In their own words:
Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
To learn more about ArgoCD visit their website
In order to deploy ArgoCD, we will use its helm charts. They are available at the following github repo
The deployment of ArgoCD and Dandelion, follows the App of Apps approach.
This means that the ArgoCD will first install itself and then proceed to install all the required components.
Feel free to customize the argocd-bootstrap/values-${PROVIDER}.yaml
file enabling or disabling apps or networks at choice, then you can use this snippet to deploy.
-> NOTE: This snippet assumes you have htpasswd
cli tool (apache2-utils
package in Ubuntu), if you don't have it or can't install iy, please check section below on how to set a custom password to access ArgoCD.
cd argocd-bootstrap
export ARGOCD_HASHED_PASSWORD=$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 null $ARGOCD_PASSWORD | sed 's|null:\(.*\)|\1|g')
helm dependency update
helm dependency build
helm upgrade \
--create-namespace \
--namespace argocd \
--install argocd \
--set "argo-cd.configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPassword=${ARGOCD_HASHED_PASSWORD}" \
--set "argo-cd.configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPasswordMtime=$(date +%FT%T%Z)" \
-f values-scaleway.yaml \
-f values-scaleway-stakeboard.yaml \
ArgoCD requires username and password authentication. By default, at the moment of deploying ArgoCD for the first time, username is admin
and password is set to the full pod name of the argocd-server
You can easily find the password and access the service by following these steps:
- Get default username/password:
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod -n argocd --selector '' --template='{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
echo -e "Username: admin\nPassword: ${POD_NAME}"
- Expose ArgoCD server port locally on your machine so you can access it via http://localhost:8080:
kubectl port-forward -n argocd ${POD_NAME} 8080:8080
Alternatively you can set the password at bootstrap time. Steps are:
- Generate a new password
- Use the bcrypt to hash the password. You can use this convenience website to do so or
from theapache2-utils
suite like this:
ARGOCD_HASHED_PASSWORD=$(htpasswd -nbBC 10 null $ARGOCD_PASSWORD | sed 's|null:\(.*\)|\1|g')
- Specify the password when bootstrapping the cluster by replacing
helm upgrade \
--create-namespace \
--namespace argocd \
--install argocd \
--set "argo-cd.configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPassword=${ARGOCD_HASHED_PASSWORD}" \
--set "argo-cd.configs.secret.argocdServerAdminPasswordMtime=$(date +%FT%T%Z)" \
-f values-${APP_PROVIDER}-${APP_NETWORK}.yaml \
The ArgoCD website has a great FAQ Section