Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
Clone and run Scotch Box, a full-featured development environment for php
git clone https://github.com/scotch-io/scotch-box.git SWIFACE cd SWIFACE vagrant up or mkdir SWIFACE cd SWIFACE vagrant init ACASADO/SWiface vagrant up
Clone SWIFACE repository into the webroot of the Scotch Box
rm ./public/index.php git clone https://github.com/glidernet/SWiface-PHP public git clone https://github.com/glidernet/SWiface public/main ln -s public html vagrant ssh # The following commands get executed in the vm do-release-upgrade cd /var/www/public/main bash install.sh cd ~/src bash SWlive
Access your local SWIFACE instance at On Silent Wings Studio: File->Browse JSON Events->
(optional, for email debugging) Run MailCatcher, accessible at
vagrant@scotchbox:~$ mailcatcher --http-ip= composer update
Review the installation
For installing SWiface using a docker container, go to the dockerfiles directory and execute install.sh
For installing SWiface on a VM machine, go to the provisioning directory and execute install.sh