#Change Log
- links to regional summaries in goals sections
- current fuel prices are shown on overview pages
- length of data displayed in project/techology charts
- clean up of wordign and typos
- fixes various nans diplayed aroud summaries replacing them with Unknown or N/A
- pie chart for fuels for residential consumption on consumption page
- reformats generation table
- removes non-projects for hydropower and heat recovery on potential projects page
- added modeled tag to wind power modeled project on potential projects page
- plot titles on generation page
- consumption pie chart labels
- phrasing on many summaries fixed and expanded
- moved the heating degree days to the chart on the overview chart
- added link to consumption page, and expected savings on non-residential page
- added new info to water wastewater summary
- moves current genertion stuff from technologies to generation page
- added more info to wind power component
- added more info to solar power component
- added more info to transmission component
- added more info to biomass components
- added more info to ASHP components
- added more info to diesel efficiency component
- added more info to heat recovery component
- added a zero limit for consumption charts
- changes overview chart to used konwn values
- values in residential chart on consumption page
- project labeling on potential projects page
- transmission summary charts
- longs in charts converted to ints
- conversion factor for fuel consumed in ASHP summaries
- intertie list is not generated for not an intertie any more
- summaries updated to support new CommunityData, and Forecast systems in model 0.27.0
- url case ro regions on map
- regions layer to map
- formating to numbers on charts on tech summary page
- fixed missing values in heat recovery tech summary
- many typos
- urls with missing underscores
- costs by sector plot is now a pie chart and has been moved to end of consumption page
- energy consumption chart is a pie chart
- generation data in interied community summary pages now directs viewer to intertie page
- no duplicates on potential project pages for communities with similar names
- removes green highlight N/A projects/technoogies on potential projects page
- updates described in Model 25 notes.pptx have been applied
- barrow is listed as a alternate name for Utqiagvik
- fixes missing imports
- fixes missing COMPONENT_NAME and DESCRIPTION variables
- split out html summary code
- update summaires based on comments from neil
For eariler changes see changelog.md