Install VirtualBox and Vagrant
Clone and run Cognac Box, a full-featured development environment for php
git clone https://github.com/reddingwebpro/cognacbox.git ogn-ddb cd ogn-ddb vagrant up
Clone ogn-ddb repository into the webroot of the Cognac Box
rm ./public/index.php git clone https://github.com/glidernet/ogn-ddb public vagrant ssh # The following commands get executed in the vm cd /var/www/public composer update cp sql.php.dist sql.php mysql -uroot -proot --database cognacbox < database_schema.sql
Access your local ogn-ddb instance at
(optional, for email debugging) Configure MailHog, accessible at
MailHog is installed by default on CognacBox.
by adding the follwoing line:sendmail_path = /home/vagrant/go/bin/mhsendmail
Then restart apache to take it into account:
sudo service apache2 restart