render_anim to create a plotly animation
- Fixed a bug in save_history so that if start is provided it doesn't get duplicated
- Fix to is_orthonormal so it doesn't just stop if not a matrix
- Added routine to draw projected data and axes
- Added argument to render tours as gifs without looping
- Shorten run time of several examples
- Changed most dontrun to donttest
- Fix examples based on CRAN checks
- splines2d force data to be data frame for model
- splines2d function fixed to pass in the data as required by mgcv::gam
- Handle problem of mismatching number of frames in render_gif
- Slice center navigation now has positions
- Fixed bug in slice tour when anchor was not provided
- Added slice center guide
- Adding manual slicing
- Error fixed in is_orthonormalise(), which is to check whether a vector is normalised
- Error fixed in orthonormalise_by(), which needed to run over columns of new matrix, too
A radial tour is added that will allow a variable to be zero'd from a projection.
Fixes made according to CRAN requests
Two vignettes have been added to help users get started.
Little tour now cycles twice through variable list, in a randomised order.
Two new projection pursuit indexes have been added, based on function from the archived package mbgraphic.
A slice tour is now available using the function animate_slice(). A new index for searching for interesting slices is available.
A principal component analysis tour display is now available, that renders the axes of the original variables. This requires appropriate scaling of data ahead of time. See the example code.
A new record option is available to print out diagnostic information for every step. Bind the animate code to a name will store the record object. The ferrn package at https://github.com/huizezhang-sherry/ferrn can be used to diagnose the optimisation techniques.
Improvements to the optimisation functions have been made: search_better has an interrupt if a higher index is achieved mid-path; search_polish takes a best basis from another routine, and makes small steps to get a very best projection close by.
Set the default fps to 10, to compatibly draw with RStudio window.
Added a
file to track changes to the package. -
Indexes holes and cmass functions now follow the same style as lda_pp and pda_pp, which means that you need to use them with holes(), and cmass()
A new display type, groupxy has been added, which will run the same tour on subsets of the data in a split plot window