( see http://fatfractal.com/docs/getting-started/ )
cd DataImport
ffef deploylocal
We're going to Import the data from the thing.json file using the simpleImport extension ** NB: We're using http here, for convenience. ALWAYS use https when talking to the internet
curl -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
--data @thing.json \
-u system:P4ssw0rd \
You should have seen output something like :
{"result":{"extensionResponse":"Extension did not set a response"},"statusMessage":"Added 5 new objects; ignored 0 which already existed"}
curl http://localhost:8080/DataImport/ff/resources/Thing
Sick of ugly JSON output? Well, thanks to Dave Dopson's https://github.com/ddopson/underscore-cli, now you can do this!
curl http://localhost:8080/DataImport/ff/resources/Thing | underscore print --outfmt pretty