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Yggdrasil is an immense mythical tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology.

Yggdrasil is an agnostic publisher/subscriber:

  • Multi-node pubsub.
  • Simple API (subscribe/1, unsubscribe/1, publish/2).
  • GenServer wrapper for handling subscriber events easily.
  • Several fault tolerant adapters:

Small Example

The following example uses the Elixir distribution to send the messages:

iex(1)> Yggdrasil.subscribe(name: "my_channel")
iex(2)> flush()
{:Y_CONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{...}}

and to publish a for the subscribers:

iex(3)> Yggdrasil.publish([name: "my_channel"], "message")
iex(4)> flush()
{:Y_EVENT, %Yggdrasil.Channel{...}, "message"}

When the subscriber wants to stop receiving messages, then it can unsubscribe from the channel:

iex(6)> Yggdrasil.unsubscribe(name: "my_channel")
iex(7)> flush()
{:Y_DISCONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{...}}

For convinience, Yggdrasil is also a GenServer wrapper for subscribing to one or several channels e.g the following Subscriber prints every message it receives from the channel [name: "my_channel"]:

defmodule Subscriber do
  use Yggdrasil

  def start_link do
    channel = [name: "my_channel"]
    Yggdrasil.start_link(__MODULE__, [channel])

  @impl true
  def handle_event(_channel, message, _state) do
    IO.inspect message
    {:ok, nil}


Channels, though internally use the struct Yggdrasil.Channel.t(), they can be any map or keyword list with the following keys:

Key Default Meaning
adapter :elixir (OTP message distribution) Adapter where subscribers subscribe to and publishers publish to.
name no defaults Name of the channel. Depends on the adapter.
transformer :default (does nothing to the messages) The way the adapter encodes outgoing messages and decodes incoming messages.
backend :default (Phonix.PubSub) The way the messages are distributed across nodes.
namespace nil Name of the configuration of the adapter. This allows several configurations for the same adapter e.g. two different PostgreSQL databases.

This means that the channel [name: "my_channel"] actually translates to:

  adapter: :elixir,
  name: "my_channel",
  transformer: :default,
  backend: :default,
  namespace: nil


An adapter is the implementation of the behaviour Yggdrasil.Adapter. This behaviour depends on two other behaviours:

  • Yggdrasil.Subscriber.Adapter for implementing subscribers for a specific adapter.
  • Yggdrasil.Publisher.Adapter for implementing publishers for a specific adapter.

The following are the available adapters and their respective projects:

Adapter Yggdrasil Adapter Dependencies Description
OTP :elixir (default) :yggdrasil Multi node subscriptions
OTP :bridge :yggdrasil Converts any adapter to multi node
RabbitMQ :rabbitmq :yggdrasil_rabbitmq Fault tolerant pubsub for exchanges and routing keys
Redis :redis :yggdrasil_redis Fault tolerant pubsub for Redis channels
PostgreSQL :postgres :yggdrasil_postgres Fault tolerant pubsub for PG_NOTIFY messages
GraphQL :graphql :yggdrasil_graphql Converts any adapter to a GraphQL subscription

For more information on how to use them, check the corresponding repository documentation.


A transformer is the implementation of the behaviour Yggdrasil.Transformer. In essence implements two functions:

  • decode/2 for decoding messages coming from the adapter.
  • encode/2 for encoding messages going to the adapter

Yggdrasil has two implemented transformers:

Transformer Description
:default Does nothing to the messages and it is the default transformer used if no transformer has been defined.
:json Transforms from Elixir maps to string JSONs and viceversa.


A backend is the implementation of the behaviour Yggdrasil.Backend. The module is in charge of distributing the messages with a certain format inside Yggdrasil. Currently, there is only one backend, :default, and it is used by default. It uses Phoenix.PubSub to distribute the messages.

The messages received by the subscribers when using :default backend are:

  • {:Y_CONNECTED, Yggdrasil.Channel.t()} when the connection with the adapter is established.
  • {:Y_EVENT, Yggdrasil.Channel.t(), message()} when a message is received from the adapter.
  • {:Y_DISCONNECTED, Yggdrasil.Channel.t()} when the connection with the adapter is finished due to disconnection or unsubscription.

This backend is the only backend supported by Yggdrasil behaviour.

Multi node

Though :elixir adapter has built-in support for multi node pubsub, that's not the case with the other adapters. To overcome this limitation, :bridge adapter is capable of connecting to a remote adapter if and only if this adapter is not present in the current node e.g. let's say we have the following scenario:

  • Node A has :yggdrasil.
  • Node B has :yggdrasil_rabbitmq.
  • The nodes A and B are connected.

Then is possible for the node A to connect to RabbitMQ through node B by using the :bridge adapter:

For subscription:

iex(1)> channel = [
...(1)>   name: [name: {"amq.topic", "foo"}, adapter: :rabbitmq],
...(1)>   adapter: :bridge
...(1)> ]
iex(2)> Yggdrasil.subscribe(channel)
iex(3)> flush()
{:Y_CONNECTED, %Yggdrasil.Channel{(...)}}

and for publishing:

iex(1)> channel = [
...(1)>   name: [name: {"amq.topic", "foo"}, adapter: :rabbitmq],
...(1)>   adapter: :bridge
...(1)> ]
iex(2)> Yggdrasil.publish(channel, "bar")


Yggdrasil works out of the box with no special configuration at all. However, it is possible to tune the publisher pool:

Option Default Description
publisher_options [size: 1, max_overflow: 5] Poolboy options for publishing. Controls the amount of connections established with the adapter service.

For more information about configuration using OS environment variables check the module Yggdrasil.Config.


Yggdrasil is available as a Hex package. To install, add it to your dependencies in your mix.exs file:

  • For Elixir < 1.8 and Erlang < 21

    def deps do
      [{:yggdrasil, "~> 4.1"}]
  • For Elixir ≥ 1.8 and Elixir < 1.12 and Erlang ≥ 21 and Erlang < 23

    def deps do
      [{:yggdrasil, "~> 5.0"}]
  • For Elixir Elixir ≥ 1.12 and Erlang ≥ 23

    def deps do
      [{:yggdrasil, "~> 6.0"}]


Alexander de Sousa.


Yggdrasil is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.