- Learn Python by DataCamp - only "Learn the Basics" is really needed
- Even then, classes, dictionaries, modules, etc. aren't crucial
- A Whirlwind Tour of Python Sections 1-9
- Visualize Python - V. useful for 'watching' code run
- Introduction to Python 3 (basics)
- Software Carpentry
- Python for Chemists: Getting Started (U. Washington)
- Python Basics - Learn Python and Control structures sections is needed
- Informal Introduction to Python
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, Ch. 1-4
There are countless guides to learning more Python. Here are a small set targeted at some form of science or engineering audience. In general, these are free:
- Foundations of Python Programming
- Mathematical Python
- Modeling and Simulation in Python
- Think Python
- Python for Astronomers
- Python in Chemistry, (U. Bath, UK)
- Python for Computational Science and Engineering (U. Southampton UK)
- Python Data Science Handbook with Jupyter Notebooks
- A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python - through the Pitt Library online access
- Effective Computation in Physics: Field Guide to Research with Python - through the Pitt Library online access
- Python for the Life Sciences: A Gentle Introduction - through the Pitt Library online access
- Real Python Mix of free and paid tutorials - basics up to advanced topics