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Giacomo Castellani edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 3 revisions

How to run the provided samples

Step 1 - Download this folder

Clone or download the repo.

Step 2

Build your local image...

Go to the root folder of the project and run:

docker build -f bundle.dockerfile . -t qest:bundle

Then, switch ti the samples folder and run:

docker build . -t qestsamples
docker run --rm -t qestsamples

...or run directly from the registry

In the sample folder run:

dotnet build ./sampleDb/ -c Release -o ./dacpac

Then run the command:

docker run --rm -t \
    -v {full/local/path}/tests:/tests \
    -v {full/local/path}/scripts:/scripts \
    -v {full/local/path}/dacpac:/db \
    --env DACPAC={filename} \

Step 3: you're done!

The output should look like this:

Running Test: SampleSP - Ok
Running Before scripts...
Checking ResultSet: sampleSpRS1
Result sampleSpRS1: OK
Checking Output Parameter: oldValue
Result oldValue: 0 == 0
Checking Return Code
Return Code: 0 == 0
Assert SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.SampleTable WHERE [Value] = 1: 1 == 1
Running After scripts...
Test SampleSP - Ok: OK

You have run a couple of tests on the stored procedure, and everything looks fine and green!

...Wait a minute!

Ok, let's assume you want to be sure that everything is actually being tested - let's go brake things. Go to the stored procedure definition in the sampleDb/dbo/Stored Procedures/SampleSP.sql file and change a little bit of logic: let's say that we want to know how many rows are updated during the operation.

At line 9, start by declaring @rc as 0:


And at line 29:


Now build the image again: you should get an error, and a log like:

Running Test: SampleSP - Ok
Running Before scripts...
Checking ResultSet: sampleSpRS1
Result sampleSpRS1: OK
Checking Output Parameter: oldValue
Result oldValue: 0 == 0
Checking Return Code
Return Code: 1 != 0
Assert SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.SampleTable WHERE [IntValue] = 1: 1 == 1
Running After scripts...
Test SampleSP - Ok: KO

As you see, the first test checked the resultset - good, the output parameter - good , but the return code expected was 0 and we got a 1.

Now: let's go to the test definition in the samples/tests folder.
As we expect to update one row when we execute the procedures with these parameters, we have to change row 28 from 0 to 1.
But wait! We have another test in the definition!
We have to change row 52 too, from 1 to 0 (in the negative test, we don't load the row we are trying to update, so @@ROWCOUNT is expected to be 0).

Now build / run the image again and everything runs smoothly as previously.

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