CV-Generator relies on Velocity as template engine. The template has a rigid structure where there is:
- a file for each section, except the personal info section;
- a file describing all the settings (e.g., in terms of packages to use);
- a dedicated file reporting all the personal information;
- a bibliography file;
- a main file pointing to all the abovementioned files.
The template structure is the following:
├── main.vm
├── info.vm
├── settings.vm
├── bibliography.vm
├── sections
├── education.vm
├── language.vm
├── privacy.vm
├── project.vm
├── publication.vm
├── skill.vm
└── work.vm
Whereas a rendered template will be:
├── include
│ ├── sections
│ │ ├── education.tex
│ │ ├── language.tex
│ │ ├── privacy.tex
│ │ ├── project.tex
│ │ ├── publication.tex
│ │ ├── skill.tex
│ │ └── work.tex
│ ├── info.tex
│ └── settings.tex
├── bibliography.bib
└── main.tex